


2020-12-31 10:02:00 | 日記

今日の朝ごはんのメインは大根餅(台湾語:菜頭粿 ツァイタオゴエ chhài-thâu--kóe)です。次の写真のように大根と米粉で練り上げてホットプレートで焼きました。今年は一度も台湾へ行けなかったのでせめて大好きな台湾料理を自作して2020年の締めとしました。

今天的早餐主菜是蘿蔔粥(臺灣語:菜頭琴蔡濤戈耶chhéi-théu-kée)。 如下圖所示,用蘿蔔和米粉揉捏,用熱板烤制。 今年,我再也去不及臺灣了,所以我至少自己做了我最喜歡的臺灣菜,並結束了2020年。

Maine of today's breakfast is Japanese radish rice cake (Taiwanese language: Rape head ka TSAITAOGOE chhai-thau--koe). I forged by Japanese radish and rice flour like the next picture and baked it by an electric cooking plate. You could never go to Taiwan this year, so the Taiwanese food I like very much at least was written by itself and it was made a settlement in 2020.


2020-12-28 09:10:18 | 日記


今天的便當是雞肉、蘑菇和米飯的蒸飯。 我加了蓮花根、豆子和銀杏。 有煎蛋和小松菜籽油炒和切乾蘿蔔燉菜。

Today's box lunch is steamed rice of chicken mushroom glutinous rice. Lotus root, a field pea and gingko nut, I put toppings. There are also an omelet, Komatsuna leaf mushroom thin fried tofu fry and dried chipped radish


2020-12-27 20:10:43 | 日記


梅花盛開。 名古屋市農業中心以垂梅而聞名。 每年2月下旬左右盛開,所以還有兩個月的時間。 然而,這裡荒池綠地公園的紅梅開始綻放。

A plum bloomed. Nagoya-city agricultural center droops, and plum is famous. Because it's around the end of February every year, full bloom is still also the previous thing for two months. But a plum tree with red blossoms in Araike Ryokuchi-park has already begun to bloom here and there here. A cause of recent global warming?


2020-12-25 08:17:53 | 日記


今天的午餐是炸豬排。 豬肉炸豬片、洋蔥、牛蒡、胡蘿蔔、蓮花、花椰菜、蘑菇和蘿蔔葉等都用秘密湯煮熟。 最後,我用雞蛋閉上蓋子,畫了一張自畫像。

Today's box lunch is a pork cutlet bowl. A fried pork cutlet and a leaf of onion, burdock, carrot, lotus root, broccoli, mushroom and Japanese radish were boiled tightly with secret soup stock. I cooked with beaten eggs in the end and drew a self-portrait.


2020-12-24 08:06:27 | 日記


今天的便當是黑毛和牛的牛肉碗。 包括牛肉、半熟雞蛋、牛頭魚、胡蘿蔔、蘿蔔、蘑菇、鮭魚、厚油炸、大白菜和西蘭花。 用紅薑裝飾。

Today's box lunch is a beef bowl of black hair Japanese Cattle. There is beef, a soft-boiled egg, a burdock, a carrot, Japanese radish, a mushroom, konnyaku, thick fried tofu, Chinese cabbage and a broccoli. It was decorated with red pickled ginger.