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We found our cat.

2019-12-14 | animal

About two weeks have passed since our cat ran away.

My daughter and her son happened to find him about 500 meters away from our house.

He was eating something in the compost in the vegetable field. 

I went there with some cat food right away.

He ate it soon. 

So I got close to him quietly to catch him, but only to fail.

We knew that he was fine, but it seems to be difficult to bring him to my daughter's house.

   He seems to love to be homeless.

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He is missing.

2019-12-05 | animal

Around noon November 28


 He has been missing for about one week.

He seemed to have been around his house for about two days. 

 We haven't seen him since then. 

My daughter is waiting for his returning home with some cat-food. 

Where is he in the cold weather ?  

We hope his good health.

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Words of a bulletin board 54

2019-12-02 | shrine and temple




Words of a bulletin board this time are

" How are you ?" or "God bless you."

May a day be a good day and you are fine !

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