文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

It was a popular page yesterday, 2021/9/14.

2024年09月14日 08時10分20秒 | 全般




If their coverage had not been an ulterior motive or pseudo-moralism,




It is a popular page yesterday 2021/9/13


send an open letter of inquiry to Biden and the American people




Top 50 searches for the past week 2021/9/13








The danger is in the likes of Xi Jinping and the Chinese Communist Party.


TBSが反日的報道をする理由を知っていますか? 元TBS社員の独り言 「うちの局がこんなになってしまった経緯をお話しましょう」








Top 10 real-time searches 2021/9/12, 12:13


Harry Nilsson - Many Rivers to Cross (Audio)


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We were made to realize that he was just an all talker.








It is a popular page yesterday 2021/9/12




「マグロ学 一生泳ぎ続ける理由とそれを可能にする体の仕組み」中村 泉著










NHKのカメラも入ってるかと思うので大変恐縮ではございますが NHK改革を加速します。












Top 10 real-time searches 2021/9/11, 19:10




#杉尾秀哉…オウム真理教を批判する坂本弁護士との取材映像を放送前にオウム幹部に見せた事で、数日後の坂本弁護士一家殺害事件の発端となった このクズは #exile だけじゃなくて、雑誌をソースにバカ質問






it will be repeating the same failure of the Democratic Party of Japan


A lie that spread to the international community 


John Lennon Help Me To Help Myself


Top 10 real-time searches 2021/9/11, 18:30


Ved du, hvorfor der ikke er forældreløse børn tilbage på den koreanske halvø?







It was a popular page yesterday, 2023/9/14.

2024年09月14日 07時38分13秒 | 全般










Even if it is, let's quit taking a scum white to seem to be good up.


A reason Japan is a true superpower is the craftsmanship that the Japanese people possess.


Top 10 real-time searches 2023/9/13, 8:37.


On the level of the Japanese people, they are no better than elementary school students.


It was a top 50 searcher for the past week, 2023/9/13.


だが“非主流派の取り込み”で頭一杯の岸田首相に危機感なし。 “大臣になりたい病”のエリート君だらけで国滅ぶ




ブライダル森 エッフェル松川 レインボー稲田 ソーラー牧島 女性議員が増えれば、必ずこうなる


사이비도덕과 정치적 올바름만을 추구하는 민족이기 때문이다.


Vaikka olisikin, lopettakaamme valkean ottaminen näyttääksemme olevan hyvässä


Det beror på att de är en nation av bara pseudo-moralism och politisk korrekthet.


It is a popular page yesterday, 2023/9/13.


I kdyby to tak bylo, přestaňme brát bílého zmetka, abychom vypadali, že je to dobré.


Это потому, что они — нация только псевдоморализма и политической


Öyle olsa bile, iyi görünmek için beyaz bir pislik almayı bırakalım.


Meskipun demikian, mari kita berhenti mengonsumsi sampah putih agar terlihat baik-baik saja.


É porque eles são uma nação apenas de pseudomoralismo e de correção política.






Walaupun begitu, mari kita berhenti mengambil buih putih untuk kelihatan baik.


クルド人は日本人女性をレイプし、 入管職員を罠にハメ、 埼玉の川口で傍若無人に暴れ回り、


Selfs al is dit, laat ons ophou om 'n skuim wit te neem om goed te lyk.




På grund av den hastiga kinesiska sjukvården kommer sjukförsäkringen för hela nationen att kollapsa.


È perché sono una nazione caratterizzata solo da pseudo-moralismo






Selv om det er det, la oss slutte å ta et avskum for å se ut til å være god opp.




Anche se lo è, smettiamola di prendere una feccia bianca per sembrare a posto.




Selbst wenn es so ist, sollten wir damit aufhören, einen Abschaum zu nehmen


Oh Yoko! (Remastered 2010)


Även om det är det, låt oss sluta ta ett avskum för att verka bra.




Incluso si lo es, dejemos de tomar una escoria blanca para parecer buena.




they were being used for the specific purpose of weakening Japanese society for a communist takeover




Mesmo que seja, vamos parar de tomar uma escória branca para parecer que estamos bem.


Das liegt daran, dass sie eine Nation sind, die nur von Pseudomoralismus und politischer




そこで国際報道及び宣と言う名のディレクターなる女性について検索して見たら、以下の記事が出て来た。2013年04月17日 「NHKで幹部に昇進した在日が4人李紀彦・玄真行・田容承・朴元瑛源」?


C’est parce qu’ils sont une nation de pseudo-moralisme et de politiquement correct.





2024/9/5 in Onomichi

The evil of the countries I have mentioned and the evil of the Asahi Shimbun

2024年09月11日 22時19分19秒 | 全般
The evil of the countries I have mentioned and the evil of the Asahi Shimbun have covered the world.
September 9, 2023
That is why the Xinhai Revolution is called the "Revolution Beyond the Mind."
October 27, 2015
The following is from the book by Takayama Masayuki, which continues from the previous chapter.
When reading this passage, almost all Japanese people should think.
We knew very little about Sun Yat-sen.
In particular, Japanese people who subscribe to the Asahi Shimbun must have felt that Miyazaki Toten and Umedani Shokichi were great without knowing anything about Sun Yat-sen's true nature.
Since that is how I am, many Japanese people must have been the same.
It is a must-read not only for Japanese people but for people worldwide.

The Chinese who created PM2.5 do not need assistance.
They show their originality in filthiness without any intellectual property, but what they do is...
Sun Yat-sen openly expresses his jealousy towards Japan.
Sun Yat-sen, who was of Hakka descent, spent his childhood in Hawaii, relying on relatives. Even after graduating from school, he didn't stand out there.
He returned to Macau and worked as a doctor but got bored.
Then, one day, he decided to plan an uprising to overthrow the Manchu dynasty, the Qing.
When Mao Zedong took power and purged anyone he didn't like, there was a record of 26 people who said, "I'm the emperor. "These people raised funds for the revolution by paying off their salaries when promoted and arrested.
There have always been a lot of careless people like that in China.
Sun Yat-sen was one of them.
In Sun Yat-sen's case, someone calling for funding for the uprising betrayed him.
He barely escaped to Japan with his life.
Sun Yat-sen should be grateful to have a nearby space like Japan, which freely welcomed criminals and revolutionaries.
What's more, the people there knew no suspicion.
Miyazaki Toten and others had the misconception that the Han people were great, and in Thirty-Three Years' Dream, he truly felt sorry for the Manchu people who they enslaved.
He shed tears when he arrived at the Huangpu River, which was just as dirty as today.
He didn't realize that his tears were caused by the mercaptan released by the sludge and the ammonia produced by the excrement; he believed they were tears of gratitude for coming to the great country of China.
Umeya Shokichi followed Toten's example and donated 1 trillion yen in today's money.
Inukai Tsuyoshi did the same.
He offered Sun Yat-sen a massive mansion in Tsurumaki-cho, Waseda, for free, and Sun Yat-sen lived there with his Japanese wife.
Meanwhile, Japan fought and won the Russo-Japanese War.
As a Han Chinese who had been a slave to the Manchus, let alone the whites, Sun Yat-sen openly expressed his jealousy by saying, "Japan's victory encouraged the Asian peoples who believed they could not defeat the whites," and "But of course, if the Japanese can do it, our Han people can do it too."

He abandoned his Japanese wife, who had taken care of him.
Then, while he was playing around in Europe and America, extorting money from Umeya Shokichi, the Wuhan Uprising occurred.
It was the beginning of the Xinhai Revolution.
However, the Han people still do the same things today without any thought or logic.
Even in the Wuhan Uprising, someone dropped a powder box in a powder storehouse, causing a massive explosion.
Everyone thought it must be a revolution and got on board, and the revolution succeeded by chance.
However, Sun Yat-sen was playing around in America.
There was no leader for the revolutionary army.
So he appointed Li Yuanhong, a commander on the Qing dynasty side who had been capturing revolutionaries and beheading them until yesterday, as the leader.
It was not something that could be dismissed carelessly.
That is why the Xinhai Revolution was called the "Revolution Beyond the Mind."
When Sun Yat-sen heard about it in Denver, he traveled around New York and London to solicit investors.
He had to line his pockets first. However, among the Han, a civil servant who had passed the imperial examination was a prerequisite for a leader. A high school diploma from Hawaii would not do.
Sun Yat-sen was forced to resign, and Yuan Shikai, a senior official and civil servant of the Qing dynasty, became president.
He immediately became emperor and tried to establish the Yuan dynasty. His actions were so careless that I didn't feel like writing seriously.
At that time, John Powell, a reporter for the U.S. government-funded anti-Japanese journal China Weekly Review, met Sun Yat-sen and his wife in Shanghai.
His wife was not the Japanese wife he had been looking after but Soong Ching-ling, whom he had married shortly before the meeting.
The wedding was held at Umeya Shokichi's mansion in Tokyo.

Takemura worried about the desertification of China.
Powell wrote at the time in Prewar Japan and China, "An American guard with a pistol accompanied Sun Yat-sen."
The guards were bodyguards provided by American investors.
In other words, Sun Yat-sen was switching to an American sponsor since he had almost debauched Umeya's assets.
So when the topic of Japan came up at the press conference, "Sun Yat-sen harshly criticized Theodore Roosevelt's mistaken policy toward Japan."
Sun Yat-sen pointed out where he had misplaced a button: "If the U.S. had not stepped up its efforts and allowed Japan into Korea, Japan would not have been able to gain a foothold on the mainland. If the U.S. had properly restrained Japan, there would have been no problem. "
Again, Sun Yat-sen had just been congratulated on his marriage shortly before, surrounded by Japanese to whom he owed a debt of gratitude.
And here we are.
Japanese people do not need to sympathize with the Chinese.
They have the power to find sponsors in the West and deceive them.
In later years, Miyazaki Toten also learned the true nature of the Han people, including Sun Yat-sen, and became a Naniwabushi storyteller.
I can understand that feeling.
After Sun Yat-sen, the Chinese were ruled by the even more irresponsible Mao Zedong.
Life became highly miserable.
The mountains became barren, and the rivers stank the same for half a century.
Then Takemura Masayoshi appeared.
He is a man with poor eyesight and a poor brain, who saw the big Japan as a gold tooth in a false tooth and said foolish things like "It's fine if it's small and sparkling."
He was more worried about the desertification of China than Japan.
He said, "Greening is a common benefit for both Japan and China," and started planting trees in China, using government money to set up a Japan-China Greening Fund.
From the beginning of the planting, the Chinese will pull it out for firewood.
The Chinese do not water the trees even if they grow, so they wither.
The Japanese people's money had been sucked into the desert for ten years.

