Jun's Blog in English



2023-01-26 09:29:57 | 日記
Hi there again, Jun Tomioka here!

Rakugo is a traditional Japanese comic storytelling.
A rakugo performer tells a story while acting several roles
by himself on a stage.

The day before yesterday, I visited the national theater and
enjoyed rakugo for the first time this year.

Four experienced performers appeared.
All performances were very nice.

I hope I will find another stage and enjoy it again.

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Packed Train

2023-01-25 10:35:57 | 日記
Hi there again, Jun Tomioka here!

Since I am a freelancer, I usually work at home.
However, I got on a train yesterday morning to have a meeting
with my client.

The train was crowded with many commuters.
After the pandemic, many people used to work at home.
Recently, since the situation is settling down,
commuters might be increasing.

Commuting in packed trains is exhausting.
I am happy because I don’t need to do it.

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The third generation

2023-01-24 07:00:00 | 日記
Hi there again, Jun Tomioka here!

Yesterday, I had a meeting with my client.
The company my client owns is a family business.

The current president is from the second generation.
He is thinking about handing over his business to his son
three years later.

Since last year, the president, his son, and I have been discussing
about several matters of business succession.

The president said, his son’s attitude is becoming positive recently.
I guess he is thinking the company’s future very seriously.

I will support them for their successful business.

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Good fight! Yoshi!

2023-01-23 10:33:12 | 日記
Hi there again, Jun Tomioka here!

Now, the Australian Open Tennis Tournament is ongoing.
Yesterday, a Japanese player, Yoshi Nishioka played with Khachanov
from Russia to proceed to the best 8 players.

Yoshi lost the first set by the score 0-6.
He lost the second set by the score 0-6, too.
But he never gave up.

In the third set, his condition became better.
They hit balls each other equally.
The score became 6-6 and they played a tie-break.

Unfortunately, Yoshi didn’t get the set and lost the match.
However, I was moved by his attitude that he never gave up till
the last of the match.

Good fight, Yoshi! It was not your day.
I hope you will win the next time.

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The first touring and editing video

2023-01-22 07:00:00 | 日記
Hi there again, Jun Tomioka here!

Last Friday, I enjoyed a bike tour for the first time this year.
I went to a beach area called Shonan in Kanagawa Prefecture.
The weather was fine although it was a little bit windy.

I shot some video with my Gopro camera on my helmet.
After coming back, I edited them and uploaded to my YouTube channel.
It took a long time because my pc is not so smart.

I am considering buying a new pc to edit videos more smoothly.

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