

戦争勃発  The War Started

2011-01-16 12:23:37 | 日記
これが敵の大将                        これが敵陣

金網を詰めて                         入れない

A few days ago when I weeded the garden suddenly a bird attacked to my head and flied away.
I was so much surprised but fortunately getting no injury.
However after that two starlings often had attacked to not only myself but also Tiger.
I was unable to contain my patience and decided to start the war to keep our safe.
The enemy is the starlings, which have built the nest under the roof of my house.
They were that I had saved their chick dropped from the nest and couldn’t fly from the cat a few month ago.
How ingrate they are!
The first I checked the entrance of their nest and it was between the roof and the house wall and they entered to the space between the roof and the ceiling.
I put a rudder to the house wall and put the metal mosquito net into the entrance space.
I watched for a while with long lens camera and made sure that they were not able to enter any more.
I believed that they will give up to use this nest but the unexpected trouble had happened.
In fact there must be two chicks in the nest.
When I checked the photos at the front of the PC in the bedroom I heard the strange sound like a mouse steps from the ceiling.
I listened with further attention it sounded like the bird skipping around and from not only one place but also another place simultaneously.
It seemed they were grown up chicks just before leaving the nest.
Openning the ceiling boad to light but outside is much more light they didn't come.
After a while the step sounds concentrated in the closed entrance and it was like something work.
They must try to remove the mosquito net but it was not so easy to do.
From the outside the bird parents were trying to give foods to the chicks but they couldn’t because completely shut out.
If this situation continues for several days the chicks will be die.
However it is not my true intention and I’m considering how to do it.