

戦争再激化  The War Heated Up Again

2011-01-25 10:25:56 | 日記

Yesterday when I came back home and parked my car for opening the gate key, the starling attacked from the twelve o’clock high and hit my head through over the cap.
Fortunately only a little breeding and I disinfected with the alcohol immediately and it may be not serious but I don’t have any more patience for such kind of reckless attempt.
I called my landlord and asked him to remove the nest immediately.
They anytime attack to me even anywhere I am in the premises and if it is not the direct attack they drop the bird missiles from the high.
In spite of that I showed my will of the suspending and withdraw the net of around their nest, the attack of this time looked like a social republics of certain Asian country.
My landlord promised that he will come within today but it is a Solomon promises and it is not sure.
Removing the nest from the outside will be not so difficult but the problem will be how we should do the several chicks in the nest.
Probably they will runaway to the ceiling and it may be necessary to ask the help of the excellent neighbor’s cat to capture them.

