


2006-11-12 07:18:11 | MLB

投手 先発試合 勝敗、防御率
E.Santana 33 16勝8敗、4.28(リーグ18位)
Lackey 33 13勝11敗、3.56(5位)
Escobar 30 11勝14敗、3.61(6位)
Jered Weaver 19 11勝2敗、2.56
Jeff Weaver 16 3勝10敗、6.29(⇒カージナルス)
Saunders 13 7勝3敗、4.71
Colon 10 1勝5敗、5.11



2006-11-12 07:02:36 | MLB
The Angels reportedly are in the running for Japanese pitching star Daisuke Matsuzaka.

With a closed bid Wednesday, the club entered the competition for exclusive negotiating rights to the right-hander. According to a report in the Los Angeles Times, the Angels joined the Yankees and Rangers, two clubs that have confirmed making bids, and possibly the Mets, Red Sox, Cubs and Diamondbacks.

The winning bid could be announced as soon as Monday, and the price tag is expected to be steep. Some reports have a total cost for Matsuzaka, who is represented by Scott Boras, reaching as high as $100 million. Bids have been estimated to range from $22 million to $45 million.

Offense has been the key word with the Angels as the offseason market opens in earnest, but adding Matsuzaka to a rotation that is already one of baseball's best could make acquiring a bat that much easier.


女子バレー2次ラウンド、日本の準決勝進出は現実的に不可能 2

2006-11-12 06:41:41 | 女子バレー
▽日本の準決勝進出の条件 日本が準決勝に進出するには勝って勝ち点12に伸ばし、イタリアに並ぶことが絶対条件。その上で得点率(総得点÷総失点)の勝負になる。得点率では第8日終了時点でイタリアが1・283、日本は1・035と開きがあるため、条件は極めて厳しい。日本は3―0で勝利しても3セットの合計失点を22点以内に抑えなければ得点率でイタリアを逆転できない。セルビア・モンテネグロが最終戦で負けた場合、キューバが勝った場合も勝ち点で並ぶため、得点率の比較となる。


松坂UPDATE、Chicago Tribuneの記事

2006-11-12 06:27:39 | MLB
Though the Cubs entered a bid for Japanese ace Daisuke Matsuzaka, there's a better chance they will wind up with 27-year-old left-hander Kei Igawa, whom the Hanshin Tigers made available Friday.

Igawa, who was 14-9 this season, has led the Central League in strikeouts three of the last six seasons but isn't considered to be as sure of making a smooth transition to U.S. baseball as Matsuzaka.

ESPN reported the Red Sox might have submitted the high bid for Matsuzaka, at between $38 million and $45 million. The Ft. Worth Star-Telegram reported the Rangers might have bid $30 million; a Boston TV station reported the Angels might have the high bid, without offering an estimated amount.

If the Cubs don't land the rights to Matsuzaka they are almost sure to bid aggressively for Igawa. The Cubs had been interested in right-hander Hiroki Kuroda, but he re-signed with Hiroshima.

ESPNとForth Worth Star Telegramの記事に言及。エンゼルスとは始めての記事。

松坂UPDATE、Boston Globeの記事

2006-11-12 00:59:41 | MLB
Report: Red Sox No. 1 bid for Matsuzaka

The baseball world probably will have to wait until Monday to learn for certain which team won the bidding to speak with Daisuke Matsuzaka. But on Friday, clubs appeared to believe a report that the Red Sox prevailed with a bid of about $40 million.

According to two baseball officials who have regular communication with the Mets and Yankees, both New York clubs thought they fell short in an effort to land the highly regarded Japanese righthander.

中身は同じだが、見出しがレッドソックスと強調。1ドル=118円で換算すると、$40 millionは、47.2億円。


2006-11-12 00:50:06 | MLB
The baseball world probably will have to wait until Monday to learn for certain which team won the bidding to speak with Daisuke Matsuzaka. But on Friday, clubs appeared to believe a report that the Red Sox prevailed with a bid of about $40 million.

According to two baseball officials who have regular communication with the Mets and Yankees, both New York clubs thought they fell short in an effort to land the highly regarded Japanese righthander.

ESPN.com reported that the Red Sox might have won the bidding with an offer between $38 million and $45 million, and although that number couldn't be confirmed, it appeared that neither the Mets nor the Yankees bid that much. The Texas Rangers also submitted a bid and the Chicago Cubs appeared to be a likely suitor.

Most baseball officials anticipated that the posting fee would fall between $20 million and $30 million, although earlier this week, word spread that the fee might fall back closer to the $13.125 million the Mariners bid to negotiate with Ichiro Suzuki in 2000. It turns out that Seibu probably will make more than three times what the Orix Blue Wave earned by posting Suzuki.


松坂UPDATE、New York Daily Newsの記事

2006-11-12 00:42:20 | MLB
When an Internet report surfaced yesterday that said the Red Sox "may have posted the top bid" for Japanese star Daisuke Matsuzaka, Joe Torre seemed disappointed, but not chair-breakingly so. "We came up short, evidently," Torre said before the gala dinner for his Safe at Home Foundation last night at Chelsea Piers. "It's one of those blind draws you have to deal with."

But other baseball officials, including Yankee GM Brian Cashman, weren't so sure Matsuzaka is Boston-bound. And a Red Sox source last night called the report "premature."

"I don't think anyone knows anything for certain," Cashman said, adding that he hadn't heard anything official from Major League Baseball.

ESPN's Web site, citing major league sources, said the Red Sox bid anywhere from $38 million to $45 million for the rights to negotiate with Matsuzaka, who might be the best pitcher ever to come out of Japan. The site also reported that Texas bid $22 million. The Yankees said after Thursday's deadline that they had bid for Matsuzaka.

Red Sox sources, while acknowledging they were in the bidding, said last night they haven't heard from the Seibu Lions, Matsuzaka's Japanese club, who would get the posting fee if Matsuzaka agrees to a contract with the winning bidder.


松坂UPDATE、Red Soxの先発投手陣

2006-11-12 00:33:43 | MLB

投手 先発試合 勝敗、防御率
Beckett 33 16勝11敗、5.01
Schilling 31 15勝7敗、3.97
Wakefield 23 7勝11敗、4.63
J.Johnson 20 3勝12敗、6.35
Lester 15 7勝2敗、4.76
Clement 12 5勝5敗、6.61
Snyder 11 4勝5敗、6.56



2006-11-12 00:18:55 | 女子バレー
1位 ロシア選手 61.3%(111/181)
9位 木村 47.1%(89/189)
18位 高橋み 44.1%(112/254)
32位 小山 38.3%(75/196)
40位 ドイツ選手 34.6% 最下位

荒木 46.2%(62/134)
杉山 48.4%(46/95)
落合 31.9%(22/69)
宝来 44.4%(16/36)
竹下 42.1%(8/19)
