

to Sapporo

2006-09-18 15:54:20 | アート・文化

Sany0016_2 今日は300人近くの女性が集まるランチパーティによばれてきた。知った人も多く、毎年この集まりにアートプリントや絵皿を寄付しているけれど、カルチャーやアート、料理に花と、数々の素敵なものにあふれた優しいイベントである。明日は、船会社の新造船竣工披露におよび頂いている。「車ごと乗船してください」とは粋な趣向である。


Sany0011_1 寿司の職人になりたいのだという。思えば中学時代からそう言ってはいた。「丁稚奉公」という伝統が、今も普通に存在すれば良いのだろうと思う。働くのが好きな子もいるのである。長男は高校入学と共にあらゆるアルバイトをしてきて、いつもとても良く働いてきている。たぶん、何でもいとわず働くと思う。転校先も、新天地でのアルバイトも、アパートも、すべて自分で調べて電話し、道を付けた。面白いではないか!外へ飛び出して行くのは若さの特権である。自立した人間になってほしいと思い、育ててきたつもりである。これからも見守り、応援していきたいと思う。・・息子の決断を聞いた私の友達は「アンタにそっくり」と言い、ダンナの友達は彼に「お前にそっくり」と言う。遺伝ならなおさら仕方ない!(笑)



I had a good time with the ladies at the women's luncheon party today. I donate a framed fine art-print and the several plates as usual for their door prize. Feel so happy they love the arts I create very much. We women like to have fun on gathering, chatting, we also enjoy foods, flowers as visual sweets!

I am invited to the another party tomorrow morning. It's for celebrate the Grand Completion of new ship"wakanatsu" by the leading shipping company of okinawa, RKK.They are offering us enter to drive into the ship! How exciting. I definetely drive Boxstar.

By the way, I have to get to Sapporo from tomorrow after I attend the party at the port. This trip is for my oldest son(age18). He is very much want to be a Sushi-cook in his future at the capital of the marine products(it means fresh fish) in Japan,Sapporo. I and my husband had talk to the son about this matter for a long time and decided to agree with him and cooperate with his plan. He need our help mainly for the finantial during his high school age expense (actually he is trying to transfar, 6months remaining). It had been very hard way to rowed up to today. Anyhow, from tomorrow, my son will start his real life at the new world. Someday, he would be succeed in his life, and we would be very proud of him. I, as his mother, feel deeply appreciation the person who had given to him a great effect and kindly help him grow up.Thanks so much, and watch him!