Japanese and Koreans invaded Asia. We apologize.

resemble nothing so much as ーーその意味は?

2018年11月14日 01時58分34秒 | Weblog

According to their delirious foes, “cultural Marxists” are an unholy alliance of abortionists, feminists, globalists, homosexuals, intellectuals and socialists who have translated the far left’s old campaign to take away people’s privileges from “class struggle” into “identity politics” and multiculturalism. Before he executes the professors, the protagonist of Mr. Lind’s novel expounds on his theory to their faces: “Classical Marxists, where they obtained power, expropriated the bourgeoisie and gave their property to the state,” he says. “Where you obtained power, you expropriated the rights of white men and gave special privileges to feminists, blacks, gays, and the like.” It is on the basis of this parallel that the novel justifies carnage against the “enemies of Christendom” as an act showing that “Western culture” is “recovering its will.”

The wider discourse around cultural Marxism today resembles nothing so much as a version of the Judeobolshevik myth updated for a new age. In the years after the Russian Revolution, fantasists took advantage of the fact that many of its instigators were Jewish to suggest that people could save time by equating Judaism and communism — and kill off both with one blow. As the historian Paul Hanebrink recounts in an unnerving new study, according to the Judeobolshevik myth, the instigators of communism were the Jews as a whole, not some tiny band of thinkers, conniving as a people to bring communist irreligion and revolution worldwide.


ユダヤ・ボルシェビズム神話というのは、、西洋で不当に嫌われていたユダヤ人と共産主義者を抱き合わせ、共産主義者はユダヤ人だ! として共産主義者を駆逐せんとする神話のことらしい。


The wider discourse around cultural Marxism today resembles nothing so much as a version of the Judeobolshevik myth updated for a new age



resembles nothing so much as a giant greenhouse

It means not only that it resembles a greenhouse, but that of all the things that it could resemble, a greenhouse is the one it resembles most.



looking like nothing so much as Aで、Aとしか見えない ですね。
ここは、notingと一緒になっているので、Aほどと同等に見えるものは、何も無い。 という直訳です。つまり、A以上に見えるものは何もない ので、Aにしか見えない ということになります。


resemble nothing so much as


