Japanese and Koreans invaded Asia. We apologize.


2011年05月11日 04時46分02秒 | Weblog
MG Says:
May 11th, 2011 at 12:13 am
And come to think of it, the sign in Tsukiji (which Ponta=Sora is so proud about having “solved”) ALSO specifically said “Japanese PEOPLE Only”.

I can’t figure out if Ponta=Sora is in denial about the fact that some humans DO practice racial discrimination, or if he is simply very, very, naive.

Probably the typical conversation between Ponta=Sora and a racist goes like this:

Ponta=Sora: “Excuse me, some non-Japanese have noticed your sign, but this must be a simple misunderstanding, because you’re not racist, right?”

Racist: “Nope, I’m not racist at all. No-one in Japan practices racial discrimination. No way! It’s just another misunderstanding.”

Ponta=Sora: “Yeah, I know. Well, the sign has been noticed, and some complaints are going to come your way soon, so you should consider taking it down.”

Racist: “OK, I’ll take it down to avoid the complaints. (I’m still going to continue doing what I’ve always done, which is to try serve Japanese PEOPLE Only, because their patronage is safer and more profitable, but at least from now on I’ll be more sly about about how I discriminate, for example I’ll just claim, ‘Sorry, all full, maximum occupancy and all that, cheers!’) Thanks for the heads up!”

Ponta=Sora: “My pleasure.”

*Ponta=Sora puts down the phone and pats himself on the back, then proudly posts something like, “No racism here folks, it was just another simple misunderstanding, I’m sure of it, the owner told me so! He wouldn’t lie, ware-ware Nippon-jin don’t lie, especially to each other. Case closed. The country I happen to have been born in has absolutely ZERO aspects in which it should practice Kaizen. There is absolutely NOTHING I would like to change about any actions committed by my people. I’ve got a blog in which I’ve CLEARLY proven to my readers that I am totally sure that there is NO problem with Japan’s current way of doing things. To put it simply, my country is PERFECT!”*








