文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

It is the one and only blog that people all over the world must-read.

2021年06月12日 09時23分02秒 | 全般

Since its inception in July 2010, this column has hit the nail on the head.
Now, the "turntable of civilization" is turning in Japan, which has been the best country in the world since ancient times.
In Japan, real thinkers from all walks of life are writing genuine papers day and night.
However, these papers have not been conveyed to the world.
It has created an unstable and dangerous world.
In order to correct this, this column is being published every day in dozens of languages.
It is the one and only blog that people all over the world must-read.

Hiroshi Furuta, whom I have known for the first time since August seven years ago, is a real scholar.
He is also one of the best scholars in the world.
However, as a long-time subscriber to the Asahi Shimbun, Weekly Asahi, etc., I had never heard of him.
It is one of the obvious facts about the mass media's manipulation of information and biased reporting.
His definition of "intuition" is synonymous with what I have been saying since I was young: "Geniuses get inspiration, mediocre ones do not.
It is for people worldwide who want to know the truth of things, for people who wish to have the correct knowledge as humans living in the 21st century.
This column delivers genuine articles to the world every day in the language of each country.
As I have already mentioned, it is divine providence that the "turntable of civilization" is now turning in Japan, which has been the best country in the world since ancient times.
In Japan, real thinkers from all walks of life are writing genuine papers day and night.
Japanese is a beautiful language, but it is not the standard language of the world.
That is why the world did not know about Japan.
A recent book by Yoshio Kisa, former Yomiuri reporter and Berlin correspondent, "Germany is becoming 'anti-Japanese,' its true identity," really proves that my article was correct.
This book is one of the most important books of the 21st century.
This article continues.
