◆ The People who Eat Mold, Poison, and Insanitary
( 人々は、カビと、毒と、不衛生を食う )
◆ The Route of the Vicious Circle
has Already been Established
( 悪循環のルートは、既に確立されましたよ )
◆ He Forgets his Descendant,
and is Washing a Red Carpet
For The Worst King.
( 彼は自分の子孫を忘れ
赤い絨毯を洗っている )
◆ The people who made a mistake on their own are permitted,
and the people who don't make a mistake aren't praised
( 自ら間違いを犯した人々は許される
間違わない人々は 褒められない )
◆ The bride is a hostage
( その花嫁は人質です )
◆ Bride is Said
"It is Your Cause" to In-law Parents
and Her Children
( 花嫁は、義理の両親と実の子供から
「おまえのせいだ。」と言われます )
◆ With Knowing Nothing, Bride's Father is Eating a Fruit
( 花嫁の父は、何も知らずに果物を食べています )
( 人々は、カビと、毒と、不衛生を食う )
◆ The Route of the Vicious Circle
has Already been Established
( 悪循環のルートは、既に確立されましたよ )
◆ He Forgets his Descendant,
and is Washing a Red Carpet
For The Worst King.
( 彼は自分の子孫を忘れ
赤い絨毯を洗っている )
◆ The people who made a mistake on their own are permitted,
and the people who don't make a mistake aren't praised
( 自ら間違いを犯した人々は許される
間違わない人々は 褒められない )
◆ The bride is a hostage
( その花嫁は人質です )
◆ Bride is Said
"It is Your Cause" to In-law Parents
and Her Children
( 花嫁は、義理の両親と実の子供から
「おまえのせいだ。」と言われます )
◆ With Knowing Nothing, Bride's Father is Eating a Fruit
( 花嫁の父は、何も知らずに果物を食べています )