

* Win or Loose / how much I should pay for a Taxi

2005-10-13 09:31:10 | サボテンの国への旅
I had a mistake, then I was so taking easy. As soon as I got off the bus, several taxi drivers talked to me. As I knew well the place I arrived, I easily believed the taxi driver. I had thought that the taxi fee was 5 dollars and I did not ask the driver anything about the fee. Approximately in 20 minutes he got me to the cabana, Lo Cosmico -the Cosmos-...

I asked him ¨Cuanto?¨ This means ¨how much?¨. He said to me ¨20 dollars¨ Uhhh,,, I don´t worry the price itself and I don´t want to loose the game of fee negotiation even though it is the place where I am strange.

I came back to him, ¨it is too expensive and it should be 5 dollars¨, right then he replied 15 dollars. I lost the game but hit some back to him...

Be brave to win the negotiation at the place you visit for the first time!!!
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