


2006-11-23 19:22:14 | Weblog
golf widowは、ゴルフウィドー、ゴルフ狂の夫を持つ妻のことだが、私はさしずめ、pachinko widowerだ。



2006-11-23 18:25:01 | MLB
選手名(レッドソックス在籍) 生涯成績

1. Cy Young(1901-08) 511勝316敗、防御率2.63、2803三振
2. Tris Speaker(1907-15) 打率.345、117本塁打、1529打点 
3. Lefty Grove(1934-41) 300勝141敗、防御率3.06、2266三振
4. Jimmie Fox(1936-42) 打率.325、534本塁打、1922打点 
5. Ted Williams(1939-60) 打率.344 521本塁打、2021四球
6. Carl Yastrzemski(1961-83) 452本塁打、1944打点、3419安打
7. Jim Rice(1974-89) 382本塁打、1451打点、2452安打
8. Wade Boggs(1982-99) 打率.328 3010安打
9. Roger Clemens(1984- ) 348勝178敗、防御率3.10、4604三振
10. Pedro Martinez(1998-2004) 206勝92敗、防御率2.81 


松坂UPDATE、USA TODAYの記事 -- 松坂紹介

2006-11-23 17:33:41 | MLB

The making of Matsuzaka

The winning bid of $51.1 million — or about 6 billion yen — significantly topped the bids made by the Yankees and Mets and blew away all the other offers. The amount also is more than the individual 2006 Opening Day payrolls of the Marlins, Devil Rays, Rockies, Pirates and Royals.

If the Red Sox sign Matsuzaka, they get a 26-year-old right-hander who's about 6 feet and 185 pounds and consistently throws in the mid-90s. He has dominated top baseball teams in Japan since his rookie season in 1999.

•How good is he?
Matsuzaka was 17-5 with 200 strikeouts, a 2.13 ERA and 14 complete games in 186⅓ innings last season. In eight seasons with the Seibu Lions, he's 108-60, he has led the Pacific League in wins three times and strikeouts four times and he has captured the ERA title twice. He also won the Sawamura Award, Japan's version of the Cy Young Award.

•What does he throw?
His fastball ranges from 90-96 mph and has good, late movement. On some fastballs, the ball seems to rise. He also throws a sinker, a split-finger changeup and a slider with almost the same delivery on all three pitches.

Matsuzaka might also throw what has been dubbed a "gyroball," a double-breaking pitch that is thought to rotate sideways like a spiraling football and dive in and then out on right-handed hitters or away and then in on left-handers.

•If he signs, what is Boston's rotation?
Boston fans can envision a rotation of Josh Beckett, Curt Schilling, Jonathan Papelbon, Tim Wakefield and Matsuzaka. Papelbon, who saved 35 games last season with an ERA of 0.92, is expected to become a starter in 2007. He started in the minor leagues.

•If he signs, what else does Boston get?
The Red Sox now have a gateway to the Far East.

In the short term, the Red Sox get a phenomenal pitching talent. The long term will provide opportunities for the Red Sox well beyond our borders.

松坂に死角なし。 悪くても15勝はする。


2006-11-23 07:12:22 | フィギュアスケート
1. Miki Ando 192.59
3. Mao Asada 171.23
6. Mai Asada 138.29

1. Fumie Suguri 168.76
7. Yoshie Onda 146.95

2. Yukari Nakano 151.27
6. Mai Asada 134.27
8. Aki Sawada 133.33

2. Miki Ando 174.44

ロシア大会 11/23-
? Yoshie Onda ?
? Aki Sawada ?

NHK杯 11/30-
? Mao Asada ?
? Yukari Nakano ?
? Fumie Suguri ?

グランプリファイナル 12/14-
? Miki Ando ?

セルティック 1-0 マンチュスター・ユーナイティド:中村マジック

2006-11-23 06:34:20 | サッカー
Despite dominating for long periods, Sir Alex Ferguson's men were unable to break through Celtic's solid wall of green shirts and the Hoops fans were sent into orbit when Shunsuke Nakamura curled home a magnificent free-kick 10 minutes from time.

UEFA Champions League
First Phase Group F Table
1位 Celtic 3勝2敗 
2位 Man Utd 3勝2敗 
3位 Benfica 2勝2敗1分
4位 FC Copenhagen 1勝3敗1分


2006-11-23 06:21:36 | サッカー



2006-11-23 06:17:31 | 社会




2006-11-23 05:51:19 | 女子バレー
1位 ポーランド 5勝0敗
2位 日本 3勝2敗
3位 アルゼンチン 2勝3敗(得点率1.004)
4位 プエルトリコ 2勝3敗(0.994)
5位 中国 2勝3敗(0.948)
6位 エジプト 1勝4敗


11月25日(土) カナダ(世界ランキング(12位)
11月26日(日) チュニジア(17位)
11月28日(火) セルビア・モンテネグロ(4位)
11月29日(水) ロシア(3位)
