Let's enjoy English !


Too hard

2022-08-24 | diary

Bottle gourd


A field with a mixture of watermelon, cucumber, bottle gourd and sweet potato vines


 These are  Bottle gourds that my husband harvested the other day.

I remembered that my mother-in-law used to make dried gourd.

So I challenged myself to make dried gourd.

But I gave up it at the first stage.

I didn't know that the peel of the bottle gourd was so hard.

I couldn't cut it at all. 

So my husband put a knife on the gourd and hit it with a hammer, and we managed to cut it off.

 I couldn't handle it at all.

At last, we disposed them into the compost.


 By the way, I planted three seedlings of watermelon.

But we harvested watermelon, cucumber and bottle gourd.  

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Words of a bulletin board 76

2022-08-20 | shrine and temple



This time, words of a bulletin board is

"If you pray, the flowers will open"

These are the words by Shinmin Sakamura.

 He is said to be a healing Buddhist poet.

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