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Making a handwritten copy of a sutra.

2013-03-17 | diary



 I attended the meeting of making a handwritten copy of a sutra  for the first time.

It has been held once a month at our zen temple since this year.

It took about an hour to write down the sutra called 'Heart Sutra'.

This sutra has 262 words and represents 'the emptiness'.

My heart became calm while I was writing them.

After finish writing, we offered the paper to the principal image of the temple.

I'll go to the meeting next month.

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Busy days have passed !

2013-03-16 | diary

Christmas rose 


  After cold winter, warm spring has come and various flowers began to bloom.

I had been spending very busy days, but I am spending usual days now.

I don't have to take care of my dog because it died on January 30.

I don't have to take care of my mother in-law because she is still in the hospital.

I don't have to go to the hospital to see my husband who had had his small intestine operated on ileus in the middle of February. 

He recovered from the illness. 

And my daughter who had given birth to a baby at the end of January and had been in my house went home.

So I have a lot of free time now. 


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Words of a bulletin board 17

2013-03-06 | shrine and temple

Words of a bulletin board at a zen temple was renewed about after 6 months.


"Keep company with good character of a person"



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