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【シーズン6】人生💯倍の祝福😊【聖書】ヨハネの福音書16章 苦難に勝利する

2024年06月09日 21時53分36秒 | 福音書
ヨハネの福音書16章 苦難に勝利する

John 16: Victory over Suffering
1. the Holy Spirit is sent (16:1-16)
It is believed that Jesus' public missionary work lasted for about three years. For the 12 disciples, who until then had led a simple life, except for catching fish, the three years they spent with Jesus must have been very exciting. Life is an encounter. Encountering Jesus can lead you to a life you never thought possible. But that exciting journey was suddenly coming to an end. Jesus was leaving.
In fact, the hostility of the religious people toward Jesus had reached such an extreme that they were in a disturbing mood: something was going to happen to Jesus, and their lives were not going to go on like this. To the perplexed and disturbed disciples, Jesus tells them that after He leaves, He will send the Holy Spirit, the Helper, who will protect their faith and help them in their work.
But what is this Holy Spirit? Aside from Christian heretics such as Jehovah's Witnesses, the Christian church has traditionally taught that the Holy Spirit is also God. It has believed in and adhered to the doctrine of the "triune God," the God the Father, the God the Son (Jesus Christ), and the God the Holy Spirit, who is one and indivisible. I will talk about the Trinity another time, but this passage clearly describes the work of God the Holy Spirit.
First, the Holy Spirit reveals the error of the world through the Christian in verse 8. In other words, he says that he shows man's sin and makes him aware of the fact that man makes himself God and refuses to acknowledge God. The Holy Spirit also makes known the righteousness of Christ, revealing that the words of Jesus are true and that he was truly the Son of God. And finally, verse 11, which is crucial. Verse 11 reveals that there has been judgment on the ruler of the world. In other words, Jesus testifies that He has triumphed. Faith is not the pursuit of an ideal image that cannot be seen. Faith is about seizing the blessing, about moving forward into the invitation to blessing, based on the victory of Jesus. No longer are those who tempt us, those who ensnare us, judged, and we are placed under the love of God who watches over us to move ahead in our new life.
2. take courage (16:17-33)
Now in verse 17, John tells of a situation on the eve of this crucifixion in which the disciples did not quite understand Jesus' words. Jesus went to the cross as the promised Savior, resurrected, and defeated the power of sin and death, as prophesied in the Old Testament. We can understand that now, but it was difficult for the disciples of that time to immediately understand what was being said. It had not yet happened. And later, as the resurrected Jesus appeared and explained to the disciples on their way to Emmaus, or as the Pentecostal  event occurred and the disciples were given heavenly admonitions, they needed an explanation. So they are encouraged to pray for the Holy Spirit (vv. 23, 24). For the Holy Spirit admonishes and teaches them all things concerning Jesus.
Finally, in verse 32, Jesus foretells that the disciples will pass through inevitable pain and sorrow, that they will be scattered, and that He will be left alone. The time in which John's Gospel was written was a time when a storm of persecution was raging against the Christian church. In the midst of this, there must have been others who, like Jesus, felt left out and were in danger of abandoning their faith. That is why verse 33 says, "In the world you will have tribulation, but take courage. But take courage. I have already overcome the world," and it was necessary to repeat the words of Jesus the Victor. In Christ, there is no tribulation in vain, no tribulation that ends in disappointment. So, I wish you a good day today.

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