Let's enjoy English !


Cat in the field

2008-09-26 | animal

It seems to be a season of love for cats because I often hear the cat's cry.
Today I saw a cat sitting under the egg-plant.
Near the cat, I found another cat sleeping in the vegetable field.
On seeing me, it began to run away.

Mouse on !

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Repayment 3

2008-09-20 | Kiva

  About four months have passed since I registered in Kiva. 
And three months have passed since I lent $
25 to Miss Grace who is running a grocery store in Ghana.
She is planning to repay the money in seven months.
Today I received an e-mail from Kiva staff that said ' $ 3.61 had been newly repaid.'
Total repaid so far is $ 10.84 (43.36% of my loan).
This is my page.
Her business seems to be working well !

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Spider lily

2008-09-19 | plant
Spider lily began to bloom here and there.
The number of the flower is increasing day by day.
We call this flower 'Hi-ga-n ba-na' in Japanese;'Flower that blooms at Equinoctial week' as it blooms at this time of the year; 'O-hi-ga-n';'Equinoctial week'.

Mouse on !

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Full moon

2008-09-15 | weather
Mouse on !


It's raining now and very cool.
By the way, it was a day of 'Beautiful moon at mid-autumn' last night.
It was cloudy, so the sky wasn't clear but I could sometimes see the full moon.

*I hear that the real full moon was early this morning.
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A nice song

2008-09-12 | others
森山直太朗 生きてることが辛いなら

I heard this song for the first time on NHK last night.
I was moved very much, so I upload it.
Let's listen to this song together !
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Congratulations !

2008-09-10 | diary

  Shizusan who had a surgical operation August 29 could leave the hospital this afternoon.
We were worrying very much because she is too old to have an operation.
But thanks to a skilled surgeon, the operation ended successfully.
She will recover day by day and go to the vegetable field again.
We are also relieved very much !




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It's becoming cool !

2008-09-07 | weather

Spider waiting for tiny worms

 Hot summer days had gone at last.
It's still hot during the day but it's cool in the morning and at night.
There was a heavy shower this afternoon, so it's very cool this evening. 
And I hear the sound of insects at night.

Cool fall is coming little by little !

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After the operation

2008-09-03 | diary


  My mother-in law who is 88 years old  had a surgical operation of rectum cancer in the evening of last Friday.
It took about four hours and it ended successfully.
She could sit on the bed for a while on Saturday afternoon and walk a little on Sunday.
She hadn't been allowed to eat but water or juice till this morning, but she was allowed to eat this afternoon.
So this was the first time that she ate after her operation.
She is recovering very smoothly for her age, so we are very surprised at her toughness.
She may be able to leave the hospital sooner than the schedule.


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