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2023-08-29 | diary

Tincture made from Houttuynia leaves


Tincture made from Houttuynia flowers


  Around 4:30 in this morning, Iwoke up with a "bee buzzing" sound near my left ear.

At the same time, I felt severe pain.

I thought, "This must be a centipede," so I turned on the light and searched around my pillow and everywhere, but I couldn't find it.

Immeditely, I went to the kitchen and boiled water.

 I poured hot water of about 43 degrees into a cup and soak and rinse my ear for about 20 minutes.

This may or may not break down the centipede's protein poison.

(There seems to be no conclusion as to whether cold water or hot water is better. When I am bitten by a mosquito, I use hot water.

The itchiness subsides when I put a hot cup on it, so I prefer hot water.)

It seemed to be good to apply steroid ointment after that, but I didn't have it at home.

I remembered the homemade "Dokudami tincture'', which is said to be effective against insect bites.

And I used  tincture made from Houttuynia flowers.

The pain gradually subsided and was almost gone after about 5 hours.

At one time, I thought I was stung by a bee, but it was early in the morning, so the bee might not have been active yet.

So the culprit was a centipede?

Now, ten hours later, my earlobe is still swollen, and 2-3 small blisters are also found.

scary, scary!

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The thirtyth person

2023-08-22 | Kiva


  The thirtyth person  I lent $25 is a 31-year-old woman named Kenya Yavari with two children in  Nicaragua.

She makes and sells crochet accessories.

Kenya applied for an $800 loan to Kiva to buy boxes to pack her crafting items.

Her dream is to have a big store.

The  repayment period is 10 months.

This is my page.

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pumpukins from spilled seeds

2023-08-04 | plant



pumpkin flowers and fruits


 There are a few garbage bins in my backyard and we throw all garbage into them.

Compost is made by mixing rice bran and soil and we dry it.

We sometimes take out the compost from the garbage bin and bring it to the field.

This time, pumpkins began to grow from the site, and flowers bloomed and fruited.

Well, will they grow into a delicious pumpkin...I'm looking forward to eating it.

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Words of a bulletin board 82

2023-08-01 | shrine and temple


This time, words of a bulletin board is

”You are just right

         as you are.”

I uploaded the original poem of the words on this blog on July 10, so I thought Iwould skip these words this time.

But I uploaded these words as the eighty-second words of a bulletin board.

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