文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

It is nothing short of a tragedy that academia has been distorted.

2022年02月06日 09時53分07秒 | 全般

There have been many cases where people have risen in the corporate world by ousting their bosses and colleagues. 
It is a chapter that I sent out on August 28, 2018.
I'm re-transmitting it because it has been experiencing search interference.
The previous chapter's TBS (Mainichi Broadcasting System) program made extremely vicious biased reporting with incredibly messed up editing.
It is an excellent article to understand the people who control the news department of TBS to do such a thing.
From "Japan, Take Back Our History," a unique feature on the dialogue between Ms. Yoshiko Sakurai and Mr. Naoki Hyakuta in the monthly magazine WiLL released on the 25th.
Preamble omitted.
GHQ's "Spiritual Transformation" against Japan
After the 2016 presidential election in the U.S., President Trump's term "fake news" became a hot topic, and the impartiality of the press has become a global issue.
In Japan, the significant media's one-sided criticism of the Abe administration and deliberate manipulation of public opinion through editing is rampant.
When did this kind of biased reporting become so common?        
I am currently writing a book on Japanese history.
After relearning, I am keenly aware that the "mental transformation" of the Japanese people by GHQ is still lingering.
GHQ's occupation policies were unparalleled in world history in their harshness.
The minds of the Japanese people were destroyed by the "War Guilt Information Program" (self-defeating ideology) that instilled a sense of atonement.
The U.S. ideological education against Japan was based on the brainwashing know-how that the Chinese Communist Party used on Japanese and Kuomintang prisoners of war in Yan'an. 
It seems that Sanzo Nosaka was also cooperating with the GHQ occupation policy. 
Especially the press code was terrible.
For example, criticism of GHQ, the Allied Powers, or the Tokyo Trials was not allowed.
For example, criticism of GHQ, the Allied Powers, or the Tokyo Trials was not allowed, and for some reason, criticism of Koreans was also forbidden.
It was forbidden to say that the U.S. had created the Constitution, and it was also prohibited to promote nationalism, so it was impossible to look at Japan honestly.
Of course, we were not allowed to reveal the existence of the censorship system itself.
In addition to censorship, book burning was also practiced.
Publications in libraries and university archives that were inconvenient to the Allies were destroyed from the bottom of the pile.
Book burnings are famous in history for the Qin Shi Huang and the Nazis.
It is cultural and historical destruction of the worst kind.
The United States has done the same thing.
The U.S., which claims to have freedom of speech, thought, and belief, applied a complete double standard to Japan.
Jun Eto was the one who pointed this out correctly, wasn't he?
In total, more than 7,000 books were confiscated, and those who resisted the confiscation because they were essential documents were sentenced to up to 10 years in prison. 
Article 10 of the Potsdam Declaration states, "The Government of Japan shall promote democracy. It shall establish freedom of speech, religion and thought, and respect for fundamental human rights.
In other words, this is more than just a double standard; it is a clear violation of the Potsdam Declaration.
Distorted Learning
The expulsion from public office was also terrible.
More than 200,000 people, including government offices, assigned essential duties to Japan, could no longer work.
Ichiro Hatoyama, who was on the verge of being nominated for the top job, was also banned from public office.
People who were inconvenient to GHQ were punished even if they were candidates for prime minister, and ordinary people were even less able to speak up.
Exceedingly terrible was the education world.
Excellent professors from the University of Tokyo and Kyoto University have also been disposed of in large numbers.
Before the war, anarchists and revolutionary ideas were kicked out of the imperial universities.
After the war, however, they came back to teach one after another, meeting the GHQ's expectations, and eventually came to dominate university education.
This philosophy spread to higher and secondary education and has continued to this day.
In some cases, a scholar with a fair idea turned around because he liked the GHQ.
A typical example is the constitutional scholar Toshiyoshi Miyazawa.
He was critical of the Japanese Constitution and said it was an "imposed constitution" by GHQ.
However, when he saw his colleagues being purged by GHQ, he completely changed his mind.
That was a 180-degree change.
He began to advocate the new theory was the "August Revolution Theory.
Simply put, the acceptance of the Potsdam Declaration in August 1945 was a kind of revolution. At that time, Japan changed from the emperor's sovereignty to the sovereignty of the people.
In other words, the idea is that the Japanese Constitution is the correct Constitution that was created by the revolution.
After that, Mr. Miyazawa continued to reign at the top of the University of Tokyo's Constitutional Law Department.
