2013年7月~、Simple Adult Living 淡々と生きるブログ

似たもの読者^^にとって、価値のある 「生活行動ジャーナル」をめざします。

タイ首相ーーインラック氏  Too beautiful woman leader in Thailand

2014-02-28 19:40:02 | 日記


今日はたまたま、タイのインラック首相 に関する記事を 読んで、






これも 仕方ないのかなーー xxxx  と思ったりした。







タイの大洪水 (50年来で、最悪の災害) の時、







野党より求められる 非常事態宣言や新法を制定する代わりに、





2007年に もともと制定されていた、

災害予防・被害緩和の法律の条例 を発動し、


灌漑設備を備えた運河建設 に 即座に着手したというから、




あっぱれ@@ と思った。


「あるものを使う」 知恵^^  うれしくなってしまう^^





The 2011 rainy season saw the highest levels of rainfall in Thailand in the previous 50 years. Flooding started in northern Thailand on July 31, a week prior to Yingluck's appointment as Prime Minister.Flooding quickly spread from the North to the Central Chao Phraya River Basin, and by the beginning of October, the province of Ayutthaya, north of Bangkok, was almost flooded. The floods were the worst in Thailand in over 50 years. Yingluck established centralised flood monitoring and relief operations in mid-August and made tours of flooded provinces beginning 12 August.


Yingluck also pledged to invest in long-term flood prevention projects, including the construction of drainage canals. Flood reduction measures were hampered by disputes between people on the different sides of flood barriers: those on the flooded side in some instances sabotaged the barriers, sometimes resulting in armed confrontation.

Opposition leader Abhisit Vejjajiva and military leaders called for Yingluck to declare a state of emergency, claiming that it would give the military greater authority to deal with embankment sabotage. A state of emergency had last been declared in 2010 during the Abhisit-government's crackdown on anti-government protesters.

Yingluck refused to declare a state of emergency, saying that it would not improve flood management. Instead, she invoked the 2007 Disaster Prevention and Mitigation Act and issued a disaster warning which gave her government greater authority to manage flood control and drainage. 




生まれも血筋も良く、アメリカでも 教育を受け、聡明で美しい彼女 は、






こういう女性を 1国のリーダーに選ぶ国民 については、

日本の後進性 を思い知らされた気がする@@



安部総理の ウーマノミクス に期待し、

地域社会を明るく照らす 女性を 応援したいものだ^^


In terms of appointing competent woman as a political leader,

Japan seems to be far behind from Thailand.

Much expectation toward WOMANOMICS of

Prime Minister, Mr. Abe^^