* NHK aired a particular program on Japanese people planting trees in the desert areas of China.
Contrary to the NHK's flattering narration, I remember wondering whether greening could be done in such a state.
The story goes like this.
If we hadn't read Takayama Masayuki's book, it would be no exaggeration to say that we would not know the truth of Japan's modern history.
As I have mentioned many times, instead of conveying the facts properly, we have been forced to accept their childish intellect and pseudo-moralism.
In other words, it is not just anti-intellectual, but of all things, we have been subscribing to a newspaper that is like propaganda from Korea and China, paying 5,000 yen a month for decades.
It is no wonder that the world has become extremely unstable and dangerous.
The evil of the countries I have mentioned and the evil of the Asahi Shimbun have covered the world.*

2024/9/5 in Onomichi

Herpos! Hulle sien hierdie situasie oor die hoof, is nie bevoeg om oor waarheid, geregtigheid

2024年09月06日 00時37分07秒 | 全般
Hulle sien hierdie situasie oor die hoof, is nie bevoeg om oor waarheid, geregtigheid

Swede is natuurlik 'n land waar kinders nie Kawasaki-siekte kry wat deur Chinese stofstorms veroorsaak word nie.
Dit is 'n hoofstuk wat ek op 28 September 2021 gestuur het.
Die ander dag het Greta Thunberg berig dat sommige Duitse jeugdiges aan 'n omgewingsbewusmakingsdag in Duitsland deelgeneem het.
Die Japannese TV-media het dit berig asof dit 'n 100% korrekte optrede was, sonder enige kritiek.
Die jong meisie is 'n marionet van China, wat in Swede woon, 'n land ver weg van China, waar sy nog nooit China se lugbesoedelingskaart gesien het nie, en ook nie elke jaar deur China-stofstorms getref word nie.
Swede is natuurlik 'n land waar kinders nie Kawasaki-siekte kry wat veroorsaak word deur China-stofstorms nie.
Selfs nou weet hulle nie eers dat China 'n land is wat meer as 30% van die wêreld se koolstofdioksied produseer nie, waarmee hulle 'n probleem het. (Of hulle dit besef of nie, ek weet nie.)
Met ander woorde, 'n meisie wat self 'n klomp skynheiligheid is, hou 'n gebeurtenis van onkunde en skynheiligheid in Duitsland, waarskynlik die mees skynheilige land in die wêreld.
Toe die vroeë Beatles op hul Duitse ekspedisie was, was Hamburg die belangrikste prostitusiesone in die naoorlogse wêreld.
Dat Duitsland nou deur China en Suid-Korea, die enigste twee anti-Japannese nasies in die wêreld, gebruik word om hul onderskeie regimes te handhaaf; Suid-Korea se anti-Japannese onderwys, wat sedert die einde van die oorlog tot vandag voortduur, en China se Nazisme in die naam van anti-Japannese onderwys, wat die publiek se aandag van die Tiananmen-plein-voorval begin aftrek het.
Met ander woorde, China en Suid-Korea is lande wat voortgegaan het om hul mense op te voed om ander volke te verneder en hul meerderwaardigheid aan te blaas om dieselfde redes en op dieselfde manier as Hitler en die Nazi's, en voortgaan om Naziste te massa produseer selfs in die 21ste eeu.
Duitsland, wat sy anti-Japannese propaganda gevoed het.
Vir watter doel?
Om die misdade van die Nazi's weg te steek en Japan te laat lyk soos 'n land wat dieselfde misdade as die Nazi's gepleeg het, is Duitsland en die Duitse volk ongelooflik skynheilig, met ongeveer die helfte van die bevolking wat saam met hulle 'n anti-Japannese ingesteldheid het.
'n Land wat graag die Nanking-slagting, die verhaal van John Rabe, 'n voormalige Nazi, en 'n leuenaar, elke jaar aan die einde van die jaar op TV uitsaai.
Die internasionale gemeenskap en die Verenigde Nasies, wat steeds hierdie situasie miskyk, is nie bevoeg om oor waarheid, geregtigheid, menseregte, ens.
Die Japannese TV-media, wat alles oor "'n bybedoeling" en "pseudo-moralisme" gaan, het die gebeurtenis sonder enige kritiek berig.
Wanneer die moontlikheid om die eerste vroulike premier in die geskiedenis te hê op sy hoogtepunt is, is die media blatant obstruktief in sy dekking om te verhoed dat sy premier word na aanleiding van China se wense.
Dit is 'n duidelike bewys dat hul vorige verslae oor die vrou slegs as materiaal gebruik is om die Japannese regering te kritiseer en aan te val.
As die TV-media gesond was, sou hulle kommentaar gelewer het: "As hulle nie China toe gaan om dit te doen nie, sal dit niks beteken nie."

2024/9/5 in Mihara

再発信!文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilizationの人気記事 2022/7/5

2024年08月30日 17時18分18秒 | 全般

文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilizationの人気記事

  1. 中国では進出外国企業内であっても…企業活動のすべてが監視され、技術開発のすべてが筒抜けなのである
  2. トヨタ自動車が中国企業と共同開発することになった燃料電池車の技術も、やはり静かに潜航する潜水艦エンジンに転用できる
  3. 工作を働く国が利用する似非モラリズムの極みである環境を持ち出し、天竜川の水源が枯れる等と難癖をつける横やりを入れて
  4. 文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilizationの人気記事 2022/7/4
  5. a list of up to 10 pages on pseudo-moralism, transmitted in various languages,
  6. Top 10 real-time searches 2022/7/4, 0:49
  7. 原発活用 首相は決断を…エネルギー政策は日本国の浮沈に関わる重大事であり、首相の認識と言行は日本の命運に重なる。
  8. 元凶は、平成23年3月…当時の民主党政権が打ち出した原子力発電の否定と、再生可能エネルギー最優先の政策であり
  9. 以下はpseudo-moralismについて言及した英文の章をアメーバで検索したものである。
  10. 中国進出の日本企業は、戦争となれば全て中国が接収するというシナリオの可能性を


Repost! My discovery that Japan has been a "political prisoner" in the international community

2024年08月26日 07時58分43秒 | 全般

His conclusion that China, the country of the Greater China Region, is a country of "abysmal evil" and "plausible lies" now continues to prove its correctness to the world.
Sep 28, 2019
My discovery that Japan has been, in fact, a "political prisoner" in the international community throughout the postwar era is a Nobel Prize-worthy discovery, along with the discovery of the "turntable of civilization."
The discerning people of the world must have instantly realized the significance of my discovery because the truth is that I discovered it.
Because of the truth I discovered, one can instantly understand why problems such as the comfort women issue, the being moved forcibly issue, and the Nanjing Massacre are occurring and why such lies are being perpetrated in the international community, as they should be.
It is because we can instantly understand why Japan has been so quickly criticized by the international community based on these unbelievable fabrications.
At the same time, it is the Japan Federation of Bar Associations (JFBA). Other so-called civil society groups continue to go to the UN to make the UN recommend a resolution condemning Japan, saying that Japan is a discriminatory nation and that hate speech is rampant, without knowing that Japan is a country that has been continuously discriminated against by the international community, You can instantly understand how stupid and how "low-brow" they are.
You can also instantly understand the extreme stupidity of Asahi, Mainichi, and others who repeatedly support them in their reporting.

It was necessary to keep Japan a "political prisoner" in the international community for U.S. reasons.
The media, led by Asahi, reported a completely different war situation, except for the Japanese people, who were continually forced to read reports that Japan was winning.
At the end of the war, when it was apparent to everyone in the world that Japan had lost the battle,
Not only did they indiscriminately bomb 127 cities, but they also used incendiary bombs, a weapon against humanity, to kill millions of civilians in a very short period; the reason for this is to cover up the crime of the United States, which dropped two atomic bombs, the greatest crime in human history, on the beautiful cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki and the innocent civilians who lived there, in an instant.

Because of this original sin and the existence of the Japanese people, who are the only people in the history of humankind who have neither protested against this original sin nor demanded huge compensation for damages, the United States must continue to be the world's police officer.

But, just as the pretended moralism that gave Obama the Nobel Prize has taken over the world, Obama was utterly blind to this absolutely unforgettable truth.
His eyes were utterly blinded by pseudo-moralism.
Or he did so by falling for China's devious strategy.
He could not have been more foolish in declaring that the United States was not the world's policeman.

As soon as he did so, China, a one-party Communist dictatorship, and Russia, which is not too much to say Putin's dictatorship, quickly grew and began to rampage.
They began to alter and disrupt the postwar world order.
China, for its part, has begun plotting to gain global hegemony, and this is a godless outrage.

Rather than criticizing China, Europe, led by Germany, fell in love with it for economic reasons alone.
People worldwide with good memories know that China has been saying this to Japan at every opportunity.
Japan is trying to change the postwar order and is a revisionist, and it has been accusing Japan in the international community.

