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Proverb 53

2005-08-31 | proverb

When in Rome, do as the Romans do.

It is the best way for a person to lead a life according to customs of the place where he lives.
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Flowers of leek

2005-08-30 | plant
Though leek smells peculiar, white flowers are very lovely !!
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Flowers of leek ; (Ni-ra no ha-na)

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Rice plant now

2005-08-29 | rice field (farming)

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The ears of rice plant began to come out.

We can see tiny flowers of the ear now.
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Sky in fall

2005-08-28 | weather
While I was taking a walk in the yesterday evening, I saw a sky with these clouds.

The shape of the cloud is also changing from the cloud of summer to the one of fall.
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He-ku-so ka-zu-ra

2005-08-27 | plant
This weed is another one that has a strange name.

I associate this weed with the words 'fart and shit' from the name.
We hesitate to say the name of this weed, but we call it 'He-ku-so ka-zu-ra' because it smells bad.

But this flower is also as pretty as 'Ma-ma-ko no shi-ri-nu-gu-i !!
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Ma-ma-ko no shi-ri-nu-gu-i

2005-08-26 | plant
The name of this weed is strange.

Its name is 'Ma-ma-ko no shi-ri-nu-gu-i'.

The name seems to have come from as follows;

'The stems of this grass has many tiny thorns.
So a stepmother wants to wipe an anus of him with this weed, because she hates the child so much.'

Though the name is strange, the tiny flower is pretty !!

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2005-08-25 | food

 My acquaintance came with a box of peach last Sunday afternoon.
Peach is one of the special products in Okayama prefecture.
So we have a fairy tale of Momotaro.

She said these peaches had been grown by her father and had been picked from a tree .
So it was very juicy and delicious!!

She went to China to learn Chinese this April.
She said that she was staying her home during summer vacation now and that she would go to China in September again.

As she is young yet, she will be able to speak Chinese very well soon and have many friends from various foreign countries.

She is enjoying her life and leading a fruitful life for the future dream.
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Yuki 's favorite 2

2005-08-24 | animal

 My cat 'Yuki'  which  had never gone out of the house for about one year goes out these days.
And she spend all day sleeping on the rock in the yard, and  when it becomes hot or rains a little she is under the tree.
In the evening, we go there to bring her back home.

Now the place is her favorite.





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Proverb 52

2005-08-24 | proverb

Lily ; (Ta-ka-sa-go yu-ri)

The child is father of the man.

The nature of a man will never change.
A character obtained till three years old will last till he dies.

So we can't change our personality fundamentally.

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Fig and a long-horned beetle

2005-08-22 | plant

Figs are ripening little by little.
There was a long-horned beetle;(Ka-mi-ki-ri-mu-shi) on the fruit of a fig.
You can see it near the green fig.

On trying to catch the beetle, it flew away!   



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Saint's summer festival

2005-08-21 | shrine and temple
Saint's;(O-da-i-shi sa-ma) summer festival was held yesterday at a temple near my house.
It is held at the end of August every year.


They dance bon-dance and sing to a karaoke-tape.
As some little shops sell ice cream, cotton candy and so on, little children are looking forward to visiting the temple.

I feel the end of summer after this festival.

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Nothing is certain !!

2005-08-19 | diary
Tyrolian Lamp

This afternoon, Takafumi Horie who is the president of 'Live Door' declared to run for the House of Representatives election on September 11 from Hiroshima 6 district.

He says he agrees to the privatization of postal services bill, so he will fight with other candidates, especially Shizuka Kamei who opposed to the bill.
The election will be a dead-heat.

He has offered us various topics since last year and became very famous.
This is one of them.

I remember his motto 'Nothing is certain !!'
I wrote about it in this article last year.
He has been acting as he had said,'Everything is uncertain.'

He is young, so he will keep making many surprising actions from now on.

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2005-08-18 | animal
 The other day, I took the pictures of these cats while I was taking a walk in the evening.

This is a kitten yet and was jumping to the leg of the owner again and again.
It looks very !!

This cat was once homeless and was dying.
Fortunately it was saved by my friend.
So she was named 'No-n cha-n'.
Besides my friend took this cat to the veterinarian and the contraception operation was done with the help of money from Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals.
Because of the black mark on the face, it looks awful as well as charming.

Now it is living with other two cats happily.
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Test of animation

2005-08-17 | others
Aechmea or 'Urn plant';E-ku-me-a (A kind of Ananasu)

I could upload this animation at last !

I see some animations at みんなのブログ! these days.

And I also learned this skill from this blog.

I'm glad to know how to make an animation there.

Please click this picture!!
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Proverb 51

2005-08-17 | proverb
The sky of yesterday evening

See Naples and die.

Naples is so beautiful that it is worthless to live without seeing Naples.

There is a Japanese saying meaning the same as this.
'Ni-kko-u wo mi-zu-shi-te ke-kko-u to i-u-na-ka-re.'

By the way, I've never been there yet.
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