

高圧蒸気滅菌器  High Pressure Steam Sterilizer

2011-11-30 17:41:50 | 日記










One week ago Delilah who was the administrative officer of the Infrastructure Planning of Ministry of Health and Medical Services rang me and asked to collect the information about the high pressure steam sterilizer (autoclave) and incinerator.

They were planning to provide them to all provincial hospitals and rural clinics in Solomon Islands.

However some of the rural clinics don’t have electricity services and I have to consider about also the equipment that can be used without electricity.

The autoclave is designed for sterilizing especially metallic instruments (i.e. scissors, tweezers and blade knives).

Boiling the water in the tightly closed chamber and the steam in the chamber becomes high pressure and the temperature goes up to about 150 degrees.

It is like a pressure cooker.

Generally it has the electric heater and it can be used only under the electricity service.

But few months ago I saw the small autoclave with kerosene stove in Taiwanese Medical Center and I asked them to see it again.

Last year a doctor from Taiwan visited Solomon Island and he visited to the rural clinic and realized that they didn’t have any sterilizing equipment.

After he went back to Taiwan and he designed the small sterilizer without using the electricity and sent the prototype to Solomon Islands.

It is still a prototype but the final model will be arriving soon.

Of course I will recommend this to Delilah and I was impressed with Taiwanese nice and realistical measure for their ODA.

長期休暇  The Long Vacation

2011-11-29 17:56:20 | 日記















Today my counterpart Niva started his long vacation.

It will be 55days and we will be able to see next time at the end of February.

During his holiday young Douglass will act in place of him but Douglass was out of office whole afternoon by his private matter.

Fortunately nothing serious problem had happened but I’m little anxious.

Regarding the small bird in my house, I checked the picture of the white eyes which was inserted in the Solomon Star News, it was definitely NO.

As I expected it came to my house today too but I couldn’t have a good shutter chance.

Supposing by its body size (about a half of Japanese sparrow) and the hooked beak, it may be a kind of “honey eater”.

Yellow honey eater comes to the yellow flower and red one comes to the red flower.

Around my house there is a colonial place of yellow bougainvillea.

Today it comes on the mango tree of my garden and I took many shots but they were like as the mono chrome picture because the background sky.


美しい小鳥2  The Beautiful Small Bird 2

2011-11-28 18:22:20 | 日記













Coming back home and after giving foods to the dogs I took a short rest on the hang mock of the balcony.

I found the small bird had coming on the orange tree over the entrance gate which I described two days above.

It was about half distance comparing with last time and soon I set the camera and took about 150 pictures.

On the half way I realized that they were two birds and tried to take together but it was not successful by the blind of leaves.

One was the same as last time which had the black part on its neck and other one had no black part.

It must be a male and female and black one was probably male.

I remember that I brought much higher magnification lens that was the reflex ultra- long scope which works only manual mode.

But the moving of the birds was not so quick and it could be used for this case.

I brought it from the room and changed the lens but it was too late.

They flew away to somewhere.

It was almost same time today and last time and I expect they will be coming everyday if the weather will be not bad.

Also it must be interesting to find out the name of this bird.

実りの春  The Spring for the Good Harvest

2011-11-27 18:18:29 | 日記









In Solomon Islands, November to December is the good harvest season for all fruits.

Especially the price of the pineapples are already less than $20 and still going down.

In my house there are 4 kinds of fruits.

Bananas that I introduced on this blog, Mango, orange and star fruits are full loading now.

However the mango of my house is the much tissue type and it is not enough good to be sold in the market but this full load scene will not be seen in Japan.

Every morning a few of them naturally ripe drop under the tree.

Peeling off and give to dogs, they like it.


美しい小鳥  A beautiful Small Bird

2011-11-26 19:43:19 | 日記













Could I see a bird which I had been wanted to see in Solomon Islands?

Before I arrived to Solomon Islands I got information that the “white eyes” called mejiro in Japan is living in Solomon Islands.

And it has much more vivid yellow color comparing Japanese one.

Today I set the big camera with long scope to take pictures of my dogs.

Then I realized that a small yellow bird flied away from the mango tree of the garden and I followed with my eyes.

It had perched on the electricity wire of about 50m far and didn’t move for a while.

I took some pictures but it was so far and small even I used the 450mm scope.

I had been expected to come back and waited for about 20 minutes but it flied further away.

Checking the picture carefully it had the vivid yellow body but had black neck too.

White ring was not clear and possibly it was a different bird.

However it was surprising that I could see such a beautiful bird in my garden.

I put the camera just inside of the entrance and stood by for anytime comes again.