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Under drying

2017-10-24 | diary




  We have a good harvest of persimmon this year.

Because of bad weather, I couldn't pick these fruits till the day before yesterday.

After typhoon 21 had passed away, we are having fine autumn days. 

I picked many astringent persimmon to make dry fruits.

About 50 persimmons are under drying now.


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A workshop at a zen temple

2017-10-18 | shrine and temple

gate of the temple


main hall

hall for zen meditation


back yard


" A workshop of Soto Zen Buddhism" was held the day before yesterday, and I went to Toshoji that is a very old temple at Yakage-cho.

I listened to a lecture by Suzuki Seido who is a chief priest of the temple  for about 40 minutes after sutra transcription.

He talked about the way of living.

We recognize time as past, now and future, and name them like day, year and so on.

The length of "GOU" is beyond our imagination.

But the time we can live is just  now.

So we should value now and here.

After that we are guided in the temple that we can't see usually.

This temple was designated "Professional meditation hall" of Soto Zen Buddhism and accept ascetic monks from all over the world.

So I saw some monks that day.

I had a very meaningful time.


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Ophthalmology and dentistry

2017-10-07 | diary


*Six years have passed since my eye operation of macular pucker.

I went to the hospital to check my eye every six months and I was free from the hospital this August. 

I feel relieved but worried slightly .


*By the way, I went to a dentist about 6 and a half years after I went there last time.

I had  my tooth cured and cleaned.

Besides that, I learned the way of brushing teeth for the first time.

My teeth were cleaned and I felt very refreshed and comfortable.

I'll go there every 3months from now on.

I should have learned the way of brushing 20 or 30 years before and I should have been to the dentist to clean the teeth regularly. 

 But my teeth will become worse from now , so it'll be worth going to a dentist regularly.

Please take care of your teeth!


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Queen of the Night

2017-10-06 | plant



 This Queen of the Night bloomed the day before yesterday.

It was very beautiful under the harvest moon.

This is the third time that the flower bloomed in this season.

I had missed seeing them so I saw it for the first time in this season. 

It begins to bloom in the evening and becomes in full bloom at midnight.

It withers in the next morning.

Scent of this flower is very good.

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