The results of the fieldwork of Tadao Umesao, one of the greatest and few genuine scholars ever born in Japan, are even more golden.
His conclusion that China, the country of the Chinese bloc, is a land of "abysmal evil" and "plausible lies" is now being proven correct to the world.

In a century of war, driven by the strategies of the U.S. and others, this is a country that even Nazi Germany would not have taken a stand against...Japan launched a war against the U.S., the most powerful country in the world even then.
It was because Japan was a nation of samurai, unlike any other in history.
However, it is also evident that the significant players who initiated this reckless war were the Japanese mass media of the time, led by the Asahi Shimbun.

They were the ones who said, "We don't want it," and "We won't want it until we win. Until we win." and "100 million all-out war" were widely danced on the front page of the mass media at that time.
What they did inform the public about, on the contrary, they continued to report the news as if Japan was still winning,
As a result, the mass media has increased the number of Japanese who do not know that it was the Japanese mass media that caused the unprecedented catastrophe that had never existed before in human wars.

They not only put all the blame on the military but also became honor students who accepted the occupation policy of GHQ and lived on to avoid their responsibility,
To avoid their responsibility, they still hold the military accountable for everything and wield the pseudo-moralism that Japan is a wrong country and the Japanese people did terrible things, which is no better than kindergarten children's moralism.
This article continues.


2024/8/24 in Kojima

Repost! Xi Jinping, the Uncontrollable "Wounded Dragon."

2024年08月26日 07時48分31秒 | 全般
September 3, 2020
The following is from an article by Yuasa Hiroshi published in this month's issue of the monthly magazine Hanada, entitled "Xi Jinping, the Uncontrollable "Wounded Dragon."
As you know, I am angry at Shizuoka Prefecture Governor Kawakatsu and call him a despicable man and a traitor to his country.
The events that have occurred since the construction of the Linear Shinkansen, one of the crystallizations of Japan's world-class technology, finally began to take shape.
These events result from the secret operations of forces that want to delay construction.
These events prove how much China has been involved in Japanese society.
First, the prosecutors moved to crack down on the general contractor for some reason.
As described above, this column has raised doubts about this.
Who was it that moved the prosecutors?
Next, Governor Kawakatsu of Shizuoka Prefecture, who is a notorious pro-China person and whose favorite book is The Quotations from Chairman Mao, brought up the environmental issue, which is the height of pseudo-moralism used by manipulative countries (there is a risk of flooding, but it will never dry up), and made a fuss, saying that the source of the Tenryu River will dry up, and finally delayed the completion of the Linear Shinkansen, which was decided after so many years.
Last night, while reading the paper at the beginning, I learned that what I wrote as speculation about the truth behind these events was utterly authentic.
Preface omitted
Poaching the Linear Shinkansen team
FBI Director Ray also points out that China omits the accumulation of efforts for technological innovation and "steals intellectual property from American companies and competes with the companies that are the victims."
They use the "Thousand Talents Plan," which gathers talented people from overseas with favorable treatment, to lure scientists and have them bring American knowledge and technology back to their home country. China will stop at nothing, even if it is subject to the theft of confidential information or export controls.
They are so ruthless that they use stolen technology to sell products worldwide, forcing the American companies that developed that technology out of business and seizing the market.
Unfortunately, such examples can be seen here and there in Japan.
It is well known that China obtained intellectual property from Japan's Shinkansen technology, copied it exactly, and sold it worldwide, falsely claiming it was "Chinese technology."
Once again, they have recruited a team of about 30 Japanese engineers working on the Linear Shinkansen from JR Central for a high price and are developing a Linear Shinkansen that they call "Made in China."
These linear superconducting and electromagnetic technologies can be directly converted into military technology.
According to former Admiral Ota Fumio, a member of the National Institute for Fundamentals's planning committee, these technologies can be used in inexpensive, continuous-fire railguns (electromagnetic acceleration guns) and electromagnetic catapults (aircraft launch devices) for aircraft carriers.
The day will come when such highly advanced weapons will be aimed at the Japanese archipelago.
Fuel cell vehicle technology that Toyota Motor Corporation will jointly develop with a Chinese company can also be used for silent submarine engines.
Even if China's colossal market cannot be ignored, how much national interest is lost for short-term economic gain?
In addition, even if a foreign company operates in China and has a certain number of party members, it is required to have a "cell" as a branch of the Communist Party.
All corporate activities are monitored, and all technological developments are open to the public.
Indeed, the Xi Jinping administration has done whatever it wanted, including military coercion, predatory diplomacy, unfair trade, disregard for international law, cyber attacks, and various espionage activities.
Chairman Xi has only one goal: to realize his dream of "standing tall among all nations" by 2049, the 100th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China.
The pandemic has exposed the Chinese Communist Party's anti-civilization and rudeness.
The Trump administration has stepped up its approach toward the Chinese Communist Party from its previous definition of "strategic competition" to a "strategic threat."
Even if China underestimates President Trump's ability to govern, it should not underestimate the nation's power and the will and capabilities of the U.S. military.
When the U.S.-China conflict reaches this stage, clashes may occur accidentally, and China's vulnerabilities may be actively exploited at times.
There is now an implicit consensus among Washington's diplomatic elite that the goodwill "engagement policy" of previous U.S. administrations toward China should be shifted to a deterrence strategy.
Therefore, even if the Democratic Biden administration is born in the presidential election in November, the U.S.'s hard-line stance toward China will not change.

2024/8/24 in Kojima

Xi Jinping, the Uncontrollable "Wounded Dragon."

2024年08月25日 21時10分16秒 | 全般
September 3, 2020
The following is from an article by Yuasa Hiroshi published in this month's issue of the monthly magazine Hanada, entitled "Xi Jinping, the Uncontrollable "Wounded Dragon."
As you know, I am angry at Shizuoka Prefecture Governor Kawakatsu and call him a despicable man and a traitor to his country.
The events that have occurred since the construction of the Linear Shinkansen, one of the crystallizations of Japan's world-class technology, finally began to take shape.
These events result from the secret operations of forces that want to delay construction.
These events prove how much China has been involved in Japanese society.
First, the prosecutors moved to crack down on the general contractor for some reason.
As described above, this column has raised doubts about this.
Who was it that moved the prosecutors?
Next, Governor Kawakatsu of Shizuoka Prefecture, who is a notorious pro-China person and whose favorite book is The Quotations from Chairman Mao, brought up the environmental issue, which is the height of pseudo-moralism used by manipulative countries (there is a risk of flooding, but it will never dry up), and made a fuss, saying that the source of the Tenryu River will dry up, and finally delayed the completion of the Linear Shinkansen, which was decided after so many years.
Last night, while reading the paper at the beginning, I learned that what I wrote as speculation about the truth behind these events was utterly authentic.
Preface omitted
Poaching the Linear Shinkansen team
FBI Director Ray also points out that China omits the accumulation of efforts for technological innovation and "steals intellectual property from American companies and competes with the companies that are the victims."
They use the "Thousand Talents Plan," which gathers talented people from overseas with favorable treatment, to lure scientists and have them bring American knowledge and technology back to their home country. China will stop at nothing, even if it is subject to the theft of confidential information or export controls.
They are so ruthless that they use stolen technology to sell products worldwide, forcing the American companies that developed that technology out of business and seizing the market.
Unfortunately, such examples can be seen here and there in Japan.
It is well known that China obtained intellectual property from Japan's Shinkansen technology, copied it exactly, and sold it worldwide, falsely claiming it was "Chinese technology."
Once again, they have recruited a team of about 30 Japanese engineers working on the Linear Shinkansen from JR Central for a high price and are developing a Linear Shinkansen that they call "Made in China."
These linear superconducting and electromagnetic technologies can be directly converted into military technology.
According to former Admiral Ota Fumio, a member of the National Institute for Fundamentals's planning committee, these technologies can be used in inexpensive, continuous-fire railguns (electromagnetic acceleration guns) and electromagnetic catapults (aircraft launch devices) for aircraft carriers.
The day will come when such highly advanced weapons will be aimed at the Japanese archipelago.
Fuel cell vehicle technology that Toyota Motor Corporation will jointly develop with a Chinese company can also be used for silent submarine engines.
Even if China's colossal market cannot be ignored, how much national interest is lost for short-term economic gain?
In addition, even if a foreign company operates in China and has a certain number of party members, it is required to have a "cell" as a branch of the Communist Party.
All corporate activities are monitored, and all technological developments are open to the public.
Indeed, the Xi Jinping administration has done whatever it wanted, including military coercion, predatory diplomacy, unfair trade, disregard for international law, cyber attacks, and various espionage activities.
Chairman Xi has only one goal: to realize his dream of "standing tall among all nations" by 2049, the 100th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China.
The pandemic has exposed the Chinese Communist Party's anti-civilization and rudeness.
The Trump administration has stepped up its approach toward the Chinese Communist Party from its previous definition of "strategic competition" to a "strategic threat."
Even if China underestimates President Trump's ability to govern, it should not underestimate the nation's power and the will and capabilities of the U.S. military.
When the U.S.-China conflict reaches this stage, clashes may occur accidentally, and China's vulnerabilities may be actively exploited at times.
There is now an implicit consensus among Washington's diplomatic elite that the goodwill "engagement policy" of previous U.S. administrations toward China should be shifted to a deterrence strategy.
Therefore, even if the Democratic Biden administration is born in the presidential election in November, the U.S.'s hard-line stance toward China will not change.

