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Scenery in early autumn

2012-09-28 | scenery



 Very hot summer days had passed away and cool autumn days have come though it's hot in a daytime yet.

It's very comfortable at night and in the morning.

And the scenery around us has changed to the one of early autumn.

We can see many red spider lilies here and there.  



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Prickly water lily

2012-09-18 | plant

Prickly water lily : Gorgon plant


  My acquaintance told me that Prickly water lilies were growing in the pond called 'o-o-ike ; big pond' near my house when my husband I visited his house a few days ago.

So we went there to see them on our way back to our house.

That was the first time I saw them in that pond.

These are some of the pictures.

Please click these pictures! 



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Words of a bulletin board 16

2012-09-10 | shrine and temple


Words of a bulletin board at a zen temple was renewed.

It is very difficult to translate the meaning of these words into English.

If we pray with our palms joined

we will wrap happiness in our hands

Thank you very much !



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Queen of the night

2012-09-04 | plant

A queen of the night bloomed last night. 

It began to bloom early in the evening and it became in full bloom late at night.

Scent of this flower is very strong and nice.

Some kind of insects may gather to this flower.

Regrettably this flower blooms only for a night and it withers early in the morning.

Beautiful thing is short-lived !


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Sign of fall

2012-09-01 | scenery

  Though it's hot in a daytime, I feel the sign of fall here and there.

It's cool in the morning and in the evening.

And I hear the sound of insects at night.

flower of leek

I can see the little white flowers and ears of rice plant.

After a month or so, we will harvest them and will be able to have delicious rice.

ear of rice plant

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Regular meeting in September

2012-09-01 | Yokomizo Seishi


  Regular meeting named 'きんでーち(金田一)会' is held as follows.

Lecturer :  Takao Yamasaki (山崎隆夫) ; an organizer of 'きんでーち(金田一)会' 

Title :       "The local newspaper comment of Masashi Yokomizo about a Te-i-gi-n incident etc." 「帝銀事件などについての横溝正史の地元新聞コメント」

Time :     from 1:30p.m. to 3:30p.m  on Saturday in September 1

Place :     public hall of Okada branch at Mabi-cho in Okayama prefecture
Welcome to this meeting !

Anyone who is interested in this meeting can join it.

* Charge is free.

* Please ask Mr. Takao Yamazaki. 
        TEL. FAX 086-221-2075 
        E-mail yamasakit@hotmail.co.jp 

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