

まぐろステーキ Tuna Steaks

2010-08-31 17:07:55 | 日記

There is the street market at Kukum area on the half way to my home.
I bought some big eggplants and walked around the fish mart, then I found the sliced tuna of 15cm thick and 30cm diameter.
It seemed not so fresh but I bought it.
Soon after come back home, I cut it into four and made some small sashimi blocks.
I put them into the freezer and some of them into the special sauce which was brended the soysauce and mirin with much ginger and garlic.
After 30 minutes, bake them on the frying pan untill only the surface colour changed.
After then slice them and put on the plate with the lettuce, the tuna steake is completed.
If there is some, the grated radish and soysauce with some vinegar must be the best match.
But today I had it with English mustard and it was so delicious.
I whished somebody could taste it.

マンモグラフィー The Mammography

2010-08-30 20:22:22 | 日記
今日病院で、X線の責任医師Dr. Aに会って話を聞きましたところ、すでに設置場所、担当技師、判読分担その他準備中で、私には患者向けQ&Aの作成に協力して欲しいと依頼があり、引き受けました

Last night, I visited the official residence of Japanese Ambassador to attend the party.
Thinking probably so casual wear was impolite and I put the tropical semi-formal.
I enjoyed all attendee’s fashions which were little different from usual.
During the party Mrs. Ambassador asked me if I was good at “mammography”, of course the answer was “no”.
I explained that I was not good at the instrument of the mammography because the difference of Japanese medical license but I understood the purpose and basic function of it.
She told me that the NGO “Pink Ribbon” was going to donate the equipment to the National Referral Hospital and they were worrying about if the hospital was ready to accept it.
The key person of the NGO was Mrs. Governor General and Mrs. Ambassador’s role seemed the assistant.
Today, I met Dr. A who was responsible for all X-ray division and discussed about it. He informed me that they are already available to accept.
They are planning for the facility, staff and operator’s training.
Doctor asked me to cooperate for creating the Q&A for the patients and I accepted it.
Soon I checked the Japanese web site of the Pink Ribbon and found the good one written in Japanese.
I sent an e-mail to them to ask to refer it.

美味しいパンみっけ Found The delicious Bread

2010-08-28 15:48:28 | 日記

ホニアラで一番美味しいと言われている「Hot Bread」というパン屋さんがあります

There is a bakery store named “Hot Bread” which has the best reputation in Honiara.
I found the yellow bread with some raisin there by chance and it was so delicious.
It is good for just cut and eat, especially the thick toast is the best.
I went there at 6:30 just after 30 minute from the shop opened but most popular bread was already sold out.
I checked the expected baked time and reserved for two.
I went there again at 10:00 but it was not available because the schedule changed.
I went for the third time at 11:15 and got them of still very hot.
I brought them to the house and after one hour cooling, I sliced each for 12 and put every two slices into the plastic bag.
Putting them into the freezer and they will be my breakfast for two weeks.
The both end of four slices were settled in my stomach as a lunch.

途上国のゴミ処理 The Garbage Dumping

2010-08-27 12:50:17 | 日記

Now JICA is straggling to the environmental preservation as the one of the biggest problem in the developing countries.
In this theme, the garbage disposing is pointed out as a most closed matter with people lives.
In Solomon Islands, there is the garbage collecting system but actually it isn’t functioning enough.
In my living area, the garbage truck doesn’t come and it is very much troublesome for me.
My neighbors dig a hole at the ground and put raw waste into there.
However I can’t do that because of the rental house so I bring my raw waste to the hospital and put them into the waste box.
There is the landfill dumping ground at the mountain side called “Fukuoka Method” and the garbage truck brings in all waste to there.
However the separation of the wastes is not enough and the advantage of the Fukuoka Method is unfortunately not demonstrated.

疑惑の死 Suspicious Death

2010-08-26 16:23:41 | 日記


He seems like a very tough Security Police but actually he is a new elected member of the parliament.
He suddenly died last night.
After the party held at the Pacific Caino Hotel he went back to his home and fell down.
Soon he was brought to the hospital but already died.
His families asserted he had poisoned by somebody and his body had leagally autopsy procedure today but the result was not disclosed.
Actually he doesn't seem easy to die however he had a hypertension and possibility of the disease was not denied.
It may be suspicious that this hospital can investigate the real reason of his death.
By his death, Philip side lost the only one ahead to another party and the Solomon politics situation becomes chaotic.