2024/8/24 in Kojima

Ang dahilan nito ay upang pagtakpan ang krimen ng Estados Unidos,

2024年08月19日 09時43分19秒 | 全般

Ang kanyang konklusyon na ang China ay isang bansa ng "abysmal evil" at "plausible lies" ngayon ay patuloy na nagpapatunay sa pagiging tama nito sa mundo.
Setyembre 28, 2019
Ang aking pagkatuklas na ang Japan ay, sa katunayan, ay isang "political prisoner" sa internasyonal na komunidad sa buong panahon pagkatapos ng digmaan ay isang Nobel Prize-worthy na pagtuklas, kasama ang pagtuklas ng "turntable of civilization."
Ang matalinong mga tao sa mundo ay dapat na agad na natanto ang kahalagahan ng aking pagtuklas dahil, sa totoo lang, natuklasan ko ito.
Dahil sa katotohanang natuklasan ko, agad na mauunawaan ng isang tao kung bakit nangyayari ang mga problema gaya ng isyu ng comfort women, ang puwersahang inilipat, at ang Nanjing Massacre at kung bakit ang mga ganitong kasinungalingan ay ginagawa sa internasyonal na komunidad, gaya ng nararapat.
Ito ay dahil maaari nating agad na maunawaan kung bakit ang Japan ay pinuna ng internasyonal na komunidad nang napakabilis batay sa mga hindi kapani-paniwalang katha.
Kasabay nito, ito ay ang Japan Federation of Bar Associations (JFBA). Ang iba pang tinatawag na civil society groups ay patuloy na nagtutungo sa UN para irekomenda ng UN ang isang resolusyon na kumundena sa Japan, na nagsasabing ang Japan ay isang bansang may diskriminasyon at ang mapoot na salita ay laganap, nang hindi nalalaman na ang Japan ay isang bansa na patuloy na nadidiskrimina. ng internasyonal na komunidad, Maiintindihan mo kaagad kung gaano sila katanga at kung gaano sila "pinakamasama sa pinakamasama".
Maiintindihan mo rin agad ang matinding katangahan nina Asahi, Mainichi, at iba pa na paulit-ulit na sumusuporta sa kanila sa kanilang pag-uulat.

Kinailangan na panatilihing "political prisoner" ang Japan sa internasyonal na komunidad para sa mga kadahilanang U.S.
Ang media, sa pangunguna ni Asahi, ay nag-ulat ng isang ganap na naiibang sitwasyon sa digmaan...maliban sa mga Hapones, na patuloy na pinipilit na basahin ang mga ulat na ang Japan ay nanalo...
Sa mga huling araw ng digmaan, nang maliwanag sa lahat ng tao sa mundo na ang Japan ay natalo sa digmaan, hindi lamang sila walang habas na binomba ang 127 lungsod, ngunit gumamit din sila ng mga bombang nagbabaga, isang sandata laban sa sangkatauhan, upang patayin ang milyun-milyong sibilyan. sa napakaikling panahon, ngunit naghulog sila ng dalawang atomic bomb, ang pinakamalaking krimen sa kasaysayan ng tao, sa magagandang lungsod ng Hiroshima at Nagasaki at ang mga inosenteng sibilyang naninirahan doon.
Ang dahilan nito ay upang pagtakpan ang krimen ng Estados Unidos, na naghulog ng dalawang atomic bomb, ang pinakamalaking krimen sa kasaysayan ng sangkatauhan, sa magagandang lungsod ng Hiroshima at Nagasaki at ang mga inosenteng tao na naninirahan doon at pinawi ang mga ito sa isang iglap.

Dahil sa orihinal na kasalanang ito at sa pagkakaroon ng mga Hapones, na tanging mga tao sa kasaysayan ng sangkatauhan na hindi nagprotesta laban sa orihinal na kasalanang ito o humingi ng malaking kabayaran para sa mga pinsala, ang Estados Unidos ay dapat na patuloy na maging pulis sa mundo.

Ngunit, kung paanong ang nagkunwaring moralismo na nagbigay kay Obama ng Nobel Prize ay kinuha sa mundo, si Obama ay lubos na bulag sa ganap na hindi malilimutang katotohanang ito.
Ang kanyang mga mata ay lubos na nabulag ng pseudo-moralism.
O marahil ay ginawa niya ito sa pamamagitan ng pagkahulog sa tusong diskarte ng China.
Hindi siya maaaring maging mas hangal sa pagdeklara na ang Estados Unidos ay hindi pulis ng mundo.

Sa sandaling ginawa niya ito, ang China, isang partidong Komunistang diktadura, at ang Russia, na hindi masyadong masasabing diktadura ni Putin, ay mabilis na lumaki at nagsimulang magalit.
Sinimulan nilang baguhin at guluhin ang kaayusan ng mundo pagkatapos ng digmaan.
Ang Tsina, sa bahagi nito, ay nagsimulang magplano upang makakuha ng pandaigdigang hegemonya, at ito ay isang walang-diyos na galit.

Sa halip na punahin ang Tsina, ang Europa, na pinamumunuan ng Alemanya, ay nahulog sa pag-ibig dito para sa mga kadahilanang pang-ekonomiya lamang.
Alam ng mga tao sa buong mundo na may magagandang alaala na sinasabi ito ng China sa Japan sa bawat pagkakataon.
Sinisikap ng Japan na baguhin ang pagkakasunud-sunod pagkatapos ng digmaan at siya ay isang rebisyunista, at inaakusahan nila ang Japan ng mga ganoong bagay sa internasyonal na komunidad.

Ang mga resulta ng fieldwork ni Tadao Umesao, isa sa pinakadakilang at kakaunting tunay na iskolar na isinilang sa Japan, ay higit na katulad ng isang nagniningning na minahan ng ginto.
Ang kanyang konklusyon na ang Tsina, o alinmang bansa sa larangan ng Tsino, ay isang bansa ng "abysmal evil" at "plausible lies" ay pinatutunayan na ngayon sa mundo na tama.

Sa isang siglo ng digmaan, na hinimok ng mga estratehiya ng U.S. at ng iba pa, ito ay isang bansa na kahit ang Nazi Germany ay hindi naninindigan laban...Naglunsad ang Japan ng digmaan laban sa U.S., na siyang pinakamakapangyarihang bansa sa mundo kahit noon pa.
Ito ay dahil ang Japan ay isang bansa ng samurai, hindi katulad ng ibang bansa sa lahat ng edad at kultura.
Gayunpaman, maliwanag din na ang pangunahing instigator ng walang ingat na digmaang ito ay ang mass media ng Hapon noong panahong iyon, na pinamumunuan ng Asahi Shimbun.

Sila ang nagsabing, "The devil is America and Britain," at "We don't want it. Hanggang sa manalo tayo." at ang "100 million all-out war" ay malawakang isinayaw sa mga front page ng mass media ng Hapon noong panahong iyon upang mapanatili ang inspirasyon ng mga Hapones na simulan ang digmaan.
Kahit na ang digmaan ay patungo sa pagkatalo, ang mga Hapones ay hindi ipinaalam sa r

kagalingan ng digmaan.
Ang ginawa nilang ipaalam sa publiko, sa kabaligtaran, ay ipagpatuloy ang pag-uulat ng balita na parang nanalo pa rin ang Japan.
Bilang resulta, ang mass media ng Japan ang naging sanhi ng hindi pa naganap na sakuna na hindi pa umiiral sa mga digmaan ng tao noon.

Ang mass media ay nadagdagan ang bilang ng mga Hapon na hindi nakakaalam nito.

Hindi lang militar ang sinisisi nila kundi naging mga honor student din na tumanggap sa occupation policy ng GHQ at nabuhay para maiwasan ang kanilang responsibilidad,
Upang maiwasan ang kanilang pananagutan, pinapanagot pa rin nila ang militar sa lahat ng bagay at ginagamit ang pseudo-moralism na ang Japan ay isang maling bansa at ang mga Hapon ay gumawa ng mga kakila-kilabot na bagay, na hindi mas mahusay kaysa sa moralismo ng mga bata sa kindergarten.
Ang artikulong ito ay nagpapatuloy.

2024/8/18 sa Mihara, Hiroshima

Alasannya adalah untuk menutup jenayah Amerika Syarikat,

2024年08月19日 09時41分28秒 | 全般

Kesimpulannya bahawa China adalah sebuah negara yang mempunyai "kejahatan besar" dan "pembohongan yang munasabah" kini terus membuktikan kebenarannya kepada dunia.
28 Sep 2019
Penemuan saya bahawa Jepun sebenarnya telah menjadi "tawanan politik" dalam masyarakat antarabangsa sepanjang era selepas perang adalah penemuan yang layak Hadiah Nobel, bersama-sama dengan penemuan "meja putar tamadun."
Orang yang arif di dunia pasti serta-merta menyedari kepentingan penemuan saya kerana, sebenarnya, saya menemuinya.
Kerana kebenaran yang saya temui, seseorang dapat memahami dengan serta-merta mengapa masalah seperti isu wanita penghibur, isu yang digerakkan secara paksa, dan Pembunuhan Beramai-ramai Nanjing berlaku dan mengapa pembohongan sedemikian dilakukan dalam masyarakat antarabangsa, sebagaimana yang sepatutnya.
Ini kerana kita dapat memahami serta-merta mengapa Jepun telah dikritik oleh masyarakat antarabangsa dengan begitu cepat berdasarkan rekaan yang sukar dipercayai ini.
Pada masa yang sama, ia adalah Persekutuan Persatuan Peguam Jepun (JFBA). Kumpulan masyarakat sivil yang lain terus pergi ke PBB untuk membuat PBB mengesyorkan resolusi mengutuk Jepun, mengatakan bahawa Jepun adalah negara yang diskriminasi dan ucapan kebencian berleluasa, tanpa mengetahui bahawa Jepun adalah negara yang terus didiskriminasikan. oleh komuniti antarabangsa, Anda serta-merta boleh memahami betapa bodoh dan betapa "terburuk daripada yang paling teruk" mereka.
Anda juga boleh memahami serta-merta kebodohan melampau Asahi, Mainichi, dan orang lain yang berulang kali menyokong mereka dalam pelaporan mereka.

