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Test of animation

2005-08-17 | others
Aechmea or 'Urn plant';E-ku-me-a (A kind of Ananasu)

I could upload this animation at last !

I see some animations at みんなのブログ! these days.

And I also learned this skill from this blog.

I'm glad to know how to make an animation there.

Please click this picture!!
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Proverb 51

2005-08-17 | proverb
The sky of yesterday evening

See Naples and die.

Naples is so beautiful that it is worthless to live without seeing Naples.

There is a Japanese saying meaning the same as this.
'Ni-kko-u wo mi-zu-shi-te ke-kko-u to i-u-na-ka-re.'

By the way, I've never been there yet.
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