Jun's Blog in English


Small but Great!

2023-01-21 12:37:13 | 日記
Hi there again, Jun Tomioka here!

Now, the Australian Tennis Tournament is ongoing in Melbourne.
Exciting games are played every day.

Yoshi Nishioka from Japan plays very well.
He won yesterday and remained best 16 players.

His height is 170 cm. He is the smallest player as a top tour
tennis player but he has a strong fighting spirit.

I hope he will win the next match too.

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The importance of data recording.

2023-01-20 07:00:00 | 日記
Hi there again, Jun Tomioka here!

Recently, I have several opportunities to have online meetings
with my clients.
I would try to record the meetings when I think it is important
and for my future reference as well.

Yesterday, I replayed one of them since I was making an important
document. Thanks to it, I was able to recall many raw data that
I would need to put in the document.

With the advancement of technology nowadays,
We are able to proceed with our work efficiently.

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2023-01-19 07:00:00 | 日記
Hi there again, Jun Tomioka here!

I work as a manager of one training organization.
Yesterday, I had a meeting with one person about the matter
related to the organization.

He explained about his business and I understood it well.
And also, he introduced another person when I asked him
about another matter.

In conclusion, the meeting was fruitful for me.
A connection between people is very important.

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Warning Sticker

2023-01-18 08:56:35 | 日記
Hi there again, Jun Tomioka here!

The other day, I watched TV news about a burglary.
According to the news, criminals research and found houses that
they get into easily in advance. And also, they avoid houses with

We have a dog. He is a small, cute dog but might be useful to protect
I put the sticker which signs a big dog’s illustration and the letter
‘WARNING’ on the front door.

I hope this sticker and my dog’s bark will be useful for the crime

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Fire Alarm

2023-01-17 08:43:22 | 日記
Hi there again, Jun Tomioka here!

The other day, a fire alarm on the ceiling suddenly went off.
It announced, ‘The battery ran out.’

10 years ago, we were imposed to set fire alarms at all houses
to avoid fire accidents in Japan.

Although I didn’t have any fire problems, the time to change
the battery came.

Yesterday, a distributor came to my house and changed to new
alarms since the previous gadgets became old.

Anyway, we have to be careful not to cause fire problems.

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