Jun's Blog in English


Volunteer staff

2022-08-21 08:33:49 | 日記
Hi there! Jun Tomioka again!

Yesterday, I visited the house of Mr.Nobusuke Kishi, a former
prime minister which was located in Gotenba, Shizuoka Prefecture.
Currently, this house is now owned by the government of Gotenba
City and is being exhibited for public viewing.

When I went there, I noticed that there were some volunteer staff
who looked quite elderly. One of them, an old gentleman in his 70’s
was the one who conducted the tour.

He kindly explained the short history of the magnificent house owned
by Mr. Kishi. The house was designed by the late Mr. Isoya Yoshida who
was a famous architect back in the 60’s. He adopted new materials
and new ideas to build the house. So, it’s actually a Japanese- inspired
theme with a modern, western stye twist to it. There was a large, Japanese
style garden with some ponds surrounding the house and it was beautiful.

I learned a lot and I was moved by the volunteer staff’s passion
in doing his job.

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