

修理部品探し  Looking for the repair parts

2013-11-30 08:32:46 | 日記













Yesterday after having a lunch I went out to look for the spare parts of the equipment.

WE often see in the developing countries, the same kinds of shops are concentrating in the small area and I went to the 19th street I checked previously.

The object was the small rubber ring called “O ring”.

It is an air shieling ring of the Oxygen flow meter which provides the Oxygen to the patient.

Totally over 10 shops I asked but no one had it.

One shop owner told me to go to 23rd street and find the Indian shop.

It took totally about 1 and half hours to find the shop on 23rd street and probably I walked about 4 km to there.

This shop had O rings but there was no quite same size and I bought 5 different size of similar.

It cost totally 500 Kyat (50 JPY) meaned 10 JPY per one and it seemed reasonable price.

I memorized the place and name of the shop and came back to the office.

Trying it and one of them had fit on.

As well as the screw top of the water tap, it is a consumable part.

It is necessary to have as a stock in the hospital.

I had walked around the town for about 5 km in the hottest time, I got much sweat and my clothes were completely wet.

Locking the door, I took a shower and changed under shirts but I didn’t prepare the spare trousers.

I put the bath towel around my bottom for a while and dried my trousers by the exhaust air of the vacuum cleaner.

新兵器      A New Weapon

2013-11-29 10:20:55 | 日記













To start the performance of the “Preventive Maintenance” procedure at the beginning of December, I procured a new weapon previously.

It is the handy “vacuum cleaner”.

The meaning of the “preventive maintenance” is that to make the condition of hard to be broken and keep it.

The biggest reason of the medical equipment broken is the “accident”.

Sometimes the equipment has fallen down during move, hit with other equipment and get caught in the door.

These are all due to careless of the user.

While sometimes happens depending on the circumstance by the not enough heat drainage caused by the dust accumulate inside.

Recent equipment contains a lot of semiconductors like ICs which are weak against the high temperature therefore the dust is a great menace for the equipment.

This time I decided to clean up 12 patient monitors in both Operation Theatre and the ICU.

Not only this country but also most of developing countries they don’t have the custom to use the vacuum cleaner for room cleaning.

I checked the hospital situation and realized that only one vacuum cleaner in whole hospital.

I considered several ways to purchase but no quick and proper way to get it.

Then I bought it by myself.

It seems little strange the vacuum cleaner for the medical equipment maintenance however it is not only for the medical equipment but also other equipment for example the PC.

At the very important contact part, the materials are gold plated.

It means to avoid the contact resistance increasing by the surface oxidation.

Of course only cleaning is the way of the preventive maintenance but it is one of the important factors.

お風呂改装  Bathroom Renovation

2013-11-28 10:20:19 | 日記











To say my bathroom, it is only a bath tab with shower head at the corner of the kitchen and nothing to separate.

It is not necessary to cut off the view for the single life but necessary to stop the splash or the floor of the kitchen becomes like a flooding.

I had to stoop down into the bath tab for the shampoo.

It was so inconvenient and I asked to my landlord to renovate like a shower booth.

I put 3 sets of curtain rails and vinyl curtains around the bath tab using the concrete drill by myself.

The length of the curtain bought at the shop in the town was little short and I used the rings double and triple to extend it.

Between the curtains I clipped with the laundry pinches.

Watching it the landlord said “it is the engineer”.

Really I may be better than local workers.

The total cost of this renovation was about 2800 JPY and it equals about the daily expence of senior volunteer but I don't hesitate for such kind of investment.

I could use the shower to my heart’s content today.

公休日 Public Holiday

2013-11-27 19:06:13 | 日記








I had concentrated on the making the documents for submitting to the hospital director.

At 11:30 AM I had the early lunch and went out.

I bought some foods at the nearest super market and back to the hospital, I passed through the outpatient at the first time today.

It was very quiet and almost no people around there.

I felt something strange and visited to the operation theatre.

Usually there are many people of patient’s family waiting for the operation finish but today nobody there.

I asked the hospital employee and she told me just one word “holiday”.

Today was the public holiday of Myanmar and the hospital was closed.

Anyway I will do the deskwork for full day but I could be informed the holiday.

新通勤経路 The New Commuting Route

2013-11-25 14:06:56 | 日記











After having a lunch, I had a stroll to where I usually don’t go.

Walking from my office to north there was a gate at the end of hospital premises and outside was a road.

I thought that it may be the “Min Ye’ Kyaw Zwa” road and walked to the west.

Then I found the big street Pyei Road.

This part may be the widest in Yangon which has 5 lanes of 5m width each for one way means the total width was about 50m.

Most of cars escaped from the traffic jam run in full speed of about 80 to 100 km/h.

Every day I take about 3minutes to across this way.

On the right of the photo the hospital premises is surrounded by yellow line and my office is in the light blue building on the right end.

The pin of top left is my flat and usually I walk on the red line and it is about 1200m length.

However the new route I found today which is traced by the light blue line is only about 700m shortening about 500m.

It makes the commuting time shorten 8 to 5 minutes, however the reason I decided the apartment was that “good distance to walk”.

Therefore I will not use this route for every day commuting to avoid to be not enough exercise.