文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

A genuine politician can crush such vile viciousness with a single word

2021年07月12日 11時12分53秒 | 全般

I had already mentioned that I stopped subscribing to the Asahi Shimbun, Weekly Asahi, and Aera, which I had subscribed to for many years, after Tadakazu Kimura's press conference in 2014 when the reality of the Asahi Shimbun became clear.
Since then, I have not read the Asahi Shimbun at all, if I may say so.
The following is from an article by Nobuhiko Sakai, a former professor at the University of Tokyo, entitled "Asahi Shimbun irritated by Tokyo Olympics," which appears in a unique feature in the current issue of the monthly magazine Sound Argument.
Nobuhiko Sakai has nothing to do with the masochistic view of history or leftist pedophilia.
However, most of the people who appear on Asahi and NHK with the title of professor at the University of Tokyo have a masochistic view of history and are probably leftist pedophiles.
The fact that people like Nobuhiko Sakai are so rare proves this. It's disgusting.
Every sane Japanese citizen who reads the following article should think so.
In 2014, the failure of the Japanese people to not only shut down the Asahi Shimbun and force them to sell all of their assets and compensate the Japanese nation and people for the astronomical damage they have caused was a disaster for Japan and the Japanese people.
We have allowed the Asahi Shimbun to continue to publish such vicious and terrible editorials about the Tokyo Olympics.
The CDP and the Communist Party, which are sympathetic to and use the Asahi Shimbun, are out of the question. Still, the populist politicians in the ruling party are incapable of overcoming even this viciousness.
A genuine politician can crush such vile viciousness with a single word (more on this later).
According to this article, the Asahi Shimbun will raise its monthly subscription fee from 4,037 yen to 4,400 yen.
The monthly magazines I mention, WiLL and Hanada, full of genuine articles by genuine thinkers from various fields and walks of life that prove that the turntable of civilization is turning in Japan, cost ¥950 and Sound Argument costs ¥900.
In other words, subscribers of the Asahi Shimbun are forced to pay 4,400 yen per month to read, instead of genuine articles, vile and vicious editorials by the masochistic view of history and leftist pedophiles (all of which are essentially fake news to realize their gross claims) that are designed to demean the Japanese nation and attack the Japanese government to please China and South Korea.
On the other hand, subscribers to the three monthly magazines mentioned above can, for a total of 2,800 yen per month, subscribe to a plethora of genuine articles that they will never read in the Asahi Shimbun the following.