Adalah perlu untuk mengekalkan Jepun sebagai "tahanan politik" dalam masyarakat antarabangsa atas sebab A.S.
Media, yang diketuai oleh Asahi, melaporkan situasi perang yang berbeza sama sekali...kecuali rakyat Jepun, yang terus-menerus dipaksa membaca laporan bahawa Jepun menang...
Pada hari-hari terakhir perang, apabila jelas kepada semua orang di dunia bahawa Jepun telah kalah dalam perang, bukan sahaja mereka mengebom 127 bandar dengan sewenang-wenangnya, tetapi mereka juga menggunakan bom pembakar, senjata menentang kemanusiaan, untuk membunuh berjuta-juta orang awam. dalam tempoh yang sangat singkat, tetapi mereka menjatuhkan dua bom atom, jenayah terbesar dalam sejarah manusia, ke atas bandar indah Hiroshima dan Nagasaki dan orang awam yang tidak bersalah yang tinggal di sana.
Sebabnya adalah untuk menutup jenayah Amerika Syarikat, yang menggugurkan dua bom atom, jenayah terbesar dalam sejarah manusia, ke atas kota Hiroshima dan Nagasaki yang indah dan orang-orang yang tidak bersalah yang tinggal di sana dan melenyapkan mereka dalam sekelip mata.

Kerana dosa asal ini dan kewujudan orang Jepun, yang merupakan satu-satunya orang dalam sejarah umat manusia yang tidak membantah dosa asal ini mahupun menuntut pampasan yang besar untuk kerosakan, Amerika Syarikat mesti terus menjadi pegawai polis dunia.

Tetapi, sama seperti moralisme berpura-pura yang memberikan Obama Hadiah Nobel telah mengambil alih dunia, Obama benar-benar buta terhadap kebenaran yang tidak dapat dilupakan ini.
Matanya benar-benar dibutakan oleh pseudo-moralisme.
Atau mungkin dia berbuat demikian kerana termakan strategi licik China.
Dia tidak mungkin lebih bodoh dalam mengisytiharkan bahawa Amerika Syarikat bukanlah anggota polis dunia.

Sebaik sahaja dia berbuat demikian, China, sebuah pemerintahan diktator Komunis satu parti, dan Rusia, yang tidak terlalu banyak untuk dikatakan pemerintahan diktator Putin, dengan cepat berkembang dan mula mengamuk.
Mereka mula mengubah dan mengganggu susunan dunia selepas perang.
China, bagi pihaknya, telah mula merancang untuk mendapatkan hegemoni global, dan ini adalah kemarahan yang tidak bertuhan.

Daripada mengkritik China, Eropah, yang dipimpin oleh Jerman, jatuh cinta dengannya atas sebab ekonomi semata-mata.
Orang di seluruh dunia yang mempunyai ingatan yang baik tahu bahawa China telah mengatakan ini kepada Jepun pada setiap peluang.
Jepun cuba mengubah perintah selepas perang dan merupakan seorang revisionis, dan mereka telah menuduh Jepun perkara sedemikian dalam masyarakat antarabangsa.

Hasil kerja lapangan Tadao Umesao, salah seorang ulama tulen terhebat dan segelintir yang pernah dilahirkan di Jepun, lebih seperti lombong emas yang bersinar.
Kesimpulannya bahawa China, atau mana-mana negara dalam sfera China, adalah sebuah negara "kejahatan besar" dan "pembohongan yang munasabah" kini membuktikan kepada dunia adalah betul.

Dalam satu abad peperangan, didorong oleh strategi A.S. dan lain-lain, ini adalah negara yang walaupun Nazi Jerman tidak akan mengambil pendirian menentang...Jepun melancarkan perang terhadap A.S., yang merupakan negara paling berkuasa di dunia walaupun ketika itu.
Ia adalah kerana Jepun adalah negara samurai, tidak seperti negara lain dari semua peringkat umur dan budaya.
Walau bagaimanapun, jelas juga bahawa penghasut utama perang melulu ini adalah media massa Jepun pada masa itu, yang diketuai oleh Asahi Shimbun.

Mereka adalah orang yang berkata, "Syaitan adalah Amerika dan Britain," dan "Kami tidak mahukannya. Sehingga kami menang." dan "100 juta perang habis-habisan" ditarikan secara meluas di muka depan media massa Jepun ketika itu untuk memastikan rakyat Jepun terus bersemangat untuk memulakan perang.
Walaupun ketika perang sedang menuju ke arah kekalahan, orang Jepun tidak dimaklumkan tentang r

eality perang.
Apa yang mereka lakukan memberitahu orang ramai, sebaliknya, adalah untuk terus melaporkan berita seolah-olah Jepun masih menang.
Akibatnya, media massa Jepunlah yang menyebabkan malapetaka yang tidak pernah berlaku sebelum ini yang tidak pernah wujud dalam peperangan manusia sebelum ini.

Media massa telah menambah bilangan orang Jepun yang tidak mengetahui perkara ini.

Mereka bukan sahaja meletakkan semua kesalahan kepada tentera tetapi juga menjadi pelajar kehormat yang menerima dasar pendudukan GHQ dan hidup untuk mengelakkan tanggungjawab mereka,
Untuk mengelak tanggungjawab mereka, mereka masih memegang tanggungjawab tentera untuk segala-galanya dan menggunakan pseudo-moralisme bahawa Jepun adalah negara yang salah dan rakyat Jepun melakukan perkara yang dahsyat, yang tidak lebih baik daripada moralisme kanak-kanak tadika.
Artikel ini bersambung.

2024/8/18 di Mihara, Hiroshima

Die rede hiervoor is om die misdaad van die Verenigde State te bedek,

2024年08月19日 09時33分45秒 | 全般

Sy gevolgtrekking dat China 'n land van "afgrondige boosheid" en "aanvaarbare leuens" is, gaan nou voort om die korrektheid daarvan aan die wêreld te bewys.
28 September 2019
My ontdekking dat Japan in werklikheid 'n "politieke gevangene" in die internasionale gemeenskap was gedurende die naoorlogse era, is 'n Nobelprys-waardige ontdekking, saam met die ontdekking van die "draaitafel van die beskawing."
Die oordeelkundige mense van die wêreld moes dadelik die betekenis van my ontdekking besef het, want ek het dit waarlik ontdek.
As gevolg van die waarheid wat ek ontdek het, kan 'n mens onmiddellik verstaan ​​waarom probleme soos die troosvrouekwessie, die kwessie van gewelddadige verskuiwing en die Nanjing-slagting plaasvind en hoekom sulke leuens in die internasionale gemeenskap gepleeg word, soos dit behoort te wees.
Dit is omdat ons dadelik kan verstaan ​​hoekom Japan so vinnig deur die internasionale gemeenskap gekritiseer is op grond van hierdie ongelooflike versinsels.
Terselfdertyd is dit die Japan Federation of Bar Associations (JFBA). Ander sogenaamde burgerlike samelewingsgroepe gaan voort om na die VN te gaan om die VN 'n resolusie aan te beveel wat Japan veroordeel, en sê dat Japan 'n diskriminerende nasie is en dat haatspraak hoogty vier, sonder om te weet dat Japan 'n land is waarteen voortdurend gediskrimineer is. deur die internasionale gemeenskap, Jy kan dadelik verstaan ​​hoe dwaas en hoe "ergste van die ergste" hulle is.
Jy kan ook onmiddellik die uiterste onnoselheid van Asahi, Mainichi en ander verstaan ​​wat hulle herhaaldelik in hul beriggewing ondersteun.

Dit was om Amerikaanse redes nodig om Japan 'n "politieke gevangene" in die internasionale gemeenskap te hou.
Die media, onder leiding van Asahi, het 'n heeltemal ander oorlogsituasie berig ... behalwe vir die Japannese mense, wat voortdurend gedwing is om berigte te lees dat Japan wen ...
In die laaste dae van die oorlog, toe dit vir almal in die wêreld duidelik was dat Japan die oorlog verloor het, het hulle nie net 127 stede onoordeelkundig gebombardeer nie, maar hulle het ook brandbomme, 'n wapen teen die mensdom, gebruik om miljoene burgerlikes dood te maak. in 'n baie kort tydperk, maar hulle het twee atoombomme, die grootste misdaad in die geskiedenis van die mensdom, op die pragtige stede Hiroshima en Nagasaki en die onskuldige burgerlikes wat daar woon, laat val.
Die rede hiervoor is om die misdaad van die Verenigde State toe te smeer, wat twee atoombomme, die grootste misdaad in die menslike geskiedenis, op die pragtige stede Hiroshima en Nagasaki en die onskuldige mense wat daar gewoon het, laat val en in 'n oomblik uitgewis het.

As gevolg van hierdie oorspronklike sonde en die bestaan ​​van die Japannese mense, wat die enigste mense in die geskiedenis van die mensdom is wat nie teen hierdie oorspronklike sonde geprotesteer het nie, of groot vergoeding vir skade geëis het, moet die Verenigde State voortgaan om die wêreld se polisiebeampte te wees.

Maar, net soos die kamtige moralisme wat Obama die Nobelprys gegee het, die wêreld oorgeneem het, was Obama heeltemal blind vir hierdie absoluut onvergeetlike waarheid.
Sy oë was heeltemal verblind deur pseudo-moralisme.
Of miskien het hy dit gedoen deur te val vir China se slinkse strategie.
Hy kon nie meer dwaas gewees het om te verklaar dat die Verenigde State nie die wêreld se polisieman was nie.

Sodra hy dit gedoen het, het China, ’n eenparty-kommunistiese diktatuur, en Rusland, wat nie te veel is om Poetin se diktatuur te sê nie, vinnig gegroei en begin amok.
Hulle het begin om die naoorlogse wêreldorde te verander en te ontwrig.
China het op sy beurt begin planne maak om wêreldwye hegemonie te verkry, en dit is 'n goddelose verontwaardiging.

