

アサンジの姿が消えてからの時系列Wikileaks & Julian Assange Update - Full Timeline of Events

2016-12-07 09:35:42 | 真実の在り処

Wikileaks & Julian Assange Update - Full Timeline of Events

2016/12/04 に公開この動画の中身は時系列に以下にまとめられています。エクアドル大使館に亡命中だったアサンジがインターネットをカットされてからの動向が並べられています。スウェーデンの作為的行動もおかしいですね。以下翻訳したいが、各自確認してみてください。10月18日にはFOXはアサンジが逮捕されたニュースを報道していますね。


More info:

Wikileaks themselves confirmed they have been working with the CIA. Our video exclusive from inside information form ex black opps has confirmed this. Wikileaks have confirmed Julian Assange was been taken by the CIA in a black opps operation on October 16th, 2016. Julian and Wikileaks stuck a deal with the CIA, but the deal went sour. An SOS for help was sent out by Wikileaks in a series of coded messages on the 14th of October, and more in the following days.

Full timeline at 3:13

Oct 17th - Wikileaks account Free Assange tweets out a threat to Clinton not to harm Julian.
Oct 18th - Fox news makes an announcement that Julian Assange is moments away from being arrested.
Sometime in October, the new account of Wikileaks Task Force is added to Wikileaks accounts.
Oct 18th - http://file.wikileaks.org/file made public visible files, dates/ time stamps changed to 1984 Orwell reference.
Oct 20th - /r/wikileaks,/r/dncleaks,/r/wikileaks taskforce add 21 new moderators and remove previous moderators. All threads about Assange go missing and are deleted since permanently.
Oct 20th - Free Assange account sends private message to Wikileaks Party person abusing and trying to discredit the Wikileaks Party and its leader Newt Pressmen. This account was also caught in lies in the message. Which alerted Wikileaks Party that Wikileaks had been compromised.
Oct 21st - 16:00 BST at Airport Chem false flag.
Oct 21st - Tweet: “The Obama administration should not have attempted to misuse its instruments of state to stop criticism of its ruling party candidates. At the same time Wikileaks bank accounts are emptied.
Oct 22nd - Gavin Mc Fadyen mentor to Assange and key player in Wikileaks dies of lung cancer.
Oct 23 - Wikileaks tweets a poll asking how to prove Assange is alive. The poll chose a video, however, no video was ever made.
From October to present day, December 2016, Wikileaks have tweeted “Stop asking for proof of life”.
Oct 23rd - Wikileaks tweets: “We will release Statement tomorrow about Assange. Our editor is safe and still in full command despite reduced communications with staff.” No statement was made. Note the amount of words, word for word, from tweet in our article, it goes over allowed limit of twitter words.
Oct 24th - Wikileaks tweets out a video from June 2016 of Assange and Michael More for proof of life from June 2016.
Oct 26th - John Kerry Meets Colombian drug lords. The Secretary of State John Kerry flies to Antarctica.
Oct 26th - Tweet sent to us saying Assange is dead now, so is Wikileaks. The tweet was sent from the Hillary Clinton campaign twitter page, however, the tweet was then deleted by them.
Oct 26th - 4chan users successful decode first messages into WikiLeaks block chain.
Threads are constantly flooded with shills-trolls- saying that’s not worth looking into. The block chain is blocked with fees and 43,000 unconfirmed transactions appear in the mempool.
October 29th - Nov 1st Retired Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn shared two articles on his Twitter account and sends out a series of tweets claiming that Clinton was involved in money laundering and a high-level child sex ring. #PizzaGate is real. The corruption is bigger than WaterGate.
Nov 4th - Wikileaks suffers huge Denial of Service attack take down, this is the first time in many years. They tweet out their bank account for donations because they are offline, so is the Wikileaks shop.
Nov 7th - Hundreds of Podesta and DNC emails are missing from recent leaks from the website and from Wikileaks twitter feed, accessed from the inside of their network.
Nov 10th - Obama Administration, Senior US government figures, including Hillary Clinton, and Joe Biden have called for WikiLeaks to be registered as a terrorist organization and founder Julian Assange to be considered a “high-tech” terrorist, while government strategists and military top brass have called for his assassination.
Nov 12th - riseup.net tweeted out coded message: Dead Canary email server used by Wikileaks had been compromised. Told not to use it.
Nov 12th - #Putin issues an International Arrest warrant for #GeorgeSoros, Dead or alive.
Nov 14th - The Swedish Persecutor Ingrid Isgren flew all the way to the UK to take a video statement from Julian Assange. To keep up the charade the CIA had Swedish Prosecutor do her illusionists show to the world. The press were all gathered outside, none the wiser to what had gone down last month.

ÄÑØŇ Ḧḭṽḕ:

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