

肋骨にヒビ?  A Crack on the Rib ?

2012-01-31 16:49:14 | 日記










The pain that I got on Sunday slipping down on the stairway and hit my bottom and back had been all over the back till yesterday but today it became little stronger and locally.

When deep breathing and coughing it makes a pain on the right back.

I saw a doctor of the orthopedics and took three X-ray pictures but there was no significant finding on the pictures.

However pushing on the lower part of the ribs it produced a sharp pain on the right side back.

Doctor said that considering of the symptom the second lower rib had a crack.

If there was no crack the connecting tissue of the inter rib had a damage possibly.

He decided to do not any treatment and look after for the symptoms.

Today he prescribed the pain reliever for the case of heavy pain.

バナナが倒れた  The Banana Had Fallen Down

2012-01-30 13:39:46 | 日記









When I got up this morning, three banana trees had fallen down from the root in the back yard.

Two of them had the fruits on them and I had expected to harvest within a couple of weeks.

They had fallen down by the heavy rain and wind of last night.

I cut the bananas that were under the tree and hung down under the eaves enduring the pain of my back.

But it was so heavy work because they weighed totally about 40kg.

I cut them into four and hung down at two places separately.

Also I asked to the gardener Mercy to take a big bunch to her home.

Bananas had already grown up in size but they were not ripe yet.

Probably they will be good enough to eat within a couple of weeks.

After eating all of them the another one will be good to harvest soon.

反射神経鈍化? The Dull of the Reflex ?

2012-01-29 20:32:34 | 日記


















This morning when I woke up it was already 7:50.

If it was a week day it must be late to work but it was Sunday and nothing was happened.

Only the two dogs which were so hungry waited for me.

It was rainy intermittently and I didn’t go out anywhere.

When I stay in home I have so many things to do.

I cleaned up the glass rovers that I left at the end of last year and cleaned up the room floor with the mop.

When taking the mop bucket with water I walked down the stair way I had slipped and fallen down.

I hit my bottom and the back so hard and I couldn’t stand up for a while.

Furthermore I got the dirty water on my lower body and squatted down there shamefully.

It was quite similar with that I got injury on my neck last September and I protected my neck instantly and no problem happened on my neck.

But now already 10 hours passed and still my bottom and back are painful.

The stair way was wet and slippy by the rain and I had paid highest attention but slipped.

Recent days I often slip and fall down and it was the third time since the end of last year.

The first one was the December I slipped and fell down at the car port in my house.

I hit my left elbow and it was sore for a while.

The second one was at the beginning of this month at the slope of the gate of my house and hit my bottom and the third was today.

All cases I slipped and fell down and considering them I put the same sandals on in all cases.

I realized it and checked the sandals.

They had completely wore flat sole and seemed very slippy.

I will try to make grooves on them next time.

Anyway I paid highest attention and slipped and possibly it means a dull of the reflex.

進化したツナサラダ The Advanced Tuna Salad

2012-01-29 12:19:49 | 日記
















Today we had a party at the residence of Mr. K who was the environment specialist of JICA.

All participants had to bring at least one cuisine and I brought the “tuna salad”.

In the morning I went to the central market and bought some local lettuces.

Local lettuce was fed from the seed of general ball lettuce but its leaves are opened due to the weather condition.

However some of them have the transparent part on its bottom.

I found out like this one and bought it.

Washing with tap water and after then soak again with the boiled water and tore them by hands.

The dressing was the special blended of olive oil, garlic, yolk, salt, pepper, lemon juice, parmesan cheese and shrimp paste.

The tuna meat was cut in the dice size previously and fried with olive oil, ginger and garlic until the surface become to white.

Put the lettuce, tomato, and tuna into the ball and shake them until the oil had spread, finally put the crouton and parmesan cheese.

The reputaion was veri good and sold out at first.

送別会 The Farewell Party

2012-01-28 07:19:30 | 日記







Last night the farewell party for the volunteer coordinator who finishes his term and goes back to Japan was held at the Chinese restaurant in the down town.

Most of the volunteers living in Honiara and suburbs, staff of Japanese Embassy, JICA officers and local staff had getting together with presiding by JICA local staff Mr. Dixon.

In the speech by Japanese Ambassador the act of his marriage at the end of last year and he already bought a condominium at Kagurazaka in Tokyo for the honey moon home.

Then the farewell party became like as the cerebration party.

Finally a T shirt and a labalaba were presented by the local staff Janet and he seemed so happy.