Eerder as om China te kritiseer, het Europa, onder leiding van Duitsland, verlief geraak daarop om ekonomiese redes alleen.
Mense wêreldwyd met goeie herinneringe weet dat China dit by elke geleentheid vir Japan gesê het.
Japan probeer om die naoorlogse orde te verander en is 'n revisionis, en hulle het Japan van sulke dinge in die internasionale gemeenskap beskuldig.

Die resultate van die veldwerk van Tadao Umesao, een van die grootste en min opregte geleerdes wat ooit in Japan gebore is, is selfs meer soos 'n blink goudmyn.
Sy gevolgtrekking dat China, of enige land in die Chinese sfeer, 'n land van "afgrondige boosheid" en "aanvaarbare leuens" is, blyk nou vir die wêreld korrek te wees.

In 'n eeu van oorlog, gedryf deur die strategieë van die VSA en ander, is dit 'n land waarteen selfs Nazi-Duitsland nie standpunt ingeneem het nie...Japan het 'n oorlog teen die VSA geloods, wat die magtigste land in die wêreld selfs dan.
Dit was omdat Japan 'n nasie van samoerai was, anders as enige ander land van alle ouderdomme en kulture.
Dit is egter ook duidelik dat die primêre aanstigter van hierdie roekelose oorlog die Japannese massamedia van destyds was, gelei deur die Asahi Shimbun.

Dit was hulle wat gesê het: "Die duiwel is Amerika en Brittanje," en "Ons wil dit nie hê nie. Totdat ons wen." en “100 miljoen all-out oorlog” is destyds wyd op die voorblaaie van die Japannese massamedia gedans om die Japannese mense geïnspireer te hou om die oorlog te begin.
Selfs toe die oorlog op ’n nederlaag afstuur, is die Japannese mense nie ingelig oor die r nie

ealiteit van die oorlog.
Waaroor hulle wel die publiek ingelig het, was inteendeel om voort te gaan om die nuus te rapporteer asof Japan steeds wen.
As gevolg hiervan was dit die Japannese massamedia wat die ongekende katastrofe veroorsaak het wat nog nooit voorheen in menslike oorloë bestaan ​​het nie.

Die massamedia het die aantal Japannese vermeerder wat dit nie weet nie.

Hulle het nie net al die blaam op die weermag geplaas nie, maar het ook erestudente geword wat die besettingsbeleid van GHQ aanvaar het en voortgeleef het om hul verantwoordelikheid te vermy,
Om hul verantwoordelikheid te ontduik, hou hulle steeds die weermag aanspreeklik vir alles en swaai hulle die pseudo-moralisme dat Japan 'n verkeerde land is en die Japannese mense verskriklike dinge gedoen het, wat niks beter is as kleuterskoolkinders se moralisme nie.
Hierdie artikel gaan voort.

2024/8/18 in Mihara, Hiroshima

A razão para tal é encobrir o crime dos Estados Unidos,

2024年08月19日 09時18分40秒 | 全般

A sua conclusão de que a China é um país de “maldade abismal” e de “mentiras plausíveis” continua agora a provar a sua correção ao mundo.
28 de setembro de 2019
A minha descoberta de que o Japão tem sido, de facto, um “prisioneiro político” na comunidade internacional durante toda a era do pós-guerra é uma descoberta digna do Prémio Nobel, juntamente com a descoberta da “plataforma giratória da civilização”.
As pessoas perspicazes do mundo devem ter percebido imediatamente o significado da minha descoberta porque, na verdade, eu descobri-a.
Por causa da verdade que descobri, podemos compreender imediatamente porque é que problemas como a questão das mulheres de conforto, a questão da deslocação forçada e o Massacre de Nanjing estão a ocorrer e porque é que tais mentiras estão a ser perpetradas na comunidade internacional, como deveriam estar.
É porque podemos compreender imediatamente porque é que o Japão foi tão rapidamente criticado pela comunidade internacional com base nestas fabricações inacreditáveis.
Ao mesmo tempo, é a Federação Japonesa de Associações de Advogados (JFBA). Outros grupos da chamada sociedade civil continuam a ir à ONU para que esta recomende uma resolução condenando o Japão, dizendo que o Japão é uma nação discriminatória e que o discurso de ódio é galopante, sem saberem que o Japão é um país que tem sido continuamente discriminado pela comunidade internacional.
Também se compreende imediatamente a extrema estupidez do Asahi, do Mainichi e de outros que os apoiam repetidamente nas suas reportagens.

Era necessário manter o Japão como “prisioneiro político” na comunidade internacional por razões americanas.
Os meios de comunicação social, liderados pelo Asahi, relataram uma situação de guerra completamente diferente... exceto para o povo japonês, que era continuamente forçado a ler relatos de que o Japão estava a ganhar...
Nos últimos dias da guerra, quando era evidente para todo o mundo que o Japão tinha perdido a guerra, não só bombardearam indiscriminadamente 127 cidades, como também utilizaram bombas incendiárias, uma arma contra a humanidade, para matar milhões de civis num período muito curto, mas lançaram duas bombas atómicas, o maior crime da história da humanidade, sobre as belas cidades de Hiroshima e Nagasaki e os civis inocentes que aí viviam. 
A razão para isso é encobrir o crime dos Estados Unidos, que lançaram duas bombas atómicas, o maior crime da história da humanidade, sobre as belas cidades de Hiroshima e Nagasaki e as pessoas inocentes que aí viviam e as obliteraram num instante.

Devido a este pecado original e à existência do povo japonês, que é o único povo na história da humanidade que não protestou contra este pecado original nem exigiu uma enorme indemnização pelos danos causados, os Estados Unidos devem continuar a ser o polícia do mundo.

Mas, tal como o pretenso moralismo que deu a Obama o Prémio Nobel tomou conta do mundo, Obama estava completamente cego a esta verdade absolutamente inesquecível.
Os seus olhos foram cegados pelo pseudo-moralismo.
Ou talvez o tenha feito por ter caído na estratégia ardilosa da China.
Não podia ter sido mais insensato ao declarar que os Estados Unidos não eram o polícia do mundo.

Assim que o fez, a China, uma ditadura comunista de partido único, e a Rússia, que não é demais dizer a ditadura de Putin, cresceram rapidamente e começaram a agitar-se.
Começaram a alterar e a perturbar a ordem mundial do pós-guerra.
A China, por seu lado, começou a conspirar para conquistar a hegemonia mundial, e isso é um ultraje sem Deus.

Em vez de criticar a China, a Europa, liderada pela Alemanha, apaixonou-se por ela apenas por razões económicas.
As pessoas com boa memória em todo o mundo sabem que a China tem estado a dizer isto ao Japão em todas as oportunidades.
O Japão está a tentar alterar a ordem do pós-guerra e é um revisionista, e tem acusado o Japão de tais coisas na comunidade internacional.

Os resultados do trabalho de campo de Tadao Umesao, um dos maiores e poucos académicos genuínos nascidos no Japão, são ainda mais como uma mina de ouro brilhante.
A sua conclusão de que a China, ou qualquer país da esfera chinesa, é um país de “maldade abismal” e de “mentiras plausíveis” está agora a revelar-se ao mundo como correta.

Num século de guerra, impulsionada pelas estratégias dos EUA e de outros, este é um país contra o qual nem a Alemanha nazi teria tomado posição... O Japão lançou uma guerra contra os EUA, que eram o país mais poderoso do mundo na altura.
Isso deveu-se ao facto de o Japão ser uma nação de samurais, diferente de qualquer outro país de todas as épocas e culturas.
No entanto, é também evidente que o principal instigador desta guerra imprudente foram os meios de comunicação social japoneses da altura, liderados pelo Asahi Shimbun.

Foram eles que disseram: “O diabo é a América e a Grã-Bretanha”, “Não queremos. Até ganharmos.” e ‘100 milhões de guerra total’ foram amplamente dançados nas primeiras páginas dos meios de comunicação social japoneses da época para manter o povo japonês inspirado a iniciar a guerra.
Mesmo quando a guerra estava a caminhar para a derrota, o povo japonês não era informado da realidade da guerra.
Pelo contrário, o que informaram o público foi continuar a dar as notícias como se o Japão ainda estivesse a ganhar. 
Em consequência, foram os meios de comunicação social japoneses que provocaram uma catástrofe sem precedentes, como nunca tinha acontecido em guerras humanas.

Os meios de comunicação social aumentaram o número de japoneses que não sabem disto.

Não só atribuíram todas as culpas aos militares, como também se tornaram estudantes de honra que aceitaram a política de ocupação do GHQ e continuaram a viver para evitar a sua responsabilidade,
Para evitar a sua responsabilidade, continuam a responsabilizar os militares por tudo e a usar o pseudo-moralismo de que o Japão é um país errado e que o povo japonês fez coisas terríveis, o que não é melhor do que o moralismo das crianças do jardim de infância.
Este artigo continua.

2024/8/18 em Mihara, Hiroshima

La raison en est de dissimuler le crime des États-Unis,

2024年08月19日 09時17分21秒 | 全般

Sa conclusion selon laquelle la Chine est un pays de « mal abyssal » et de « mensonges plausibles » continue de prouver sa justesse au monde entier.
28 septembre 2019
Ma découverte selon laquelle le Japon a été, en fait, un « prisonnier politique » au sein de la communauté internationale tout au long de l'après-guerre est une découverte digne du prix Nobel, au même titre que la découverte de la « table tournante de la civilisation ».
Les personnes avisées du monde entier ont dû comprendre instantanément l'importance de ma découverte car, en vérité, c'est moi qui l'ai découverte.
Grâce à la vérité que j'ai découverte, on peut immédiatement comprendre pourquoi des problèmes tels que la question des femmes de réconfort, la question des déplacements forcés et le massacre de Nanjing se produisent et pourquoi de tels mensonges sont perpétrés au sein de la communauté internationale, comme ils devraient l'être.
C'est parce que nous pouvons immédiatement comprendre pourquoi le Japon a été critiqué par la communauté internationale si rapidement sur la base de ces incroyables fabrications.
En même temps, il s'agit de la Fédération japonaise des associations du barreau (JFBA). D'autres soi-disant groupes de la société civile continuent de se rendre à l'ONU pour que celle-ci recommande une résolution condamnant le Japon, affirmant que le Japon est une nation discriminatoire et que les discours de haine sont omniprésents, sans savoir que le Japon est un pays qui a été continuellement discriminé par la communauté internationale, Vous pouvez immédiatement comprendre à quel point ils sont stupides et « les pires des pires ».
Vous pouvez également comprendre immédiatement l'extrême stupidité d'Asahi, Mainichi, et d'autres qui les soutiennent de manière répétée dans leurs reportages.

