

車のお化粧  Making Up the Car

2012-06-15 22:41:44 | 日記










Today I cleaned up my car of the final.

After sucking the small stones and the dust on the floor by the vacuum cleaner, I removed the floor mat and washed them by the brush and soap.

After spinning by the washing machine I put them at the sunny place.

Then I put the wax on the car body.

I polished with wax last time was probably beginning of the December and it is the first time since this six months.

Thinking about the past this car had worked so well.

Not only commuting but also for the leisure but also taking dogs to the veterinary clinic and sometimes brought 5 JOCVs at a time.

Thinking about next Monday I have to hand over this to the other person I feel missing.

Really good job March.

車が売れた  My Car Had Been Sold

2012-06-14 17:46:00 | 日記




















There was something undefined factor so I didn’t write on this blog but my car had been sold.

It was Tuesday this week when I drove a car in a town somebody rang my phone.

The caller was driving behind me that watching the advertisement on the back of my car.

He asked me the price and I told him $25,000SBD and he wanted to see me and we entered to the parking of the national hospital.

He wanted to drive and we went out to the town.

He was the first time to drive the automatic transmission but soon he drove very well.

He said that he will pay now but he left the check book in his house and he will call me tomorrow.

After then I went to the JICA office and asked to the local staff make necessary document to sell the car.

Surprisingly all of local staff knew him and he must be a famous person in Solomon Islands.

Next day he called me and he was little busy and will pay on Friday and I agreed on it.

But I realized the Friday will be a public holiday in Solomon Island and I called back him soon.

He didn’t realize the holiday too and we agreed to see Thursday morning at Panatina Plaza.

It was this morning.

I had arrived at 8:25 am 5minutes prior to the appointment.

He already arrived and after some discussion we went to the bank together.

Soon he paid $25,000 cash and I issued the receipt.

The handing over will be next Monday that will be just one day prior to departure.

I moved to the Westpac bank and changed to the US dollars.

25,000 Solomon dollars were equivalent with 3,000 US dollars.

I accomplished all things what I have to do before go back.

I will make luggage tomorrow and send it to Japan on Monday.

表敬訪問  The Courtesy Call

2012-06-13 21:13:16 | 日記









Today we visited Japanese Embassy and Solomon Government as the courtesy call.

At 11:00 am we visited Japanese Embassy and met Ambassador Mr. Iwanade.

He gave us the words of appreciation for our two years activity about 30 minutes.

In the afternoon we visited The Ministry of Public Service but unfortunately the permanent secretary and the under-secretary had attended to the government meeting and we met next position person.

We told him our appreciation for two years.

After then we moved to JICA office and all of us received the interview of the press independently.

In the evening we had dinner together at Kitano Hotel.

It was called “the Malarias party” that we promised at the beginning of our term.

The person who had had the malarias had to buy dinner to the other people.

The payers were three including me and we paid about 9,000 JPY each.


卒業旅行3,4日目 The Third and the Fourth Day of the Graduation Excurtion

2012-06-12 15:51:06 | 日記













The cottage was separated into two big rooms and both rooms had four beds.

Accommodation fee was about $300 including three meals a day per person and including brought alcohols about 5,000 JPY.

Adding the boat charter fee it was about 9,000 JPY.

The third day we went to the small island about 10km far and enjoyed the snorkeling.

The boat driver captured the big snapper and we cooked it sashimi for the dinner.

We fortunately encountered a young turtle and someone met with the crocodile and runaway.

At the dinner time the local band of the bamboo pipe played the nice music and most of the guest had danced.

At the fourth day we separated in two groups and young people went to the village of the curving arts.

I stayed at cottage and enjoyed rod fishing from the pier.

Return flight was just on time and we could finish the nice trip.

卒業旅行1、2日目 The First and the Second Day of the Graduation Excurtion

2012-06-11 20:41:38 | 日記










After finishing the volunteer meeting we traveled with eight of eleven same term volunteers as the graduation excurtion.

The destination was Marovo Lagoon in Western province where was said most beautiful place in Solomon Islands.

Seghe airport was located at 70 minutes far from Honiara by the small plane and moved by the boat about 20 minutes.

The cottage was no electricity neither water supply operated by the Solomon Islander.

The first day reserved flight was cancelled and we stayed at hotel in Honiara city by the courtesy of the airline company and we had gorgeous free dinner.

Saturday morning the bus arranged by the airline company picked us up at 5:30.

We could arrive at the destination in the early morning.

It was little cloudy but after lunch we went to the lagoon snorkeling tour with the chartered boat.

In the evening we had nice dinner of much better than we expected and slept.