In universities, which are vertical societies, Miyazawa's constitutional jurisprudence is handed down as "grateful words" by assistant professors and assistants.
In fact, at the University of Tokyo, it seems that the August Revolution theory is still taught as correct.
Because the August Revolution theory has become the prevailing theory in the bar exam, it is no wonder that the Japan Federation of Bar Associations has become a strange organization. 
The "elite" who entered the University of Tokyo through an entrance exam based on rote memorization are forced to study this kind of nonsensical theory.
Whether it is the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science, and Technology, or any other bureaucracy in the news today, they are all graduates of the University of Tokyo Law School.
Because they can't think for themselves, all they can do is drag politics down with them, saying things like, "I'm not going to follow you.
Many bureaucrats in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs do not think about the national interest.
Another person I would like to introduce is Kisaburo Yokota.
He was also an authority on law at the University of Tokyo. Still, he continued to say that the Japanese Constitution was not imposed on Japan. During the occupation, he published a book entitled "The Emperor System," where he advocated the abolition of the emperor system. 
However, in his later years, when he was appointed Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, he gathered his students and bought his books at a used bookstore in Kanda and disposed of them.
He thought, "It is indeed not good to abolish the emperor system.
That's why his books are so hard to find.
You do terrible things without feeling ashamed of it.
It is nothing short of a tragedy that academia has been distorted.
The Transformation of the Asahi Shimbun
On the other hand, that's how strict the GHQ was.
Losing a job in Japan, which at the time was the poorest country in the world, was literally a matter of life and death.
In the sense that they had to support their families, it was a terrible situation for those who were expelled, as if they were being thrust into an abyss where it was life or death.
I want to mention that the Civil Affairs Bureau of GHQ, which led to the expulsion of public officials, could not have had enough personnel to list more than 200,000 Japanese.
So who was it that helped with this?
The Japanese.
There were Japanese who cooperated with GHQ and expelled the Japanese.
Socialists and communists used the opportunity of expulsion from public office to eliminate their political enemies.
In the corporate world, there were many cases where people got ahead by ousting their bosses and colleagues. 
They, or their descendants, still control NHK, TV Asahi, TBS, etc., is probably because of the above ousting.
The expulsion from the teaching profession was particularly severe, with 100,000 faculty members eventually forced to resign.
Many of the pre-war graduates of the Normal School quit.
The Normal School is known to have nurtured excellent people, isn't it?
It was a real shame. 
It was also during this period that the Asahi Shimbun changed. 
"As the United States advocates 'justice is power,' we cannot deny that the use of atomic bombs and the killing of innocent people are violations of international law and war crimes, even more so than attacks on hospital ships and the use of poison gas." 
The Asahi Shimbun was suspended for two days because the GHQ was offended by the publication of Ichiro Hatoyama's speech.
Since then, the Asahi Shimbun has shifted to its current tone, which actively promotes a self-defeating view of history, and its "anti-Japanese disease" remains untreated to this day.
Although freedom of expression returned after the occupying forces left, the seven years of occupation were more than enough time for socialists and communists to put down roots in newspapers and universities.
I want the current Asahi reporters to look back on their company's history and know-how the reporting of their predecessors has changed.
In 1951, on MacArthur's return to the United States, the Asahi Shimbun wrote the following in its Tenseijingo. 
No foreigner has had such a broad and profound influence on the Japanese people as General MacArthur. 
And few foreigners have been as well known to the majority of the Japanese people as he. Since Bataan, from sixty to seventy, he has labored without a Sunday or birthday break. As the 'great bridge of the Pacific,' I feel deep respect and regret General Ma, who eventually left Japan without seeing the conclusion of the peace treaty and died for his beliefs. 
It's like a North Korean or Chinese newspaper (laughs).
That sounds like a love letter (laughs).
Although it never came to fruition, there was a movement to create a "MacArthur Shrine," The Asahi and Mainichi newspapers' presidents were among the initiators. 
It is common to enshrine real people in shrines, such as the Nogi Shrine, which enshrines Kigenori Nogi, but these are all deceased people.
How can you enshrine someone who is still alive (laughs)?
To the Asahi Shimbun, MacArthur was a "living god.
This article continues.
