

健康診断一時帰国  Go Back Japan for the Heakth Check

2011-05-06 11:53:44 | 日記

I will go back Japan by the Air Niugini Fright tomorrow morning for my yearly health check that JICA requires once a year for all senior volunteers.
For asking to care my house, my landlord will be coming to my house I will take a half-day off and go back home at noon.
I will take Tiger to my friend’s house by tonight and I will eat out today.
I have to bring back so many things to Solomon and I made the list of them last night but probably something must be still not listed up yet.
Then I will stop my blog during my stay in Japan or skip some day.
Please never mind about me.

医療機器贈呈式 Ceremony of the Medical Equipment Donation

2011-05-05 16:38:21 | 日記
The ceremony of the donated medical equipment hand over was held at the big conference room in the hospital this morning.
The donor was the telephone service provider TELEKOM in Solomon Islands and total amount was about a million dollars means about ten million JPY.
Details are an ultrasound echo scanner, an ECG recorder and a Cardiac Defibrillator.
All of them were Mindray products made in China and it’s quality is still unknown.
Mr. Loyley Ngira the CEO of the TELECOM Company represented the donor and the Mr. Charls Sigoto the minister of health and medical services represented the recipient.
After the greetings by several guests, the hand over was done between Mr. Ngira and Mr. Sigoto.
After finishing all ceremony the plenty foods were provided as usual.
When all attendants finished to take foods the neighbor workers around the conference room rushed on it.
At the most of the meeting or workshop held in this country, it is common to provide foods like this and they say that it is the culture of this country.
However some of the attendants are aiming only for the food and I think it is a problem.

電力の無駄使い  Useless Consumption of the Electricity

2011-05-04 19:25:34 | 日記

The air conditioner that used in this country is at least 1 horsepower (energy consumption about 2K Watts).
The Solomon people don’t have in their home but they ordinary use it in the office and working place.
In Japan, the temperature setting of the air conditioner must be 27-28 degrees and to put cool clothes are permitted like as the cool biz.
In this country everybody anytime put a cool biz but they set the temperature 20 degrees or below.
However it doesn’t reach to the set temperature because of not enough airtight.
It means the compressor works with full power anytime continuously.
Also many people keep it on all night and go home. I often see the outside of the office window makes dew.
In the afternoon I explained to my colleagues about the setting temperature of the air conditioners.
When I showed them the estimated useless energy consumption by the air conditioner that was kept on all night, all of them seemed to be surprised.
If somebody keeps on every day 13 hours of 5pm to 8am in the next morning, it consumes at least 26 KW a day.
General pre-paid cash power costs $5.12/KWh and it will be about $130 for a night.
Also keeping it every Friday, 21 weekdays plus 4 times weekend, it will be estimated about $8,000. It much exceeds away the salary of the general workers.
If the same behaviors are done at the 50 places in the hospital, it must be about 5 million dollars of useless consumption in a year.
It is estimated by the case of the smallest one, but actually the half numbers of the air conditioners are much bigger.
It may be ten million dollars.
Tomorrow I will tell to the secretary general of the hospital and advice to improve it.

生活費高騰   Live Expanse Raising Up

2011-05-03 14:25:07 | 日記

The currency in Solomon Islands is called Solomon Dollars (SBD) and present exchanging rate is 10 JPY for a Dollar.
When I arrived here June last year it was about 16 JPY/ 1SBD and it means 37.5% decreasing.
My daily expense is provided by JICA in US Dollars and actually it is transferred to my bank account after exchanged to the SBD.
When I left Japan June last year the US Dollar was 96 JPY/ a Dollar and comparing present rate of 81.5 JPY/ a Dollar means over 15% decrease.
Also the relation between SBD and USD was 7.5 SBD/ 1USD became 7.14SBD/ 1USD means 4.8% decrease.
Actually my daily expense transferred into my account becomes 20% decrease by the double punch of USD and SBD decreasing.
My house rental fee also provided in USD and transferred to my account in SBD but it is the fixed value by the contract and it only affected by the relationship between USD and SBD.
It means about 5% decreasing from my daily expense.
It must be the cause of my financial problem.

時間にルーズ  Un-punctuality

2011-05-02 17:26:02 | 日記

It is the beginning of the month and I called my landlord to pay the house rental fee.
We made an appointment at lunchtime in Panatina Plaza according to his convenience.
I looked for him at the lunchtime but I couldn’t find him.
I called him again and he said so busy for his job and he will visit my house in the evening.
I came back home at 4:30 and waited for him but he didn’t come.
I called him again and another woman pick his phone up and said he was so busy today for the contract and he will call me tomorrow lunchtime.
If he was busy today, he should to say busy and I will change the day to avoid the useless time spending.
How he thinks about the appointment with other person?
I am very angry today.
Of course not only my landlord most of the Solomon people are like that.
I’ve never seen the meeting started on time and they say “It’s the Solomon time”.
To step out from the developing country, people must improve this point first or the international society will not accept.