Japanese and Koreans invaded Asia. We apologize.

イギリス 多文化主義 学校

2008年05月29日 15時36分40秒 | Weblog

In one case Polish children drew pictures of apes sitting in palm trees and claimed this was what their black classmates looked like, while in a school in Acton, west London, a group of teenagers hurled daily abuse at non-white staff and pupils.

: 'It's true, most Polish people don't like Indians and black people. (Multiracial Britain confuses Poles)April 15 2007



The number of pupils suspended from school for racist abuse rose by nearly a third in a year, government figures revealed yesterday.

There was a 29% rise in temporary exclusions for this reason in England in 2004-05, taking the figure to 3,390, according to the most recently available information collated by the Department for Education.# The Guardian,
# Saturday April 14 2007


Britain's schools are turning into "ethnic and religious ghettoes" creating a "ticking time bomb" of racial and cultural tensions waiting to explode, the Commission for Racial Equality warned yesterday.Debbie Andalo
Thursday April 26, 2007


A majority of pupils in many areas of the country - particularly in deprived former mill towns in the north of England - have little contact with children from different ethnic backgrounds, even though they live in close proximity.

The figures are bound to raise fresh concerns about the phenomenon of 'white flight', where some families move area to remove their children from schools where there is an intake is predominantly Asian children. The split in communities can also lead to increased racial tensions.Revealed: UK schools dividing on race lines(Sunday May 27 2007)




