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Words of a bulletin board 33

2016-09-15 | shrine and temple


 The words of a Bulletin board is 
”Be sincere even if anyone don't know it"

This words come from a Ta-n-ka

' Look at that, cherry blossoms are blooming although anyone don't know the fact.

Be sincere even if anyone don't know it.'

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Encounter with wild boars

2016-09-02 | animal


     I happened to see wild boars yesterday evening during my walking.

That was the first time I saw wild boars.

The two wild boars came to the vegetable field around there to eat something the day before yesterday too.

Some men called hunter and two hounds and tried to catch the boars.

They escaped to my rice field and my husband also joined them with a club in his hand.

The battle lasted for an hour and half till it became dark. 

But it ended with a fail.

Don't come down to our territory, please !   

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