Let's enjoy English !


Words of a bulletin board 31

2016-05-18 | shrine and temple



These words are from the words of a famous priest 'Matsubara Taido' who was 101 years old when he died.

These words mean

' Don't be unreasonable.

Don't waste things.

Don't be lazy. '

I found this cite so please take a look at it !

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The eleventh person

2016-05-07 | Kiva


 The eleventh person I lent 25 dollars through Kiva is a member of a group in Paraguay.

Maria who is a member of a group named 'Ras Margaritas' is selling milk to help her family.

She's requesting a loan so that she can buy much more milk. 

I hope for her success !

*  this is my page.

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Planting summer vegetables

2016-05-05 | family

Give me the plant, grandfather !


Digging the ground is difficult.


Did I plant it well ?


Please grow into good sweet potato !


      My daughter's family visited us yesterday.

It was the first experience for my 3-year-old my grand child and he was very exciting.

We planted summer vegetables like eggplant, tomato, cucumber, yacon, green pepper and bitter gourd which will shut the strong sunshine in hot summer.

I'm looking forward to eating these vegetables in summer !


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