
 ~ 誰れもが幸せになれる御教え ~


2013-11-16 15:31:14 | 日記


   ~  神の御心  ~

いとしきわが子よ いとしきわが子よ
そなた達は 幸せに生きよ 健やかに生きよ
己れ自身を 苦しむることなかれ
己れを愛し 己れを愛するが如く 他を愛せよ
汝らの 喜びは 我が喜びなり
汝らの 苦しみは 我が苦しみなり
いとし子よ 自らを苦しむることなかれ

我は愛ゆえにそなた達を 形として現せし
いとおしきが故に 旅立たせし者なり
いとし子よ そなた達が この地上に 
我が心と 汝らの心と想念行為を照らし合わせよ
もし我が心と離れし箇所に気付かば それを悔い改めよ
その時 汝らの魂は清まれり

我が与えし その肉の身を持ち
我が思いを この地上に示し現せよ
汝らは 我がいとし子なるが故に
我は汝らの父なり 父は唯 子の幸せを願う
自らを浄め 自らを高め 自らの神我に目覚め
我は唯 汝らの帰りを 待ち望む者なり

English Version (恩師より頂戴しました英訳文です)

☆ Heart of God ☆

My dear, my dear.
Live you happily, live you soundly.
Do not worry yourself.
Love yourself and love others as you love yourself.
Your pleasure is my pleasure, your pain is my pain.
My dear, do not worry yourself.
Be awake that you are my dear.
Be awake your own Christ of God.

I am that created you in my own image and made you travel
to this phenomenal world of full hardships,
because of my love to you.
My dear, look back your whole life from the day you got your living body
and started traveling to this world till today.
Check up your heart, your conceptions and your deeds with my owns.
If you notice the parts that apart to my heart, repent them.
At the time, your soul shall be absolved.
With the living body I gave you, convey and prove my ideas on the earth
incarnate my heart on the earth.

I am your father, as you are my dear,
father is concerned for his children’s happiness.
Come back to my heart by absolving,
up grading yourself and awaking to your own Christ.
I always wish your return to my heart.

       ~ 感謝・合掌 ~