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Words of a bulletin board 90

2024-06-29 | shrine and temple



This time, words of a bulletin board is

”Everything is divine will."


According to Wikipedia

"Divine will" is used in two main ways.

One is "mission given by heaven," which means "the command of heaven or the heavenly emperor."

The other is "fate" or "destiny" that is beyond the power of humans, meaning a destiny or lifespan given by heaven.

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Useful Google Lens

2024-06-14 | internet

May 22

My sister-in-law presented this flower.

I wonder what they're called ?

I can't find the name even after searching with Google Lens.



Something like a bud has started to grow.

I serched the name of this flower with Google Lens again.

But I couldn't find its name.



I finally found out its name today.

It's a coral plant, also known as a flamingo plant.

But it's a bit pathetic.

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Words of a bulletin board 89

2024-06-02 | shrine and temple



This time, words of a bulletin board is

”Even if people don't see or know what you do, be sincere."

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