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Viewing autumn leaves

2005-10-31 | diary

 Yesterday I went driving to 'Bi-se-i-cho' which is famous for clear sky and the Astronomical observatory  to enjoy autumn leaves with my elder brother and sister.
It's on the hill, but the leaves aren't so beautiful yet.

So we went to Hi-ra-gu-shi De-n-chu  Museum in Ibara city.

This is the famous statue by De-n-chu.

 The leaves of 'Ka-i-no-ki'  and 'Dogwood' around the Museum had turned red  beautifully.

 The leaves around here will turn red or yellow from now on !

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2005-10-29 | plant


I saw this flower named 'Gaillardia';(Te-n-ni-n gi-ku) in the yard of my house next door.

They were swaying in the light wind in fall.

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Rice field

2005-10-28 | rice field (farming)

It was a fine autumn day yesterday.

So I went cycling for about half an hour in the afternoon because riding a bicycle is as good as walking for our health.
I knew that
on TV program ;'Ta-me-shi-te Ga-tte-n' the other day.

This is one of the sceneries that I saw while riding a bike.
A farmer was burning the cut- rice- plants to kill worms or bugs in the


New leaves of rice plant are coming out after harvesting.


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Proverb 61

2005-10-26 | proverb


 Out of the frying pan into the fire.

I don't like both the frying pan and the fire.
But if I must choose one, I choose the frying pan.

I think 'The frying pan and the fire' stand for misfortune, accident or trouble in this proverb.
Please be careful not to be involved in them ! 

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2005-10-25 | diary

 Frog on the leaf of dogwood

 About one year and a half have passed since I began this blog in English.
I'm enjoying writing in English as well as taking pictures with my digital camera. 

At the same time I wonder if my English and the picture have improved or not.
And I thought how long I should keep writing diaries in this blog.
I may be writing and uploading pictures in the same way every day.

In spite of my feeling, many people visit here every day and leave comments for me.

So I made up my mind to keep writing this blog till nobody visit here.


Thank you very much !




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2005-10-25 | plant

 These Tall goldenrod;(Se-i-ta-ka a-wa-da-chi-so-u) are in full bloom now.
This plant is a naturalized plant of a North American origin.
It becomes two or three meters tall and we see it in the wild field or banks in fall

Seen from a distance, yellow flowers look like Rape blossoms.



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Rich harvest!

2005-10-24 | rice field (farming)

Sweet persimmon

 Yesterday we removed the husk of all paddies with the machine.
It took about eight hours as we did the farm-work for both our paddies and the neighbor's ones.
We were very tired after the work.
But we felt good because we got much more rice than usual.
The result made my husband very happy.

Today we sold the rice.
To our disappointment, the price was very low.
It was 11000Yen per 60kg. 

Though consumers are happy, farmers are sad ! 


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National Sports Festival

2005-10-22 | diary

Bronze statue of 'Kinue Hitomi'

Today the opening ceremony of 'The sixtieth National Sports Festival' ;(Ko-ku-tai) was held gorgeously at 'Mo-mo-ta-ro Stadium'  in 'Okayama athletic field '.

The emperor and empress who came to Okayama yesterday for the festival was also invited to the ceremony and made a nice speech.

The seventeenth one was held  in Okayama forty-three years ago.
So this is the second time .

Baseball game will be held at our  district.
This will be held  for six days till October




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After harvesting

2005-10-20 | rice field (farming)
 Rice fields after harvesting are like this.
These rice
 plants are being dried to feed cows.


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Proverb 60

2005-10-18 | proverb


Tall goldenrod;(Se-i-ta-ka a-wa-da-chi-sou)

  Necessity is the mother of invention.

New things and new ways will be invented if we really need something.
We have the talent of making or creating them according to the necessities.




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2005-10-17 | plant

 Both astringent persimmons and  sweet persimmons have ripened in the backyard now.
These persimmons look beautiful against the blue sky.

The leaves below are fallen leaves of this tree.

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Rainy day

2005-10-15 | weather

 Wild chrysanthemums and weeds

 It has been raining since last night.
Farmers can't harvest rice plants, so they have a holiday today.

It rained much after a long time.
As vegetables in the field got much water, they will grow

My husband finished harvesting all his rice plant yesterday, so he is drying the paddies using a drying machine now .

Today was a quiet day without the sound of harvesting machines. 

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2005-10-14 | rice field (farming)

 Farmers are harvesting rice plant now.

It is said to be a good harvest this year, because the weather was good for rice plant.
And no typhoon damaged them.

Soon we will be able to have delicious newly harvested rice !





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Sweet osmanthus

2005-10-13 | plant


Taking a walk with my dog, I smelled sweet from somewhere.

It was from a tree of 'Sweet osmanthus';(Fragrant olive).
I took some twigs home that had been pruned by a landscape architect .

I feel the coming of fall by this scent too.




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Proverb 59

2005-10-12 | proverb

Syu-u-me-i gi-ku

 Men in great place are thrice servants-servants of the monarch or state, servants of fame and servants of business.


 I don't know the meaning of this proverb well.

But may be it means that public servants like Prime Minister, Diet members, Assembly members of prefectural or city assembly,  Governors, Mayors and so on should  work as public servant.

They shouldn't pursue only their own profit.
They should work for the public.




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