
2013-02-17 | mlb

Rangers pass Cowboys as most popular team in DFW

 Friday, Feb. 08, 2013

Read more here: http://www.star-telegram.com/2013/02/08/4610354/rangers-pass-cowboys-as-most-popular.html#storylink=cpy#storylink=cpy
It's the first time the Rangers have been ranked higher than the Cowboys, and ・・

"This market has always been a baseball market, but the fans just didn't have much to rally around or cheer for," Heidtke said. "Over the last few years, the Rangers have really galvanized that, and you saw it with the attendance record. I think it comes down to the team success, signing Yu Darvish, getting Nolan Ryan back involved, all those things really energized the fan base.

"And it's not just in DFW. We're really seeing it throughout the region, in San Antonio, in Oklahoma City, in Austin. There's an excitement and energy, and Ranger-mania has been sweeping the region."

Say it again, the Rangers are more popular than the Cowboys.


