日本のイスラーム (Islam in Japan)


第3回モスク代表者会議に出席して(Attending The 3rd Meeting of Representative of Masjids in Japan)

2011年03月10日 | Islam in Japan 2010


photo by Sister Reem

アッサラーム アライクム。皆さんに平安あれ。









Assalaamu 'Alaykum, my dear brothers and sisters,

Alhamdu lillaah, the happiest thing for me to attend the 3rd Meetings of Representatives of Masjids in Japan held by Waseda University on March 6, 2011 was meeting many beloved, respected brothers all at once.

Recieving Ustadh Tawfeeq Sumi from Sapporo at the Haneda Airport on Saturday night, Alhamdu lillaah, my happy time with Muslim brothers continued in large scale till the following Sunday night.

Leaving Gyotoku station together with Ustadh Tawfeeq and my beloved brother, Dr.Mujahid Matsuyama to go to Waseda was really a joyful time and meeting after one year with Shaykh Ibraaheem Okubo and Shaykh Sulaymaan Hamanaka was another delightful moments for me. Along meeting with other respected brothers, I reminded myself again of how important it is to meet and spend time with highly motivated faithful brothers who really charge my own motivation. 











Alhamdu lillaah, I was happy and honord to meet the Korean Imam from Korea Muslim Federation, Shaykh AbdurRahman Lee and listened from him about Islam and Muslims in Korea which I didn't know much before.

Maa shaa Allah, among many similarities between the situations of Muslims in Japan and Korea, one huge difference we found was that they have one large umbrella organiztion called "Korea Muslim Federation" and its central large Masjid in the center of Seoul, their capital city, which was built with the help of Korean Government in 1976.

Besides, Shaykh Lee mentioned that the number of Korean Muslims are about 35,000, which is more than 3 times double of the number of Japanese Muslims.

However, it seems to be including those who once became Muslim with their worldly purposes then disappeared and it is confirmed by Shaykh Sulaymaan Hamanaka who actually went and visited Korea and heard from Korean Da'wah workers there how they wish if they had active realities like Muslims in Japan have. (If we, Muslims in Japan, were to count the numbers of those who mentioned Shahaadah once but disappeared afterward, the number of Japanese Muslims would be more than them)

Plus, having one big central Masjid and Federation supported by the government cannot be totally free from governmental political manipulation which we Muslims need to be careful about. Therefore, I conclude that the situation we Muslims in Japan are in is quite good and in some natural progress of forming our activities by our own even if there were a lot to be developed.


 Some participants of the panel discussion gathered earlier in the morning to have some tea gathering and Alhamdu lillaah, we could exchange our opinions and listened to Imam Lee more frankly and in details of Muslims in Korea.



photo by Mr.Okai


By the time Shaykh Ibraaheem Okubo mentioned his opinion of the importance to educate the coming generation and build the good infrastracture for them to be the future leaders of Islam in Japan, I couldn't hold myself but to mention my full agreement to his opinion and that we would not be able to take concreat steps to achieve it unless we manage ourselves to make the most of those who studied Islam many years in Muslim countries and came back to Japan.


Islam in Japan 2010 part 10

2010年12月17日 | Islam in Japan 2010




Dreams of “Uniting” or “Bountiful Donation” deceives us to accomplish great works If we had them, however, life experience teaches us that we must start with our own so the grass-roots efforts are the most promising way to keep working for the sake of Allah without losing our hopes.


We are in the age of Internet and Websites.

To answer the theme of this article, “How can we develop Muslim Communities in Japan?”, we should make the most of this technology given by our Lord without neglecting the importance of communicating face to face in real.

Efforts of increasing accesses between Muslims and Muslims as well as Muslims and non Muslims both stimulates good interactions and shall grant many fruits of new and sound cooperation, which would be contributing in community building and delivering the message of Islam to non Muslims, In shaa Allah.


I feel quite optimistic for the future of Islam and Muslims in Japan when I find Individual Muslims efforts are increasing through different kinds of blogs such as;

http://zahrypics.blogspot.com/             (for Sister Iman)

http://mielgengembre.blogspot.com/         (for Sister Sumeyye)

http://blog.goo.ne.jp/basma/                 (for Sister Fatimah)

http://abdulwahidsyj.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/     (for Brother ‘AbdulWahid Yamane)

http://an-noor.ocnk.net/                        (for Sister Ameena)


          (Muslim town listed in HP of Shaykh Sulaymaan Hamanaka) …etc.