Il était nécessaire de maintenir le Japon comme « prisonnier politique » au sein de la communauté internationale pour des raisons américaines.
Les médias, sous la houlette d'Asahi, ont rendu compte d'une situation de guerre totalement différente... sauf pour le peuple japonais, qui a été continuellement contraint de lire des rapports indiquant que le Japon était en train de gagner...
Dans les derniers jours de la guerre, alors qu'il était évident pour tout le monde que le Japon avait perdu la guerre, il a non seulement bombardé 127 villes sans discernement, mais il a également utilisé des bombes incendiaires, une arme contre l'humanité, pour tuer des millions de civils en très peu de temps, et il a largué deux bombes atomiques, le plus grand crime de l'histoire de l'humanité, sur les belles villes d'Hiroshima et de Nagasaki et sur les civils innocents qui y vivaient. 
La raison en est de couvrir le crime des États-Unis, qui ont largué deux bombes atomiques, le plus grand crime de l'histoire de l'humanité, sur les belles villes d'Hiroshima et de Nagasaki et sur les personnes innocentes qui y vivaient, et les ont anéanties en un instant.

En raison de ce péché originel et de l'existence du peuple japonais, qui est le seul peuple dans l'histoire de l'humanité à n'avoir ni protesté contre ce péché originel ni exigé d'énormes compensations pour les dommages subis, les États-Unis doivent continuer à être le policier du monde.

Mais, tout comme le prétendu moralisme qui a donné le prix Nobel à Obama s'est emparé du monde, Obama a été totalement aveugle à cette vérité absolument inoubliable.
Ses yeux ont été complètement aveuglés par le pseudo-moralisme.
Ou peut-être l'a-t-il fait en tombant dans le piège de la stratégie astucieuse de la Chine.
Il n'aurait pas pu être plus stupide en déclarant que les États-Unis n'étaient pas le gendarme du monde.

Dès qu'il l'a fait, la Chine, une dictature communiste à parti unique, et la Russie, qui n'est pas exagérée pour dire la dictature de Poutine, se sont rapidement développées et ont commencé à se déchaîner.
Elles ont commencé à modifier et à perturber l'ordre mondial de l'après-guerre.
La Chine, pour sa part, a commencé à comploter pour obtenir l'hégémonie mondiale, et c'est un scandale impie.

Au lieu de critiquer la Chine, l'Europe, dirigée par l'Allemagne, est tombée amoureuse d'elle pour de simples raisons économiques.
Les personnes du monde entier qui ont une bonne mémoire savent que la Chine a dit cela au Japon à chaque fois qu'elle en a eu l'occasion.
Le Japon essaie de changer l'ordre de l'après-guerre et est un révisionniste, et ils ont accusé le Japon de telles choses au sein de la communauté internationale.

Les résultats du travail sur le terrain de Tadao Umesao, l'un des plus grands et des rares chercheurs authentiques jamais nés au Japon, sont une mine d'or encore plus brillante.
Sa conclusion selon laquelle la Chine, ou tout autre pays de la sphère chinoise, est un pays de « mal abyssal » et de « mensonges plausibles » s'avère aujourd'hui exacte aux yeux du monde entier.

En un siècle de guerre, motivée par les stratégies des États-Unis et d'autres pays, c'est un pays contre lequel même l'Allemagne nazie n'aurait pas pris position... Le Japon a lancé une guerre contre les États-Unis, qui étaient déjà à l'époque le pays le plus puissant du monde.
C'est parce que le Japon était une nation de samouraïs, contrairement à tous les autres pays de toutes les époques et de toutes les cultures.
Cependant, il est également évident que le principal instigateur de cette guerre imprudente était les médias japonais de l'époque, l'Asahi Shimbun en tête.

Ce sont eux qui ont déclaré : « Le diable, c'est l'Amérique et la Grande-Bretagne », « Nous n'en voulons pas, jusqu'à ce que nous gagnions » et « 100 % de la population japonaise n'en veut pas ». Jusqu'à ce que nous gagnions » et “Une guerre totale de 100 millions” ont été largement diffusés en première page des médias japonais de l'époque pour inciter le peuple japonais à entrer en guerre.
Même lorsque la guerre se dirigeait vers la défaite, le peuple japonais n'était pas informé de la réalité de la guerre.
Ce qu'ils ont fait, au contraire, c'est informer le public en continuant à présenter les nouvelles comme si le Japon était toujours en train de gagner. 
Par conséquent, ce sont les médias japonais qui ont provoqué une catastrophe sans précédent, qui n'avait jamais existé auparavant dans les guerres humaines.

Les médias ont augmenté le nombre de Japonais qui ne le savent pas.

Non seulement ils ont rejeté toute la responsabilité sur les militaires, mais ils sont aussi devenus des étudiants d'honneur qui ont accepté la politique d'occupation du GHQ et ont vécu pour éviter leur responsabilité,
Pour échapper à leurs responsabilités, ils continuent de tenir les militaires pour responsables de tout et brandissent le pseudo-moralisme selon lequel le Japon est un mauvais pays et le peuple japonais a fait des choses terribles, ce qui n'est pas mieux que le moralisme des enfants de la maternelle.
Cet article continue.

2024/8/18 à Mihara, Hiroshima

Der Grund dafür ist, das Verbrechen der Vereinigten Staaten zu vertuschen,

2024年08月19日 09時15分39秒 | 全般

Seine Schlussfolgerung, dass China ein Land des „abgrundtiefen Übels“ und der „plausiblen Lügen“ ist, beweist der Welt nun weiterhin ihre Richtigkeit.
28. Sep. 2019
Meine Entdeckung, dass Japan in der Nachkriegszeit in der Tat ein „politischer Gefangener“ in der internationalen Gemeinschaft war, ist eine Nobelpreis-würdige Entdeckung, ebenso wie die Entdeckung der „Drehscheibe der Zivilisation“.
Die aufmerksamen Menschen in der Welt müssen die Bedeutung meiner Entdeckung sofort erkannt haben, denn ich habe sie wahrhaftig entdeckt.
Aufgrund der von mir entdeckten Wahrheit kann man sofort verstehen, warum Probleme wie das Problem der Trostfrauen, das Problem der Zwangsumsiedlung und das Nanjing-Massaker auftreten und warum solche Lügen in der internationalen Gemeinschaft verübt werden, wie es eigentlich sein sollte.
Das liegt daran, dass wir sofort verstehen können, warum Japan von der internationalen Gemeinschaft aufgrund dieser unglaublichen Lügen so schnell kritisiert worden ist.
Zugleich ist es die Japan Federation of Bar Associations (JFBA). Andere so genannte zivilgesellschaftliche Gruppen gehen weiterhin zu den Vereinten Nationen, um die UN dazu zu bringen, eine Resolution zur Verurteilung Japans zu empfehlen, indem sie sagen, dass Japan eine diskriminierende Nation ist und dass Hassreden weit verbreitet sind, ohne zu wissen, dass Japan ein Land ist, das von der internationalen Gemeinschaft ständig diskriminiert wird, Sie können sofort verstehen, wie dumm und wie „das Schlimmste vom Schlimmsten“ sie sind.
Man kann auch sofort die extreme Dummheit von Asahi, Mainichi und anderen verstehen, die sie immer wieder in ihrer Berichterstattung unterstützen.

Es war notwendig, Japan aus US-Gründen als „politischen Gefangenen“ in der internationalen Gemeinschaft zu halten.
Die Medien, angeführt von Asahi, berichteten über eine völlig andere Kriegssituation...außer für das japanische Volk, das ständig gezwungen war, Berichte zu lesen, dass Japan siegte...
In den letzten Kriegstagen, als es für alle Welt offensichtlich war, dass Japan den Krieg verloren hatte, bombardierten sie nicht nur wahllos 127 Städte, sondern setzten auch Brandbomben ein, eine Waffe gegen die Menschlichkeit, mit der sie in kürzester Zeit Millionen von Zivilisten töteten, sondern warfen auch zwei Atombomben, das größte Verbrechen in der Geschichte der Menschheit, auf die schönen Städte Hiroshima und Nagasaki und die dort lebenden unschuldigen Zivilisten. 
Der Grund dafür ist, das Verbrechen der Vereinigten Staaten zu vertuschen, die zwei Atombomben, das größte Verbrechen in der Geschichte der Menschheit, auf die schönen Städte Hiroshima und Nagasaki und die unschuldigen Menschen, die dort lebten, abgeworfen und sie in einem Augenblick ausgelöscht haben.

Wegen dieser Erbsünde und der Existenz des japanischen Volkes, das als einziges Volk in der Geschichte der Menschheit weder gegen diese Erbsünde protestiert noch riesige Entschädigungen gefordert hat, müssen die Vereinigten Staaten weiterhin die Weltpolizei spielen.

Aber so wie der vorgetäuschte Moralismus, der Obama den Nobelpreis eingebracht hat, die Welt erobert hat, war Obama für diese absolut unvergessliche Wahrheit völlig blind.
Seine Augen waren durch den Pseudo-Moralismus völlig geblendet.
Oder vielleicht ist er auch auf Chinas gerissene Strategie hereingefallen.
Er hätte nicht dümmer sein können, als er erklärte, die Vereinigten Staaten seien nicht der Weltpolizist.

