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2019年05月07日 03時37分37秒 | Weblog

with the national unemployment rate at a 30-year-low, young Germans have lost their appetite for vocational training. Companies face a shortage of skilled workers that could ultimately derail their growth.

“We have real reasons — not just soft, feel-good ones — to assist and help and push refugees into vocational training,” said Günter Hirth, an economist with the Chamber of Commerce in the central German city of Hanover. “The German economy needs qualified workers.”

Whether it can find them among the refugee population could determine the answer to two of the country’s most daunting questions: Can Germany integrate its vast numbers of asylum seekers? And can its economy continue to hum as the native-born population ages?

On both counts, early indications have been promising, if inconclusive.

With a shrinking native population, Germany desperately needs those young people.

“If Germans want to maintain their economic well-being, we need about half a million immigrants every year,” said Wolfgang Kaschuba, former director of the Berlin Institute for Empirical Integration and Migration Research. “We need to guarantee that our society stays young, because it’s aging dramatically.”

Other factors that hold down participation rates include the possibility that an asylum seeker could be deported. Few companies want to invest in a worker who is still applying for refugee protection and may be turned down.

The German government has made some effort to ease that worry, instituting what is known as the 3-plus-2 rule: Rejected asylum seekers can stay in their traineeships for three years and work for at least two more without worrying about being shipped out. Proven skills and a work history can then be an advantage when they reapply to stay.






