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Words of a bulletin board 60

2021-01-12 | shrine and temple

Sacred bamboo


This time , the words of a bulletin board is 

“It’s OK"

These days, it doesn't seem to be all right.

But the day when we can say “It’s OK" will be come someday.

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Words of a bulletin board 59

2021-01-05 | shrine and temple

These words mean 

"laugh and grow or laughter is the key to happiness"

Let's laugh together!

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Our cat left the warehouse.

2021-01-02 | animal


  Fuku spent about 40 days in our warehouse.

Now it became very friendly, so we took it to my daughter's house on December 31.

First, it was very nervous, but soon it becomes very relax and is playing with my grandson.

The life in the cold ended.

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Happy new year !

2021-01-02 | diary

Happy new year !

May this year be a happy one.

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