Kaum hatte er dies getan, wuchsen China, eine kommunistische Einparteiendiktatur, und Russland, die Diktatur Putins, um nicht zu sagen, wuchsen schnell und begannen zu wüten.
Sie begannen, die Nachkriegsweltordnung zu verändern und zu stören.
China hat seinerseits begonnen, die globale Hegemonie anzustreben, und das ist ein gottloser Frevel.

Anstatt China zu kritisieren, hat sich Europa, angeführt von Deutschland, allein aus wirtschaftlichen Gründen in China verliebt.
Menschen in aller Welt, die ein gutes Gedächtnis haben, wissen, dass China dies bei jeder Gelegenheit zu Japan gesagt hat.
Japan versucht, die Nachkriegsordnung zu ändern, und ist ein Revisionist, und das hat man Japan in der internationalen Gemeinschaft vorgeworfen.

Die Ergebnisse der Feldforschung von Tadao Umesao, einem der größten und wenigen echten Gelehrten, die je in Japan geboren wurden, sind sogar noch mehr wie eine glänzende Goldmine.
Seine Schlussfolgerung, dass China oder jedes Land in der chinesischen Sphäre ein Land des „abgrundtief Bösen“ und der „glaubwürdigen Lügen“ ist, erweist sich nun für die Welt als richtig.

In einem Jahrhundert des Krieges, angetrieben durch die Strategien der USA und anderer, ist dies ein Land, gegen das selbst Nazi-Deutschland nicht Stellung bezogen hätte... Japan begann einen Krieg gegen die USA, die schon damals das mächtigste Land der Welt waren.
Das lag daran, dass Japan eine Nation von Samurai war, anders als alle anderen Länder aller Zeiten und Kulturen.
Es ist jedoch auch offensichtlich, dass der Hauptanstifter dieses rücksichtslosen Krieges die japanischen Massenmedien jener Zeit waren, angeführt von der Asahi Shimbun.

Sie waren es, die sagten: „Der Teufel ist Amerika und Großbritannien“ und „Wir wollen ihn nicht. Solange wir nicht gewinnen“ und ‚100 Millionen für einen totalen Krieg‘ wurden damals auf den Titelseiten der japanischen Massenmedien breitgetreten, um das japanische Volk für den Krieg zu begeistern.
Selbst als der Krieg auf eine Niederlage zusteuerte, wurde die japanische Bevölkerung nicht über die Realität des Krieges informiert.
Die Öffentlichkeit wurde vielmehr so informiert, als ob Japan immer noch siegen würde. 
Infolgedessen waren es die japanischen Massenmedien, die eine noch nie dagewesene Katastrophe verursachten, die es in Kriegen der Menschheit noch nie gegeben hatte.

Die Massenmedien haben die Zahl der Japaner, die dies nicht wissen, erhöht.

Sie schoben nicht nur die ganze Schuld auf das Militär, sondern wurden auch zu Ehrenschülern, die die Besatzungspolitik des GHQ akzeptierten und weiterlebten, um ihrer Verantwortung zu entgehen,
Um ihrer Verantwortung zu entgehen, machen sie immer noch das Militär für alles verantwortlich und üben sich in Pseudo-Moralismus, dass Japan ein falsches Land sei und das japanische Volk schreckliche Dinge getan habe, was nicht besser ist als der Moralismus von Kindergartenkindern.
Dieser Artikel wird fortgesetzt.

2024/8/18 in Mihara, Hiroshima

La razón de esto es encubrir el crimen de los Estados Unidos,

2024年08月19日 09時14分50秒 | 全般

Su conclusión de que China es un país de «maldad abismal» y «mentiras plausibles» sigue demostrando ahora al mundo su acierto.
28 de septiembre de 2019
Mi descubrimiento de que Japón ha sido, de hecho, un «prisionero político» en la comunidad internacional durante toda la posguerra es un descubrimiento digno de un Premio Nobel, junto con el descubrimiento de la «plataforma giratoria de la civilización.»
La gente perspicaz del mundo debió darse cuenta al instante de la importancia de mi descubrimiento porque, la verdad, lo descubrí yo.
Debido a la verdad que descubrí, uno puede entender instantáneamente por qué ocurren problemas como el de las mujeres de solaz, el de ser trasladado a la fuerza y el de la Masacre de Nanjing, y por qué se perpetran tales mentiras en la comunidad internacional, como debe ser.
Es porque podemos entender al instante por qué Japón ha sido criticado por la comunidad internacional tan rápidamente basándose en estas increíbles invenciones.
Al mismo tiempo, es la Federación Japonesa de Colegios de Abogados (JFBA). Otros supuestos grupos de la sociedad civil siguen acudiendo a la ONU para que ésta recomiende una resolución de condena a Japón, diciendo que Japón es una nación discriminatoria y que el discurso del odio es rampante, sin saber que Japón es un país que ha sido continuamente discriminado por la comunidad internacional, Se puede entender al instante lo tontos y lo «peor de lo peor» que son.
También puedes entender al instante la extrema estupidez de Asahi, Mainichi y otros que les apoyan repetidamente en sus reportajes.

Era necesario mantener a Japón como «prisionero político» en la comunidad internacional por razones estadounidenses.
Los medios de comunicación, liderados por Asahi, informaron de una situación de guerra completamente diferente... excepto para el pueblo japonés, que se vio continuamente obligado a leer informes de que Japón estaba ganando...
En los últimos días de la guerra, cuando era evidente para todos en el mundo que Japón había perdido la guerra, no sólo bombardearon indiscriminadamente 127 ciudades, sino que también utilizaron bombas incendiarias, un arma contra la humanidad, para matar a millones de civiles en un período muy corto, pero lanzaron dos bombas atómicas, el mayor crimen en la historia de la humanidad, sobre las hermosas ciudades de Hiroshima y Nagasaki y los civiles inocentes que vivían allí. 
La razón de esto es encubrir el crimen de los Estados Unidos, que lanzaron dos bombas atómicas, el mayor crimen de la historia de la humanidad, sobre las hermosas ciudades de Hiroshima y Nagasaki y las personas inocentes que vivían allí y las aniquilaron en un instante.

Debido a este pecado original y a la existencia del pueblo japonés, que es el único pueblo en la historia de la humanidad que no protestó contra este pecado original ni exigió enormes compensaciones por los daños, Estados Unidos debe seguir siendo el policía del mundo.

Pero, al igual que el pretendido moralismo que dio a Obama el Premio Nobel se ha apoderado del mundo, Obama estaba completamente ciego ante esta verdad absolutamente inolvidable.
Sus ojos estaban completamente cegados por el pseudo-moralismo.
O quizás lo hizo cayendo en la astuta estrategia de China.
No pudo ser más insensato al declarar que Estados Unidos no era el policía del mundo.

En cuanto lo hizo, China, una dictadura comunista de partido único, y Rusia, que no es mucho decir la dictadura de Putin, crecieron rápidamente y empezaron a arrasar.
Comenzaron a alterar y perturbar el orden mundial de posguerra.
China, por su parte, ha empezado a conspirar para hacerse con la hegemonía mundial, y esto es un atropello impío.

En lugar de criticar a China, Europa, con Alemania a la cabeza, se enamoró de ella sólo por razones económicas.
La gente de todo el mundo con buena memoria sabe que China ha estado diciendo esto a Japón en cada oportunidad.
Japón está intentando cambiar el orden de la posguerra y es un revisionista, y han estado acusando a Japón de tales cosas en la comunidad internacional.

Los resultados del trabajo de campo de Tadao Umesao, uno de los más grandes y pocos auténticos eruditos nacidos en Japón, son aún más como una brillante mina de oro.
Su conclusión de que China, o cualquier país de la esfera china, es un país de «maldad abismal» y «mentiras plausibles» está demostrando ahora al mundo que es correcta.

En un siglo de guerra, impulsada por las estrategias de Estados Unidos y otros países, se trata de un país contra el que ni siquiera la Alemania nazi se habría enfrentado... Japón lanzó una guerra contra Estados Unidos, que ya entonces era el país más poderoso del mundo.
Fue porque Japón era una nación de samuráis, a diferencia de cualquier otro país de todas las épocas y culturas.
Sin embargo, también es evidente que el principal instigador de esta temeraria guerra fueron los medios de comunicación japoneses de la época, encabezados por el Asahi Shimbun.

Eran ellos los que decían: «El diablo son Estados Unidos y Gran Bretaña», y «No lo queremos. Hasta que ganemos» y “100 millones de guerra total” fueron ampliamente difundidos en las portadas de los medios de comunicación japoneses de la época para mantener al pueblo japonés inspirado para iniciar la guerra.
Incluso cuando la guerra se encaminaba hacia la derrota, no se informó al pueblo japonés de la realidad de la guerra.
De lo que sí informaron al público, por el contrario, fue de seguir informando de las noticias como si Japón siguiera ganando. 
Como resultado, fueron los medios de comunicación japoneses los que provocaron una catástrofe sin precedentes que nunca antes había existido en las guerras humanas.

Los medios de comunicación de masas han aumentado el número de japoneses que no lo saben.

No sólo echaron toda la culpa a los militares, sino que se convirtieron en estudiantes de honor que aceptaron la política de ocupación del cuartel general y siguieron viviendo para eludir su responsabilidad,
Para eludir su responsabilidad, siguen responsabilizando a los militares de todo y esgrimen el pseudo-moralismo de que Japón es un país equivocado y que el pueblo japonés hizo cosas terribles, lo cual no es mejor que el moralismo de los niños de parvulario.
Este artículo continúa.

2024/8/18 en Mihara, Hiroshima