

重くなったなあ  You become so heavy!

2011-01-26 10:21:28 | 日記
私:うん、そうだな!もうダメだあ 下ろすぞ

This morning when I washed my cloths Tiger came to my side and pestered to play with him.
I took him up in my arms for the first time since long time and I was surprised of his so heavy weight.
Probably he weighed about 8 to 9kg.
The conversations of that time were;
Me: Heave-ho! Hey Tiger you become so heavy now.
T: (It’s natural. You’d never held me for a long time and you feel that.)
Me: Yes exactly. Oh no more too heavy I’ll drop you down.
T: (Hey you don’t play with me!) and he held my one leg.
Me: You understand I’m now washing, never interrupt my business.
T: (No I don’t) and he sat on my feet and his body temperature was conducting.
Me: You are doing! What’s cute you are!

戦争再激化  The War Heated Up Again

2011-01-25 10:25:56 | 日記

Yesterday when I came back home and parked my car for opening the gate key, the starling attacked from the twelve o’clock high and hit my head through over the cap.
Fortunately only a little breeding and I disinfected with the alcohol immediately and it may be not serious but I don’t have any more patience for such kind of reckless attempt.
I called my landlord and asked him to remove the nest immediately.
They anytime attack to me even anywhere I am in the premises and if it is not the direct attack they drop the bird missiles from the high.
In spite of that I showed my will of the suspending and withdraw the net of around their nest, the attack of this time looked like a social republics of certain Asian country.
My landlord promised that he will come within today but it is a Solomon promises and it is not sure.
Removing the nest from the outside will be not so difficult but the problem will be how we should do the several chicks in the nest.
Probably they will runaway to the ceiling and it may be necessary to ask the help of the excellent neighbor’s cat to capture them.

長時間睡眠 Long Time Sleeping  

2011-01-24 09:04:04 | 日記

At last weekend, the connection of the internet in my house was not good and I skipped the update of my blog.
Last night I was so sleepy and after washing dishes of the dinner and taking a shower I went to the bed at 8 oclock.
About 2:00 am once woke up by the howing of the dogs and after using the toilet I slept again.
Finally I woke up this morning at 6 oclock it means 10 hours sleeping.
I have forgotten such a long time sleeping of the last time.
My health condition is not bad but anyway I was so sleepy.
I didn't work or play so hard to accumulate the fatigue. What was that?

眼科用顕微鏡   The Opthalmatic Microscope

2011-01-21 16:19:58 | 日記
本体の横に「Anti Molding expire 11/01」と印刷がありますので、防黴の機能が2001年の11月で期限切れになっているようです

It’s the first topic of the job in a long time.
This morning three microscopes were brought from the ophthalmology in this hospital.
It was produced by Nikon Japan but it seemed not used for a long time significantly and it smelled moldy.
I didn’t understand the correct way to use and tried to the power on.
The field range seemed little dark and some stain may remain on the lens.
At the side of the light source there is a print of “Anti Molding expire 11/01” and it means anti mold function already expired 10 years ago.
I guessed that the optical system has getting moldy but there is no information to dismantle it.
I checked the web site and sent an e-mail to the product support of Nikon to provide the instruction manual and the service manual.
It is more than 10 years old machine as usual and I’m expecting the courtesy of Japanese company.

文明の恩恵  The Benifit of the Civilization

2011-01-20 10:30:51 | 日記

This morning it was rainy and little bit darker than usual and I was late to wake up.
Just 10 minutes to 7 oclock I woke up and opened the entrance door, Tiger came into the room and jumped to me with vigor.
Outside was wet and the floor and my cloths became dirty by his feet.
After cleaning his feet I started to cook his breakfast and realized that the electricity had broken down.
I described above that my house is depending on the electricity power and once it breaks down not only electric appliances stopping but also the water doesn’t come out.
I cooked the frozen rice and cooked chicken by the gas stove and gave to him.
Usually I will wash my cloths after cooking but today the washing machine was not usable and skipped it.
About the breakfast of myself I couldn’t have a hot coffee and the toast, I cooked the French toast by the fry pan on the gas stove.
Arriving at the hospital, electricity had broken down here too.
But the hospital had the big generator and it worked well.
We often forget the thanks for the civilization in our circumstances in Japan but we can recognise the benefit of it in this country.