All responsible Muslims including myself should all reflect on themselves and work hard in the path of Allah with true sincerity in order to better their activities responsive to the needs of bridging between Muslims and their neighbors in Japan.


At last, let me repeat that I wish and hope that we, Muslims in Japan, could win some of your concerns and your precious Do’aa (Prayers) through this humble article so that our Merciful Lord may help us more answering your precious cares and prayers, In shaa Allah.





Book and Article for the reference:

- Cultural Office of Royal Embassy of Saudi Arabia in Japan, “Islam living in Japan – past, present, and future –”, 2010. Article by Shaykh Sulaymaan Akira HAMANAKA, “The view of Islam in Japan from data and figures”

- Abu Bakr Morimoto, Islam in Japan: Its Past, Present and Future, Islamic Centre Japan, 1980.

- Michael Penn, "Islam in Japan: Adversity and Diversity," Harvard Asia Quarterly, Vol. 10, No. 1, Winter 2006.

- Michael Penn, "Ahmad Maeno Interview”, Shingetsu Institute, Newsletter No. 1448, September 1, 2009.

- Keiko Sakurai, Nihon no Musurimu Shakai (Japan's Muslim Society), Chikuma Shobo, 2003.




Islam in Japan 2010 part 9

2010年12月17日 | Islam in Japan 2010



d-      To establish the educational system for taking cares of new converts/reverts to Islam

among Japanese speaking people and support them well enough

to take the responsibilities of Da’wah works in front line

and eventually to have many Japanese Muslim scholars and Do’aat (Callers)

to increase the general impression of Japanese people

such as “Islam looks beautiful but that is for foreigners”.


e-       To secure as many living Role Models among Japanese speaking Muslims as possible

for both new Muslims and growing children.


f-        To utilize the mass effects through TV and Radio channels

which offer the image and information of Islam with the Choice of viewer or listener,

instead of distributing booklets on Islam and neglected for leaving them no choice but to accept the gift.

Islam in Japan 2010 part 8

2010年12月17日 | Islam in Japan 2010



This situation is not going to change easily and all our hope is coming days, In shaa Allah,

how should we Muslims in Japan try our best efforts to overcome the following main challenges;


 a-       To set up the uniting gatherings or organization among leaders and representatives of Masjids and Islamic organizations in order to establish “The Supreme Council for Islamic Affairs in Japan”.


b-       To put utmost efforts in building a real Muslim community around a Masjid by encouraging Muslims to move near by and purchase some buildings near the Masjid as Waqf apartment for Muslims to rent with reasonable prices

while this rent income shall be circulated to the maintenance of Masjid.

This requires a good choice of Where to build a Masjid for the ease of enhancing the Hijrah (Moving with religious purpose) around the Masjid.


c-       To set the top priority in education and Tarbiyah of coming generations focusing on 3 skills beside rooting their hearts the love of Allah and His Messenger (S.A.W.);

1-       Basic understandings and knowledge of Islam for them to grow as Muslims

2-       Japanese language skill for them to find their solid places in Japan

3-       Arabic language or their father’s / mother’s mother tongue skill for them to acquire the key to expand their learning of Islam.  


Islam in Japan 2010 part 7

2010年12月17日 | Islam in Japan 2010

Chapter 3: Future




Almighty Allah says in His holy book of Qur’an;

“Certainly, you have an excellent model in the Messenger of Allah

for one who hopes (to meet) Allah and the Last Day

and who remembers Allah again and again”. (33:21)


Since our best and perfect role model is always our beloved Prophet Muhammad

(Peace and Blessings of Allah be upon him),

I conclude this article to stress on following the path of Allah’s Messenger (S.A.W.)

through starting Da’wah by ourselves and our families then enlarge its circulation around us.


As discussed in this article, Muslim workers and students are making a lot of efforts

in Da’wah activities in Japan but after all, most of them are temporal residents

and often the case their most priority is their work and study,

while the people who should have good reasons to dedicate their life for developing Muslims communities,

their numbers are very limited and many of them are working individually.