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The Economistで学ぶ英単語2

2015-01-24 18:54:31 | The Economistで学ぶ英単語


Mrs Aquino left the economy in a shambles, yet people revived their faith in the image she projected, making it possible for her son, Benigno Aquino, to become president. Mr Estrada was jailed for prodigious graft, yet his people kept hope alive, making him runner-up in the last presidential election.

The economy has grown at some of the fastest rates in Asia since Mr Aquino took office, but at the last count about one-quarter of the population still lived below the official poverty line. During his visit Pope Francis was explicit in reminding his flock that poverty and corruption still dog the Philippines. But Filipinos may feel they have no better alternative to the unwavering faith which holds that deliverance, whether by a pope or president, is nigh.




prodigious graft:途方もない汚職  explicit:率直な、明白な  dog:悩ませる(面白い使い方ですね。)







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