They will leave the nest soon.
Yesterday, two days after the snake riot, the swallows were getting bigger and practicing flapping its wings.
I was watching over the nest so that the snake wouldn't attack them, but the snake didn't show up, probably because it was raining.
I felt like "Cheer up swallows !"
However, a tragedy occurred.
The picture was taken yesterday evening before my walking, and four swallows are leaning over and waiting for food.
When I came home about an hour later, the parent swallows were very noisy.
A large snake with a chick in its mouth was hunging from the nest.
My husband was away, so I asked a man next door to help me get rid of the snake.
I didin't know haw many swallows the snake ate.
It was sunny yesterday for the first time in a while, and the temperature rose, so maybe the snakes were active again.
I was very sad and disappointed.
Swallows have a life expectancy of about 15 years, but they are said to live about a year and a half on average because they are attacked by various creatures.
Living in nature is very difficult, isn't it ?