

愛国心  Patriotism

2010-05-30 05:31:51 | 日記
また彼自身も自分がどうすれば母国に貢献できるかと言うことを最優先に考えていると聞いて、正直なところ少し恥ずかしい気がしました 日本人はいつから政治に関心を無くしてしまったんだろう?

Yesterday, we had a cross-culture program when we entertained the foreign guests with our target languages.
We had a guest in our class from Mozambique who was studying the economical development at Nagoya University.
He told us that after he has graduated from Nagoya University, to take a title of the PhD. of economics was the best way for him to contribute to his mother country and it was his goal.
Also he said that the most Japanese young people seemed uninterested in the politics but in his country all young people discuss enthusiastically when and wherever they get together.
Honestly, I felt a little ashamed to hear that. Why have Japanese people lost the interest in the politics? I couldn't say anymore on this topic.
I can’t imagine that the Japanese young people get together and discuss the politics, but I can easily imagine that young people who had won independence in 1975 through the long colonial period and the domestic conflict are discussing it together.
Also he told us that he always thinks how he can contribute to his country.
I’m realizing that we have to learn many things from the developing countries what we had forgotten a long time ago.

Down Under

2010-05-29 18:33:49 | 日記

Yesterday, I wrote this blog using the word “Down under”.
I looked for the teacher who came from down under but I realized that most of the language teachers didn’t know this word except for English teachers even if they spoke English fluently.
I wondered at this fact and I checked this word through the internet.
In my dictionary, it was just described “Australia and New Zealand view from England”.
The Wikipedia said, the term comes from the fact that these two countries are located in the southern hemisphere, below many other countries on the globe.
However the countries which are located in the south hemisphere are not only these two countries but also Afrika and Southamerica.
I wonder that why they called only two countries 'Down Under".
And I added my guess to it and interpreted that these two countries have had a good relationship with England, not like other colonies in Africa.
In my opinion they felt a kind of sympathy to these two countries and they called them “down under” with respect and as if they were southern branches of England.
I'm not sure that how relevant my opinion is, but anyway it was very interesting attempt for me.

宿題 Homework

2010-05-28 05:44:09 | 日記

1、 10カ国以上に行ったことがある人を探せ
2、 海外留学経験のある人を探せ(何を学んだか)
3、 5人以上の兄弟姉妹を持つ人を探せ
4、 脚を骨折したことのある人を探せ
5、 3つ以上フルタイムの仕事を経験した人を探せ

1、 サウジアラビアに住んでいたことのある人を探せ
2、 オーストラリアまたはニュージーランド出身の人を探せ
3、 スカンジナビアで働いたことのある人を探せ

1、 カリブ諸国で働いたことのある人を探せ
2、 誰が最も多くの言語を話すか?


During the “Target Language Week”, our English class teacher Simon gave us the homework which was little bit funny as below.
There were 10 questions and we had to interview in English to many people.

To other students,
1. Find a student who has visited more than 10 countries. Find out where and why
2. Find a student who has studied abroad. Find out were. What did they study?
3. Find a student who has more than 4 siblings
4. Find a student who has broken their leg in the past.
5. Find a student who has had more than 2 full-time jobs

To the teachers (English speaking)
1. Find a teacher who has lived in Saudi Arabia
2. Find a teacher who is from “Down Under”
3. Find a teacher who has worked in Saudi Arabia

To Members of Staff (JOCA)
1. Find a member of staff who has worked in the Caribbean.
2. Find which member of staff speaks the most languages

In The “Target Language Week”, we have to use only English to communicate every thing.
And we have to ask around to many people and find out the target person.
Until yesterday, I found 7 people except for the student who has more than 4 siblings and the teachers, who have lived in Saudi Arabia and come from ‘Down Under'.
However it is very hard to find remaining three.
If there is a reader of my blg who knows these people, please inform me in secret.

報告書完成  Finished the Reports

2010-05-27 07:21:08 | 日記

All trainees have to make four reports regarding the lectures which we had at KTC and submit them by May 30th.
Among the lectures we had at KTC, regarding the four subjects “The Cross-cultural understanding and adaptation”, “The Risk Management”, “The Health Management” and “The International Cooperation and Volunteers Projects” we have to describe our understandings and how we will struggle with our mission in our host countries.
I had already finished two of them in the early period and I started to write the other two on Monday and finished and submitted them last evening.
Only the final exam of the lectures at the end of this month and the final language exam scheduled on June 4th remain now.
The cross-caltural activity, when we will entertain the foreign guests who live in Japan or who are visiting Japan, with our target languages, in every language class is scheduled on Saturday this week.
It will be very interesting and exciting.

最終プレゼンテーション  The Final Presentation

2010-05-26 07:30:04 | 日記
話題は「Total Quality Control」ですが、TQCそのものの説明ではなく、それを応用していかに問題を解決するかということです

Yesterday, I performed my final presentation in the technical class.
The topic was “Total Quality Control”, but I didn’t explain about the TQC it’sself but how to apply the technique of the TQC to our problem to resolve it.
while I worked in my previous post in Samoa, I had applied this technique on our job especially to recognize the problem and how to resolve it. And I obtained several good results.
It is a very useful technique. If we learn it once we can apply it on many occasions in our host country.
Anyway, I accomplished this work and I can concentrate on my next work, “Reports”.