Let's enjoy English !



2010-07-23 |  creature

Taking a walk in the evening, I came across three ducks taking a walk along the rice field.
These three ducks live in the pond near my house all year round while many other ducks stay there only from autumn to spring.
They seemed very cute !

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Summer has come !

2010-07-17 | weather

Butterfly on Buddleja;Butterfly bush

Summer has come at last !
The Meteorological Agency announced rainy season had finished at many parts of Japan today.
It seems to be a little earlier than usual year.
We will have hot days for about two months from now on.

sunset this evening

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Green rice field

2010-07-13 | rice field (farming)

About a month has passed since rice planting.
They are growing well and they look like green carpets now.
It rains much these days, so farmers don't have to worry about shortage of water in the rice field .
I wish they grow well this year too !

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2010-07-06 | plant

I happened to see Ha-n-ge-sho in the yard of my friend the other day.
Flowers of this plant also bloom at this time of the year; around Hangesho.
White part of the leaves look as if they had made-up.
So we name this plant Ha-n-ge-sho.

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2010-07-02 | weather

crow dipper ; カラスビシャク(烏柄杓); (半夏)

Eleven days have passed since summer solstice.
We name a few days 'Ha-n-ge-sho'.
A year is divided into 24 and we call it seasonal datum points; 節気.
Each of the seasonal datum points is divided into 3  and we call it Ko-u ;候.
As a result there are 72  Ko-u in a year.
'Ha-n-ge-shyo-u' is one of them.
By the way, crow dipper grows about this time of the year.
So we call the days 'Ha-n-ge-sho'.
I took the picture of crow dipper in my yard.

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